Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Borrowing Home

We come to this place
that is so full of home
that we can bask in it —
soak it in, feel royal,
receiving the gift of everything
that has been tended

Lush lilies fragrance their gratitude for water,
mint its gratitude for wind,
Water of the creek sings sweetly
down towards evening,
my feet, wet and cool
beneath their shimmer

This place is home —
Not ours, but enough its own
to richly share,
make us rest easy 
in the bounty of its essence.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 29, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

An Angel

Well, I asked for an angel
and it came streaming in,
bright and searing as molten glass
but cool, like crystal water.
I felt it fill me from the inside
(slowly, for my need was great)

It said, This is what you are,
this is what feeds you, this is
your comfort — this is how you know
you will always choose life,
always choose the vital, vibrant surge
that puts feet on mountaintops,
and gives them balance
in the brave curve of waves,
gives form and purpose
to wings riding updrafts

Nothing can take this away from you
or anyone else. Nothing can obscure
its presence. And the right angel
will come to everyone who has a need,
shining, from inside of them,
each one’s truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 28, 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015


It had nothing to do
with what we were striving for
and maybe even less
with what we achieved

It came up beside us
while we were running,
It was there while we celebrated,
while we gathered in our earnings
and our winnings
But it didn’t reside in them

People who have time to,
speculate about the sources —
put forth their formulas —
what is required to find happiness

They may be astonished
at the vast disagreements,
how incomprehensible others are
with what they espouse and reject

But the fulfillment
isn’t in any of those —
It rises from our being
as much a part of us
as our breath.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2015

(photo by Susanne Weiss)

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Transition times
take on a leanness
in which there’s little room
for leisure

The lines of purpose stretch out,
and time accelerates
down their smooth curves

Sometimes spaces in between the action
seem empty
since there have been no still pockets
in which to gather things to do
for fun or self development

Other things are neglected, too —
tasks of low priority,
routine but non-essential,
projects that require an incubation time

There is none of that
in the rapid flow
towards something 
we cannot yet fully see,
some waterfalls to plunge
before we reach the quiet pools.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 25, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015

Achieving Peace

It comes down to a few things
that can’t be claimed by sects
or ideologies

Comes down to things
that can’t be argued over,
for their truth is not in words,
but felt in bones, and breath
and flesh, held in hearts
and known, thus, to be sound

Comes down to kindness,
comes down to kinship —
being kind, being of a kind —
It amounts to the same thing,
as long as it’s seen to be
without limits, without exclusion,
binding us into one basket,
one vessel, one Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 24, 2015

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Give me the lens to see the causal bones,
the structure upon which all movement hangs,
Let me see them shining there like jewels
beneath the mounds of things accumulated

Beneath the the names and forms,
the grades, the price tags,
and everything we shore up
in our struggle for security

Let me see how they stretch out
smooth and powerful,
glowing in translucent iridescence,
moving with the sovereignty
that marks their gait,
framing the procession of all life,
tuning the spheres
world without end.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 23, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I will not be shamed
but I will be humbled,
I will notice
what I have failed to see

I will not use it
to condemn myself,
I will use it to remind myself
that I am free

And as a free being
I don’t ever need
to host a view that fails
to reverence another.
I will not be witness
to any failing on their part,
I will witness
the strong truth that holds them steady

deeper than any shifting clouds of personality,
deeper than time,
deep as Mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 22, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dream Song

Today I share an old poem. I came upon it in a drawer yesterday, and remembered that there were many times when I pulled it out and tried to find a way to share it.
It is a source of deep joy and gratitude to me to have found my sense of I Am. I am a poet. 

There were signs of this all my life, but I didn’t recognize them because I had the false belief that my I Am had to be something acceptable, as in, providing a lucrative career, or at least a living. I’ve found that it’s something else — it’s the understanding of who I am that I really belong to, belong in. The center of my worth. The thing I don’t have to prove to anybody. I have found that I Am for myself as a poet.

Even before I knew that, poems marked important realizations in my life. The one I’m sharing today was the one where I realized that I didn’t need, anymore or ever, to be afraid that I would never find love. The realization came to me in a dream and in reflecting on it in the morning. The poem solidified it in my thought. This happened in the gap year I took between my sophomore and junior years of college, and I started experiencing the truth of it the next year. 

The poem is long, as it points out in its beginning. It came to me all in a rush the morning after the dream, which occurred while I was visiting my uncle and aunt in Vermont. I altered it a little some years later.

Dream Song

Something caught my eye 
and caught my mind with equal fury —
Though my senses, numbed and startled, 
caught its image, it was blurry

Let my heart help me remember,
let my craft help make it strong
that the people all may hear it
in the rhythm of my song

I said, Child, don’t write an epic
for it never will be read
and songs that no one sings
will still keep pacing through your head

Yet I couldn’t write for buyers
and I couldn’t write for cheers
and I couldn’t write for angels
till I’d exorcised their fears,

for even gilded ceilings tumble, shambled, in defeat,
and then will come the victory of the grass beneath the street
If no one hears my story, it still will mean something,
The golden empress trumpets dawn
and so I sing:

The day has risen on my dream
which, though it’s faded, leaves a gleam
that tints the corners of my sight
with color, and with swift delight
In content and in skilled design
no dream I’ve had has been so fine —
When I awoke I surely knew
it was so good, it must come true.

From my dark and timid places
where my tender hopes crouched still,
I’ve beheld the flowing graces 
of the dancers in their skill —
It looked so easy, yet my limbs,
young and untried,
had no chance
nor impulse to arise and join the dance
So I could never say I’m graceful
or know if my nimble feet
would move surely with the rhythm
or sadly off the beat

I’ve had friends who have had lovers
and their glances were secure,
and I tried to learn their secret —
how their love could be so sure,
because my love has been so doubt-filled,
or I’m sure, but then I’m wrong
and I find myself most lonely
when trying to belong,
and though I was strong and cheerful,
others had their dreams fulfilled,
and I, at times, grew fearful
that my urge to love be chilled

And yet, with clearer eyes, I saw the pain
of ties ill-bound —
how certain hell took reign
as hope unwound,
and how loveless demands
could prey upon their peace
and wound the struggling hands
that sought release

Across this troubled thought moved my dream
with warming peace of sun’s midmorning beam:
In dappled shade, we sat and talked,
my friend and I, upon a rock
where forest stretched below and cliffs above,
in summer’s golden light, we talked of love.
To know so clearly how we felt and where we stood,
how we both loved each other, and that it was good
resolved my turbid doubts about my days
and made my greatest triumph be their praise

When I awoke and knew that this was mine
I saw I needn’t wait for some great love to come
to shine:
The gift of love awaits
in each day as in each dream —
There is no need to stalk or scheme.

Arise, arise, behold the eyes
of she that cries “awaken, skies!”
The golden empress trumpets dawn
and says to dark “be gone, be gone.”

And so, my song is written
and I’m glad I chose to speak
and it gives me joy and courage
to be finding what I seek,
And when the evening deepens,
as the shadows fall in place,
I will set a watch upon the night
to hold my thought in grace:

The umber empress of the fire
guards amber warmth and purple spire,
as embers glimmer, ashes heap,
now lights arise in dream-blessed sleep.

©Wendy Mulhern

Monday, July 20, 2015

Standing Wave

My body is a standing wave of Spirit —
As Spirit flows, so I am,
The steady coursing of present Life
defines my being, shapes me,
fills me with sustaining joy.
As Spirit moves, so I move —
Thus, in my flesh,
I see God.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 20, 2015

Things That Bring Joy

The sudden scent of fir and earth
where sun has warmed them,
the gentle bend of grasses in the breeze,
the spread of cirrus clouds across a blue sky,
the flight of birds, the distant murmuring of trees

The ready rising to a task at hand,
the steady focusing, a problem solved,
hard work brought through to its intended end,
a bath, a pizza, friends to top the evening off

But most of all, to help another feel their worth,
to see their genius and to celebrate it,
This joy encompasses all that I live for,
brings me full circle,
hails heart, hearth and earth.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 19, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July Grasses

A month later
the grass has had its heyday
(though it has not been hayed)

The seed heads and the stalks 
are dry
They have chosen
various burnished golds

Their work is done,
their celebration continues —
wind-dancing in the sun
amid the green bracken,
they sing softly with
the trees and insects
all through the afternoon.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 17, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I separated myself
from the acceleration,
escaped the vortex
with just a wobble at the lip of it,
then floated free and still —
only in the reflection on it
amazed by where I might have ended up
if I had wandered
just a little closer

I did not join that battle.
But now I am collecting
a more pervasive calm,
a positive peace,
a zone that extends its power
even to where everything
dropped down before,
even where all was lost
because everyone is needed
and no one, ultimately
can be swept away.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 15, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Your path, too,
has always been loved —
Though you have felt alone,
though you have wandered
haunted by so many whispered
cautionary tales

You have been seen,
you have been cheered for —
all your singularities
have been appreciated

Though you were warned otherwise,
you can never walk away from being loved —
That fact is always with you
like every other integral
aspect of yourself:
You can’t be separated
from your truth,
you can’t be severed
from your love.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 14, 2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015


When all the foreign voices in your head 
are hushed,
you’ll know that you have always known
how solid, how unmovable,
how deep 
is your intrinsic worth

This is why you care enough
to defend yourself,
this is why you care enough
to be sad

This is how you know that you’ll prevail —
your essence will prove equal
to everything it needs to bring you through.
You’ll rise to more than you dared hope:
The truth about yourself
will guide you surely
to the great work your heart desires to do.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 12, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stress and Clamor

It can feel like a high desert —
winds blowing fierce around the buttes,
tough sage leaning in against the rocks

There is a still
where water gathers
and the seep of secret green
colonizes crevices

Lush plants spring up,
frogs sing (where did they come from?)

This is the reward for going deep
beneath the stress and clamor of the day,
This is what you can bring
from your ever-sustaining source
to bless even the desert
with life and fragrance.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 11, 2015

Friday, July 10, 2015


I will see God
in my own flesh,
I will know in my body
that I am healed

I will feel the truth
in that most intimate way
where my body speaks
and my so-called mind
is taken entirely by surprise
and must surrender
to the imperative
presented in the moment

This experience
will not be co-opted —
though I seek to reproduce it,
touching flesh together
to re-enact the spark,
constructing circumstances
to replay the moment,
building fantasies to lead me back

I will at last be led
to the Spirit source
that owns everything
I can feel or know,
that wakes up everything
— heart, soul, flesh —
to exaltation,
to the mystery of Life.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2015

photo by Edward Mulhern

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Smell of Smoke

They are not touched
by the smell of smoke
or any aftermath
of any evil thing

There is no chain of hurt
no mindless consequence
blowing down the canyons
into people’s lives,
nothing that can sit upon them
bearing down upon their lungs

Every one of them
regardless of what happened
anytime, anywhere,
can find themselves
clear and holy,
pure and whole,
just as they are imaged
in the Mind that makes them
who they are.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 9, 2015