Sunday, November 30, 2014


Early morning frost
alerts each surface
to the coming touch of sun —
All edges glow crisp and white
until the moment of contact

Then they are transfixed, quickened —
Breath rises dancing,
They are dazzled
and they dazzle,
silvered crystals almost audible
against the breath-held sky.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 30, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Marcola, November’s End

The rain holds conversations with itself
and with the wind,
falling down on several metal roofs,
tapering off, then thinking
of something more to say,
The over-full river
occasionally adds a murmur

We eavesdrop for a while
inside our cozy cabin
until lulled toward sleep,
our minds washed with visions
of the beckoning land.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 29, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Against manifest mass insanity
There’s no way to struggle,
No way to even begin a vast journey
across football fields,
across big box malls,
across miles and miles
of thickly sprayed synthetic crops
(whole towns decimated, desiccated)

Against the broadcast lies,
There is no mouthpiece big enough
to even formulate the counter-facts —
I’m rendered speechless
by having too much to say
and such a little voice

All I can do
is turn away from the whole story,
All I can do
is learn how to be real,
All I can do
is forge a new truth
from shared vision
and shared breath
and shared time.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sands of Change

I will flow into my sensing 
of what is true,
I will not wait for others to go first.
I will pour like sand,
no grain delaying,
with the full commitment
of all my weight,
aware that gravity is here
and my surrender
moves me with calmness
through the changes,
and the weight of others
will be eased
into the leaning
of my willingness
to go down,
to settle
all the way in.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Each day I live
is as dependent 
on my activity
as is a fountain’s form,
whose dancing plumes
are only seen
so long as it keeps flowing

No grand success of yesterday
saves me from today,
no revelation
releases me from this day’s need
for my salvation

I fail, I fail each day
until I seek my source
which, rising up through me
along its natural course
achieves with ease
what I could not, by will or force,
comprising me for now and ever more.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

The First Commandment

You are not held hostage
to the god of blight,
the god of dread and loneliness,
the one who says you are unworthy

When you are set free
There’s one imperative:
Don’t bow down to any law but good

Your goodness
and the blessedness of everything
is the one thing to hold to —
That will make you feel
cozy in the darkness
and golden in the light,
impervious to all incursions
on your inner fire,
inspired by the steadiness
of Life’s care.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 24, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Anatomy of Desire

I want to be astonished,
want to feel
something I couldn’t have expected,
want that awakening
into the sense that I’m
not in control, as I thought,
that some force much larger than me
is shown to have held the reins all along
so that all my assessments dissolve

Not that I crave helplessness
or even being overpowered
for its own sake,
Just that I want to be in awe

For awe impels my growth
into something I only faintly sense,
deeper and older than hope,
some destiny
worthy of my whole soul. 

©Wendy Mulhern
November 23, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014


They were tired of living on a set,
Tired of days under electric suns
in houses with cardboard walls
with all their plastic food and friends,
their plastic props, their plastic topics

They found themselves longing for loam
with its uncompromising scent,
and wood fire — how these things
cling to your skin and get inside your dreams —
for true work and true harvest

And ways of moving with the land
that leave little need for words,
and no time to worry at
nit-picky issues of their egos
and their relationships —

Finding their unity and their identities
in concert with the present forces
and today’s insistent needs,
the smell of leaves and rain
and the sweet falling to rest
at day’s end.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014


I tried to mend the space
my knife eyes had slashed to ribbons
in their tense sweeping arcs
across the room
I soaked it in the russet soup
that floats behind closed eyes,
gave it permission to dissolve
and then re-form

The traffic ribbon cut,
in torturous red
through my psyche,
slow, intractable. I couldn’t
leave it

I tied a bow around my hopes and plans
and left them, only too aware 
that any conscious effort on my part
to bring them to fruition
would have to fail.
I left them to be met
by some life force
larger and more precise
than my fumbling hands.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 21, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lyric Body

My lyric body dances on sound,
Skips along the logs at Richmond Beach,
Leans into the lift of wind,
Sings the tunes that rise up in response

This is the flow 
of joy-impelled intent
which moves to celebrate the balances
of all that breathes in concert with the day
and all the ways it touches
and is touched

This is not the mechanism
I was taught was me,
nor yet a chassis I inhabit —
This is the one that flies in dreams
and also here, perhaps,
in the rich euphoria
spanning all my arcs,
connecting me.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

From the Liberation Handbook

We find that people
will heatedly defend
their right to be enslaved,
will boast of how much power
their enslaver has, compared to others,
how thoroughly they make them suffer,
how everyone should rightly
be subject to the same

We find that these
will not take kindly
to suggestions that they could be free

When this occurs,
go softly —
You’ll win no cases arguing against them.

Sit them down. Wash their feet.
Let them feel the gentleness
of your caress.
Let their toes —
just their toes at first —
stretch tender into freedom.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When We Went Through

We left our masks at the door —
Masks of norms, masks of respectability,
Each mask stamped from one of several molds
So each of us seemed one of many

We left our cloaks at the door —
Cloaks that hid 
our light-charged ascent,
our streaming brilliance,
our quick-electric connecting essence

And we abandoned all our static stories —
Histories that marked our limits,
all the tags, the terms, the titles
all that would excuse, explain
why we were so hemmed in

And all the habits,
all the ways we framed ourselves
(and had been  framed)
all the things we named ourselves
(or how we'd been misnamed)
everything we had condemned,
self-condemnation, too —
We left all that behind
when we went through.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014


I give thanks
for the layers of dawning,
after dream,
in which the worry lifts, the nagging
sense of needing, somehow,
to confront the problem.

Even quite some time after
I’m well awake, another wave
will wash me — wave of relief —
for there is nothing
I need to do to solve this.

I let myself forget —
It’s easy, really,
as the dimensions of the day
crowd out the linear projections
that scratched at my perception
through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Myth of Money

We’ve all spent many weary years
playing “mother may I” to the myth of money.
It’s time to stop.

Who puts a value on our life force?
On our creative impulses and actions?
Who puts a value on our love,
or on our skill, our care, our rapt attention?
Who says we have no value
except what we can monetize?

Each one of us is infinite,
Each has the power to bless,
Each one is worthy of the things we need
to keep us satisfied and well

We have the power
to draw our own true web
to join us hand in hand across the earth.
We don’t need money systems to sustain us,
for that which gives us life
gives us our worth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 16, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Holding Out

Let me not be fooled
by false happiness,
the narrow sense of sort-of comfort,
the condition-based, conditioned state
wherein, I’m told, I should be satisfied
considering how horrid things could be

Let me not be duped to think
I could be happy
while others suffered,
or could, somehow, deserve
a better life than others

Let me hold out for truth,
wherein the whole huge scam
of merit, fate, sin, reward and punishment
is annulled,
and we all shine forth
in primal innocence,
in native joy.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

For Now

I have restrained myself
from noticing too often
how close this day lies
to the one last year,
how instant the return has been
to this place in the cycle

Fall to fall, time of fruition
to the last one, things accomplished,
things which, though they’ve gone through convolutions,
and many permutations,
seem uncannily the same

I try not to mention how surprised I am
how fast the moon wanes, then is full again,
or note the blip of weekends,
one quick tick after another —
like second hands, they sweep around

As for moments, they seem mostly full
and mostly singular. They don’t roll by
as rapidly as years. That’s why I try
to keep my focus here.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The True Image

The true image rises
maybe not because of all my efforts
but perhaps somehow related
to my attention

The true image rises
in the stillness that exists
within each moment,
where the ripples quiet
and the reflection clears

You shine it forth
to my astonishment —
This is just what I would have asked for
if I had known to

This is nothing of my invention,
nothing I could have fashioned —
This is the true image,
This is you.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 13, 2014

Vessel by Jennifer McCurdy
Photo by Julius Friedman

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cold Snap

The urge for hibernation,
held, till now, at bay
by so many color saturated
delightful days
receives a strong inducement
from the sudden cold —
seeping through the weave of clothing,
tightening my skin —
and the soft contrast
of the heated house,
and the early dark outside

Why not succumb
to the rumbling and rolling
sweeping world of dream
as folded and layered as covers
above sleep’s turnings,
wild as any autumn cold snap,
enticing as the blankets' cave
of inner warmth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014


Give me the energy
of the steep lean,
enough of an angle
that we feel supported by each other,
held up, creating in our leaning
a deep rest

Give me the weight
of a strong spin —
enough of us committed
that our gravity
will grant acceleration
and the swift exhilaration
of the way it feels
to be pulled continually in

We might think it's enough
to walk through our days
shoulder to shoulder,
a light rub reassuring us
of each other’s presence,
But sometimes we also need
the nourishment of leaning
into the strength that rises on its own
from the bond between us.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 10, 2014