Monday, January 30, 2012

Capture, Rapture

Something in your eyes
Reached straight into me
Hurtling its course
Through my eyes, through my throat
To my heart, to my gut
To my core
Roiling a great wake
Wherever it went
And I was caught
On your hook
Because you showed me
The part that calls out desperately
To be seen, and to be hugged
And I wanted to follow that line
All the way inside you
Point for point of contact
Till I knew
All your secret landscapes.

So I have been called
Not once, not twice,
But every time
So now I think
This isn’t made of you and me
But of the light that always seeks its own
It never asks for our consent
But darts out instantly
Like electricity
And sets the current running strong
To its own ends, to serve its song
Regardless of the constructs
We’ve presented as ourselves
The light is what seduces us:
It’s our desire to be lit up
That keeps us ever coming back for more.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012


It’s not your voice, I told him
that censures you, that censures me,
that seeks to keep us hemmed in
on a narrow path between our fears
with needs that go unclaimed, unmet
through weary, empty years
separated from each other
so we never feel
the grand connection that could comfort us
and flawlessly reveal
the glorious fireworks of our being
all the color, all the light
continuous igniting 
of the flame that pulses bright
to mark the vastness of the universe
in which we freely roam
which is defined by us
and is our rightful home
Your voice, I told him,
won’t consign our souls to hell
It knows what’s true about you
and it knows it well.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love, reconsidered

With everything in order
—all confusion put to bed—
it’s time to reconsider Love.
Love that shines from everywhere
to everywhere.  All points illumined
and illuminating.  Love that causes
everything, and stops at nothing.
Love that puts all stories of
a point-sourced love to rest;
Love that always blesses
and brings forth the best.
Love that lets no failing fester
but reveals
all that must be brought to light
and so be healed.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 28, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012


Only things that can receive
can be empty.
Consider this, O hearts, O arms —
The grand capacity of your design
How expertly you have been made
To hold, to take in
shelter and contain
To heal, embrace,
and then release again
To empty, fill, and so engage
in life, the grand enacting of creation
Exultant in its endless generation.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 27, 2012

(Picture: Jennifer McCurdy, "Gilded Vortex Vessel"; photo by Gary Mirando; background music: Max Richter, "From the Rue Villin")

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Your Purity

Your purity is not achieved
through negatives —
through not doing
not thinking 
not feeling

Your purity, like that of mountain streams
is won by jumping forth
Leaping in the love of life
Taking on everything
Clearing the stream bed 
through unrepressed movement
Hurtling free
with the forces that gather
Learning your essence
by being.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Learning Freedom

Today I begin
Step by patient step
To teach myself my freedom:

Freedom from fear—
For you are not the monsters
The news has said you are
Not waiting to attack
Not waiting to censure
You, like me
Are just waiting for a sign
That if you look to me
I will not pounce
I will not ignore you
I will welcome you in.

Freedom from judgement—
For it was never my idea
To mind the way a person smells
Or how they move or how they sing
Or what they like or what they wear
We’re made to breathe
In one breath of acceptance
In grand co-mingling, everything we are
communicated thus through all our senses
Embraced and celebrated
Brought in from afar.

Freedom to move—
In circles swift expanding
Beyond the cage in which I thought I sat
To touch in fearless care and understanding
And feel the waves of love
Encircle us at last.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sand Castle

Look how it falls
Turning and sinking
Its shapes tipping at wild angles
Before dissolving
Its fall as inevitable
As its standing seemed to be
No loftiness of spires
Escapes the sliding from beneath
As sand surrenders to the slip of water
No damp cohesion remains
Each grain in its communion
With the overwhelming sea
Suspended, so released
From past alliances
So little shift of tide it takes
To wash away the structure
And its memory
And leave a shining mirror
On the shore.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tectonic Shifting

See how we are connected
A chain of touch and memory
Contact invoked reverberation
Echoing and spreading

Once you touch the truth
It doesn’t matter what you brought
Your litany of limitations
All the mazes of your thought

The tuning of our oneness
Overtakes our notions of ourselves
The volume of the hum out-sounds
The drone of all mundane concerns

The secret of free energy is ours
But not to speak of
For only when it touches you can you be sure
it’s true
And then you’ll leave your whole collection
of self images
For one clear constant hit of who you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 23, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pool of Bethesda

(John 5: 1-9)

No angel at a certain season
guards the gate to wholeness
You don’t have to wait
until the water stirs
nor can the others
clambering before you
deprive you of your right
to stand up free.

Truth needs no conduit, no channel
no narrow source to shine its light
It pours forth spherical, eternal
Its reign established, sovereign and bright

(It has been said
To know the truth shall make you free
If this is true
It means that free is what you are
and isn’t something needing to be given
nor something you’re approaching from afar)

It is the same with love
(Please let my life be one that shows it)
No angel, bright or dark, can claim
it stands there to deliver or withhold it
No one can fail, right now
To be the miracle someone has ever sought
nor fail to see that they are loved
and so bestowed the peace that passes thought.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Mystery

Embracing you today, I felt
the tingle of the timeless touch of stars
that wheel in galaxies
across the fractal spheres of space
And send waves of awareness to each other
A steady, stretched out dance
that celebrates the universe

So we connect
And constellations of our touch
The sudden places of awareness
Burst like starlight
in the space
of our perception
Dark gaps between the sparks
whoosh by like worlds —
What are we, anyway?

I see us each as some bright galaxy
Lit up by love
Attracted by a force we give no name
Held in its tender harmonies
While wide we rove
Connected still
through time and space the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2010

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow day, choices

My hands, this morning, 
(following your lead)
Spoke of living in the sphere
or being on the wheel:

The sphere of possibilities,
The endless opportunities
that bloom out from the present openness,
acceptance of the moment,
its engaged embrace;

The wheel that grinds you
on its path of sameness —
The future—mere projection 
of a broken yesterday
that runs and runs with no hope for escape.

We watched my hands 
and heard the words interpret
while sitting at a cozy cafe window
and outside, icy pellets pretended to be snow
(as well they could, with us safe from their sting)

My boots had little purchase in the slush
They fared much better where the snow was fresh
and squeaked and creaked beneath our feet —
We walked three extra blocks to choose it.

My hands outlined the choices that are given
Our feet walked on the snowy paths we chose
So hands and feet and hearts can walk together
Our sphere unfolds before us as we go.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 19, 2012

Today marks the first anniversary of my poetry blog.  Two hundred eighty posts, a few more poems than that, since I sometimes put two in a post.  3991 page views, mostly from the US, but a steady amount from Russia, and a fair number of other countries represented.  Modest stats for viewership.  Rather prodigious stats for poetry writing, I must allow.

It was in the summer of 2010 that I first started considering that I might think of myself as a poet, that I might become one.  I found myself haunted by the sounds of words and the taste of images, as they spun themselves to me on bike rides.  The usual internal critics were also present, the ones who said only experts could rightly tell me if my poetry was any good, if it even counted as poetry.  And the ones who mentioned that a lot of the poetry that literary magazines seemed to favor was stuff that didn’t interest me at all, so what did the “experts” know?  And the ones who pointed out that you can’t make a living writing poetry, so what right did I have to spend my time developing the craft . . .

Nonetheless, the sweet confluence of sounds and images gave me too much joy to leave alone.  So I started to consider taking on the discipline of writing poetry often enough to sustain a poetry blog.  And a year ago, with a modest buffer of pre-written poems, I launched Earth Whispering.  Over time, as consistent writing improved my craft, I came to consider myself a poet.

The writing of a daily poem quickly became part of my life practice — a discipline that served to focus me on what was honest, what was salient, what about the day needed a poem.  It became part of a three-part practice that launched me on a year of amazing personal growth (the other two parts are prayer and dance).  I look forward to where it will take me this year.

Looking to the next year of my blog, I’d love to increase my readership.  I was awake at 2 this morning thinking about this — how I could maybe encourage my current readers to share it with others, and how uncomfortable I feel about asking them this.  One voice opines, shrilly, that if they had wanted to share it they would have already.  That, when I asked for feedback from an earlier blog, I got no response, and why should I expect this to be different?  

But I am forging forward anyway.  There might be a few of you who are willing to help, and that will make this solicitation worthwhile.  If you are in support of my gaining recognition as a poet, here are some ways you can help:
1) Follow my blog.  On the right hand side, under “About this blog,” there is a button that says “join this site.”  If you press it, you can use an identity you’ve already established, or you can make one up.  Then either a little picture of you appears, or an unidentifiable face, depending on what’s in your identity.  I’m not sure what all it does for you to be a follower if you don’t also have a blog, but I think it makes it easy for you to comment on my posts, which I would love.
2) Share my posts.  At the bottom of each post is a series of buttons which allow you to share my post to email, blogger, twitter, facebook, or google.  If you ever like one of my poems and think of someone else who might also like it, it would be very sweet of you to pass it on.
3) Tell me what else I might do.  If you have any savvy about these things and know what I could do to increase my readership, please let me know.

Thanks to everyone who read this note, and thanks in advance for any feedback you might have.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ode to Beethoven


So many years before my birth
Beethoven wrote the score
of my internal landscape.
His music opens doors
to wind-tossed trees and
fervent heady breathing of the day
the seething susurrus of grasses
and the pulsing of the light
and the fragrance of the air
and the insects’ humming flight —
How did he know?

His music walks
with sure and practiced steps
along the pathways of my hopes
my efforts and my struggles
through the darkness
to the ever unsuppressed
returning dawning of my joy
and the centered peace
that is my home—
His genius for me is not that he 
heard something no one else could hear
but that he wrote so truly
what is mine.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Nothing stops you.
But what wrestling will it take
To break free of every hook in thought
that snags against your fabric
so you’re caught
And makes you think you have no choice at all?

Nothing stops you.
But what words can overcome
the song of chains
you’ve heard so long you find its rattle soothing
Because (you think) it shows you where you are?

Nothing stops you.
In this moment you can rise to grasp
the vastness of your being
and the endless sky,
The power coiled within
that now can launch you free
to spin your dance across the deep expanse of space
Always supported in your native grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Soul play

to Edward:

I’ll be the kite
You be the anchor
I’ll take flight
You hold us steady
So we feel the wind.

You be the kite
I’ll be the surfer
Leaping along the waves
Delighting in your lift
Gratefully we spin.

We’ll be the kite
Truth can be our anchor
Holding us steady
As we reach new height
Soaring again.

Love can be the kite
We’ll be the surfer
Dancing as one
Waves splashing bright
The ride never ends.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012


To Becca:

At this time, it doesn’t matter
what has been your lot
your course so far
These things turn out to have no weight,
no say in who you are.
And if you have been sick
And if you’ve been deprived
And if each turn of life
seems to have conspired
against your dreams, and everything
to which you have aspired,
it doesn’t matter:
Today you are awake
Today you have decided to be mindful
And you will tell yourself
as often as it takes
that in this now
your present shining is enough
And the pink sky
can guide you
to the vastness of your being 
and the power of your turning
and the dawning that starts now
regardless of the day’s constraints—
This fuels your hope
and is fed by it
and renders you a beacon
for us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The language of touch

The language of touch
Is as broad, and as nuanced
As any language
And it can be learned
And passed from one to another
Like any language
And like many native languages
It has been forbidden
It has been almost lost
But it can be reclaimed
Pieced together and reconstructed
From the snatches of what we remember
What some gifted few
It can spread like oil
It can multiply
Till every body knows
How to speak it
And it can sing
In rich and glorious harmony
Shared, rising, rebellious
Overthrowing the long-enforced silence
That kept us boxed off from each other
We will sing this language
Of touch
Until everyone hears it
And finds their way home.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012


The revolution will not happen by itself.
I can’t turn over for another hour’s sleep,
Then see it like late morning’s sun,
so many hours risen . . .

The revolution will not happen 
from my smugness
where I pretend I’ve worked out
all my issues
and can simply wait . . .

The revolution needs
my deep insistence, daily
on the laws which cause my brightness
and every dawn
and refusing to again be duped
by any story casting life as barren.

The revolution takes knowing
You are needed
I am needed
Each one needed, uniquely
Swelling in the firm, insistent way of seeds
Whose self-unfoldment cracks the rocks
Each tiny one performing
Its own miracle of growing
So the revolution comes.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 13, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today I’m coming home
to Spirit
Eyes wide open
to what this light reveals
Trying to take in
everything, everything at once
Learning it again
Learning it with my eyes
My virtual touch

Coming home
Remembering the things I loved
whose memories had faded
And how I loved them
And what that love was like
Refocusing, rethinking
Preparing to start again
This long blue path winds forth before me
And the January sun
Low-rayed, brilliant, fierce
Bears witness.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 11, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Turn the tumblers, one and then another
For you to enter, all must be aligned
It opens to the easy spinning 
of your secret
Or to the deep discernment
of a listening mind.

Don’t settle for the superficial level
The one that opens up without a key
Where all may stroll 
but none may know the meaning
For to be true, the entrance must be deep

Beneath the layer of rationalization
Beneath the tallies of the service due
Beneath self-image and self-fabrication
A more fulfilling essence waits for you

Go deep, for underneath 
the thoughts that you can voice as words
You’ll feel the breath and pause
whose choice is to be heard
in silence, and in limpid images
that let you understand what really is.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2012

(music in background of recording: Isaac Shepard, "Dimming the Lights")

Monday, January 9, 2012


Sadness is the need to close a loop
Something wanting to be given
Something not received
An uncompleted sequence
Brought up short

Your yearning runs
Along the broken circle
Time and again arrested by the gap
It throws its spark in stark desire
Attempts to arc across the emptiness

It tries, it waits, it paces, tries again
It falls back in exhaustion, gathers strength
You send it till it leaps
And reaches the exalting joy
Or till you give up on the trial
And turn away.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 9, 2011

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mother of tears

In this nacre place
Mother of tears
I wait to make a pearl

From this rough grain
of failed communication, pain
Something smooth and shiny

Mother of tears
Form from this nameless sadness
Something —
Something my soft pulp
can roll against
No longer be caught up
No longer need
to coat with layers of thought

Form this foreign thing
into our essence
Iridescent, luminous
A worthy gift to bring up from the night
A pearl to lift up meekly to the light.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


In the game are many pretty baubles
They look to be the prizes we can win
The things to strive for, yearn for, long for
Tantalizing traps to keep us in

The baubles glint just out of reach —
We chase them
We fling desire at what we may attain
Success, romance, acclaim —
Then happenings erase them
And leave us sad and empty once again

Their light, however, has a different source
(No light is generated in the game)
The tempting glow each thing emits
Hides brilliance that the game could never claim

Beyond the game, Love’s truth shines ever bright
Always enough to quench our thirst for light.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This may be the game
but it is not mine
This may be the game
but it is not life

So much complexity
So many things to study
So many permutations
to distract us, keep us tangled

The hand you’re dealt, we’re told,
You have to play
You may be lucky, privileged or poor
Or maybe you are brilliant but disturbed
Addicted, disadvantaged, or a rising star

It only makes a little difference, though:
As long as we’ve consented to be playing
There isn’t very far that we can go
We all remain imprisoned in the game.

Today I mouth my infant words
of no
No, I won’t play; no, this is not my game
I won’t define you by your cards or course
I won’t pick up the dice of shame and blame
I won’t be cowed by game-incurred alarms
or things the game insists I have to prove
I won’t let any game-based definition
distract me from my purpose and my love.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 3, 2012