Sunday, June 30, 2019


I sat still 
so I could
consider the angel —
that rift of my daily perception,
that tearing away
of the predetermined
course of things
(the slowly wilting fading picture
with all its hopes diminishing,
its outcome possibly horrific
or ultimately, in the best case,

The angel was like
a ripping of that scene in two,
revealing, where the picture was,
a vast expanse,
a light above the sun

I had to stop,
for everything is different,
have to watch
to see how I’ll be led.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 30, 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Taking a Stand

When I take a stand for kindness,
a straight and square stand,
no wobbly plea

When I take a stand for fair dealing —
no drama, only honesty

When I take a stand for goodness —
not tomorrow, or at some
vaguely gestured at

These things will win,
for they are solid —
not found in the elusive
posturing of quid pro quo,
but simply what they are,
ever here, frame and bulwark
of our home.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 29, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Before the Rain

I sit on the cabin porch
and wait for the rain,
listening to thunder
and the rattle of the neighbor’s tractor
as he tries to get his grass mowed in time.
The wind comes up, the daisies and the firs
send message —
I can smell it, I will see it soon

A doe is nonchalantly
grazing in the meadow,
little birds are quiet
while trucks keep rolling home,
and the rain is here
fresh and rhythmic on the roof,
the place we are suddenly grows small
but we are dry
and there is room enough.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 27, 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Mice tease out the seeds
from grass heads, and they weave
the soft chaff into bedding

(I know because
when we moved lumber
we found a stash)

I don’t know if they camp
or homestead. I don’t know
if we uprooted them
or if they were long gone

I know they have busy hands
and keen noses, and they seek heat
and water, and soft fiber, 
and they get around.
I know they can live without us
but I think they would rather not.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 26, 2019

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Grace, Given

Let me pause and consider
how grace is given us,
moment by moment,
day after day

Not as some rare prize
we came on by chance
or earned with great virtue
or masterful play

Grace is given —
it blesses us,
though we’re confounded
by how we occasioned it,
how it arrives

Grace we live in
will bless, too,
the others around us –
in blessing us, they, too,
will graciously thrive.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 25, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

A kind of lostness

There was nothing substantial
to make a poem with
in that squid-inky mass of emotions
that squished around on the currents
of deep sighs, and a breeze
a little too cold to fall asleep in,
a state that could pass
like the swing of a hammock
or an adjacent snore
of exhaustion, late in the afternoon
of a day so unabashedly brilliant
that no kind of lostness
made any sense,
yet there it was,
waiting to be redeemed.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 23, 2019

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Everything comes when we need it —
help, visitors, time on our own,
and someday we may learn to trust
the Principle which brings this all in line

Someday we may understand
that what is given
is not the things that meet our needs,
but our identity, our heritage
as ones who are provided for
with richness and bright whimsey,
with thoughtfulness and boundless generosity —
given this place in Mind where
we sing and delight and are loved and delighted in,
just like everything is.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 22, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019

The first day walls went up

We found ourselves moving
through a haze,
a sun-bleached, wind-burned, work-worn haze,
moving, because we weren’t clear
how to stop,
asleep on our feet, not sure
how to find revival

We felt nomadic, rustic, almost homeless,
though our home is growing,
though our home is vast.
We will sleep, we will rise,
we will work again,
we’ll count this all for joy
after we’ve rested.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 21, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


The day fills up with
the bobbing of grass shafts,
their heads identifying
distinct natures
above the blades

The day fills up with
winds that rise and fall
and the clicks and tocks of ravens
and the crystal-colored calls
of blackbirds

The day is full of
the presence of Spirit
rising up through everything,
causing and being everything,
each seed head and foot fall,
each breath, each perception,
each grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 19, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hollow Spaces

Is it OK to take a moment
before I step back
from the dry path of sadness,
to feel the desolation
before turning back to green?

It isn’t forbidden
but why I seem to want this
eludes me. this path was fruitless
even before the hope died,
it was a way I would have wasted
life energies and time

Well, being here, feel it —
feel the hollow wind
sucking at the dry rocks,
feel the hunger, feel the sorrow,
feel it for as long as you may need to

Then you can turn yourself,
and live.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 18, 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

Open Field

And if you didn’t think
you had enough,
you could always
open all the doors,
especially the ones
you thought were locked,
especially the ones
you didn’t know were there

A willingness
to allow for their existence
will help you see them,
a humbleness of mind
will help you find them.
What you need will flood in
without disturbing anything —
a dawning of awareness
of what’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 17, 2019

Sunday, June 16, 2019

All Things New

Not even time is exempt
from the rushing wind of Spirit,
not even the past can harbor wrongs
that don’t get swept away

All things are clean —
no atonement is demanded,
no punishment required
before you enter
the liberating kingdom
of the law of Life

Right now is when you’re governed
by that which has no adversary,
that which holds as sole demand for you
that you be subject
exclusively to Truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 16, 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Outsmarting the Devil

In the story, the devil rubs his hands
and says, “I got her!”
but I will slip free —
I will not allow sticky webs
to be built in corners
anywhere in my mind

I will not allow any compartments
to limit the luminous goodness
I see in the face of my neighbors
and sense in the love that I feel

I won’t be drawn in to complaint,
for it hides the brightness inherent
in each one’s desire to be loved.
It’s easy enough to just love them
and let the devil lose.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 15, 2019

Friday, June 14, 2019

The look of love

You wear the look of love
on your face. It’s easy to see
that someone lets you know
that you are cherished, every day.
It lends a sense of comfort
to your gait, your smile,
lets you move easy
through the changes in your life

If I can help someone —
—anyone — to look that way,
I’ll surely do it. It’s worth considering
in what small ways, and in what kind
of continuity of care, I can convey this
to people in my life,
so they will have the comfort they deserve.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 14, 2019

Early Afternoon

The wind sings through the fence,
tousles daisies, sends waves
of wheat-colored shimmer
through otherwise green grasses,
lends a gentle respite from the heat

We work on tasks for the mind —
how to see things, how to count,
what to count as real, what counts,
cicadas keep us company –
the welling and receding of their song
is counterpoint to trees’ rustle
and drone to melodies
of distant birds.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 13, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

By Virtue of Your Being

By virtue of your being, you can know
(before any assessment,
with no need to take your measure)
by virtue of your being —
just because you’re here —
you can know
that you are good

Good for your surroundings,
good for the ones you know,
good for the rolling out of time,
along the course of things that happen

Don’t ever think your being
is just grudgingly allowed —
you’re not a stand-in
for something that would be better

There is no way for you
to be any less than perfectly designed
and implemented
in the universe of Mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 12, 2019

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Sounds

It is a time of baby birds,
tiny choruses at intermittent times
from hidden places somewhere in the trees,
parents busy nabbing bugs
from fir and fern,
a flit that finally reveals their home

There is a joy in knowing without seeing
the daily hum of life,
hearing it move between the glimpses,
within the rustle of the wind,
sensing that, the longer we are here
the more of it we’ll understand.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 11, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

Feel This

Sweet child, feel this:
your source that holds you —
the depth and richness
of what it always offers

This well of sustenance
is your pleasure to pour forth,
in infinite, sparkling refreshment.
Nothing can hold your essence back,
nothing can stifle or wilt it

Dear one, in this
you are never alone,
and the path always opens before you,
bright as a river course,
full as this moment,
gathering others
to dance in its bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 10, 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Life Size

I’d come to think of my life as small —
small circles, small desire,
small prospects, small needs,
and it felt truer, certainly, than
how I used to wave my hand, 
and utter grand plans,
and watch, with something less than confidence,
for some great wave to come along
and bear me up to what I felt
was a deserving height

I recognize that humbleness
is both the starting point
and the essential stance
for riding on the arc of being.
I notice, too, that service to infinity
does not make me small

And so, though I don’t know
what it is for, or how it will work out,
I now am willing
to enlarge my tent.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 9, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019


The river calls its tributaries —
they are drawn to the flow —
all water follows
by virtue of what it is

Of water moved by Spirit
we are formed, we are born,
we are borne along the course prepared

Of water and of Spirit
we find ourselves
new as this breath,
steady as the presence of the infinite.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 7, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019


We’re building a house in paradise,
building it much more slowly
than winter peas which finally flower
despite the constant munching of them
by me and deer

We’re building paradise
with each instance of persistent care,
with our attention, our humbleness,
our patience,
and the quick moments of looking up
to notice the wonder of the day.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 6, 2019

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

No Future

Here I am, in this day,
in this project,
with no future to think of, beyond
it may rain this afternoon, beyond
we may get this house built sometime

Not sure of the purpose of future anyway,
with days as full as they are,
clouds coming in across the hills,
new mom turkey walking with her brood,
little nuthatch heard before sighted
flitting among the firs.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 5, 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Life as Tree

Nobody’s life is a straight course —
they all have their crashes,
public and private,
they all have their changes,
complete uprooting
of what they thought was true

The various chasms
may not be seen
on the paper veneer
of a life’s facade,
but we can understand
they are there

Nobody’s life is a story,
however much we’re trained
to think they are —
our lives are more like trees,
branches broken, other ones grown in,
taking every path that puts forth green.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 3, 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019


It is a time of sturdy growth —
bracken fern at chest, head, height,
grass still green but growing purple heads,
tender bright new needles on the firs,
daisies lifting white across the fields

We, too, are feeling sturdy,
nourished by the land, the ground,
and by the care we give.
Some roots we never knew about
are taking hold,
making us steady, stable,
here where we live.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 2, 2019

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Sacred Offering

I consider the faces of gratitude
and notice
they don’t include
a feeling of not deserving
what has been given,
though the gift is immense,
though I have longed for it
all the way down my memory
as far as I can see

When I see that I have it now,
I can’t say I shouldn’t want it,
or that I haven’t earned it,
or that I have.
Gratitude is exactly the price
for the beauty of my days.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 1, 2019