Friday, January 13, 2012


The revolution will not happen by itself.
I can’t turn over for another hour’s sleep,
Then see it like late morning’s sun,
so many hours risen . . .

The revolution will not happen 
from my smugness
where I pretend I’ve worked out
all my issues
and can simply wait . . .

The revolution needs
my deep insistence, daily
on the laws which cause my brightness
and every dawn
and refusing to again be duped
by any story casting life as barren.

The revolution takes knowing
You are needed
I am needed
Each one needed, uniquely
Swelling in the firm, insistent way of seeds
Whose self-unfoldment cracks the rocks
Each tiny one performing
Its own miracle of growing
So the revolution comes.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 13, 2012

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