Monday, September 30, 2019

Recurring Lesson

Back to the loop again
of learning
not to be afraid —
it’s not that difficult,
though it may seem so
in the echo chamber
of my benighted mind

I free myself from there
by tracing, in my thought,
the circle that enfolds us all,
that leaves out nothing,
so everyone, and every cause,
surrenders to the fact of being loved.
And in the all embracing love,
there is no fear.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 30, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Traveling Smiles

The flight is full. I fill my soul
with comfort of humanity.
Some smiles are used to sell things,
but the ones caught here,
in the lines, the waiting,
the shifting into place —
these are free,
they sparkle three dimensions,
they reach deep

We can be herded and jostled,
scanned and screened and patted down,
but when we can smile to each other,
we keep our liberty.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 29, 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019

I take my shoes off

Once again, I settle in to Soul,
the home that dwells in every moment
waiting to support, affirm,
waiting to release me

I take my shoes off.
I breathe deep. No longer
out of breath from sweating,
I can find the rhythm
of the full cycle. No longer pinned
under conflicting propositions,
I feel myself float. I let myself expand

It’s so freeing to remember
I am not enslaved. I owe no consequence,
have no indebtedness,
no fear, no shame —
my life is here in Soul,
and Soul knows my name.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 28, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

New Sight

I will turn all the pictures in.
I will set my eyes to see
at cross dimensions,
in places that cut between,
that take the same colors
but make of them a wholly different story

Every story told in terms of good and bad
will change to true accounts of fine engagement —
they will sparkle easy grace
and glow with an intensity of depth,
they will shine with courage and surrender —
courage in how much we give for love,
surrender as we recognize
we never need to earn it

There won’t be anything there
that puts us in a bad light,
for there we will be seen for what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 27, 2019

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lunch with God

You might go to sit down
and have lunch with God.
And it wouldn’t have to be different
from any other lunch — that is,
you can’t really have lunch
(or any moment) without God

You couldn’t have lunch 
without life, without consciousness,
without some level of desire

These things are signs
of some much deeper
dimension of being,
that which moves you
at the very core

So if you pay attention —
if you really think these things through,
you’ll see you’re well companioned,
indeed, royally.  And you can deeply savor
your lunch with God.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 25, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


We go each day to the house
to see how we will be built,
what skills and insight, what endurance
will arise in us to meet the day’s demands

For we do not come static
to any task, nor do we come
with a collected stash of virtue
to test ourselves against what is required

We come to grow, we come to change,
we come to learn,
we come to be made new,
to be transformed,
and more than what we make
with wood and nails and stone,
this will be our building,
this will be our home.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019


Well, a straight path
to any goal
is either an illusion,
or the path and goal
were made by someone else,
and so the goal itself
is really not a goal

We must be kind
both to ourselves and anyone who’s striving —
no one arrives without
what could be seen as setbacks —
there probably was really not
a better way to go,
and where we went
(and where they went)
is also probably
not what it looks like
to anyone observing from outside

That’s what I tell myself
about our roof —
so many storms, so many leaks,
so many temporary measures
which made their own troubles,
until we finally — let’s hope it’s sometime soon —
arrive at where our house is safe and dry.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 23, 2019

Sunday, September 22, 2019


I didn’t brush my teeth last night,
didn’t write a poem either —
daily necessities overridden
by the black rolling of roof underlayment
racing against darkness and the predicted rain,
and no motivation to cook by lantern light
and all the restaurants closed or far away

I didn’t write a poem last night
or brush my teeth either —
just crawled in bed,
but all is well —
everything is still here in the morning.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 22, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019


With infinite patience
I’m brought round again
to learn the new meanings
which are the old meanings
from before the world began

I will learn them
here in the calm of late afternoon,
here in the rain washed, sun graced moments
when the turkeys wander back
from across the field
and crickets sing softly
and grasshoppers click

This isn’t something
I could ever learn alone,
and the great wonder is,
I don’t have to.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 19, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Answering the Call

At the call of rain
so much green springs eager —
it doesn’t calculate
its prospects for the season,
whether it will become
a spreading plant or just a small sprout —
the rain has summoned it
so up it comes.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 18, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Seeing the Light

The lights are everywhere.
I see them, at times,
like chinks between the trees,
like smiles of pleasure and of recognition,
and at times like moonlight across fields,
silvery joy, opalescent peace

Sometimes I see them falling —
raindrops searching our their pathways,
sometimes I see them rising —
vapor in the morning sun,
in all the ways that they appear,
the same in essence,
ever called by hope,
answered in presence.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 17, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Between the rains

The rain has given us a break —
we work in silence,
finding it more harmonious
than the questions and projections
that would otherwise fill up the space

No need to annoy each other,
no need to talk about the things we cannot know.
After the window closes,
we’ll do the next thing that makes sense,
taking in the necessary factors
that will reveal themselves by then.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 16, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019


When I turned around to look at it,
I saw that I could not have seen
what I did not believe —
much as I wanted to believe it,
I really didn’t,
or I would not have missed it

It brings to question
what I believe now,
and if I now believe,
what that enables me to see

I see this day,
I see the peace in it —
what I may see tomorrow
is not for me to say

It will unfold
along the lines of my attention —
as I hold my source and center clear,
I’ll know.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 14, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Home Within

You come home to yourself
and you may realize
you didn’t need to play those games
of measuring, of shoring yourself up,
you didn’t need to feel attacked or slighted

The clarity you felt in moments
when you saw another from the inside,
when you understood a way of moving
in centered calm and mastery —

That’s you — and it can lead you 
safely through the clouds of doubt,
it can deliver you
before you even fall into confusion

It is you, and you can stay there,
secure in what you ever more will be,
home in yourself, and royal
all along the colored roads of life.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 13, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

In the midst

And if I ask myself
the reason for my joy,
I may consider how we breathe beauty
in sight and scent and sound,
and how we work humble —
ready to serve and learn,
and how in all this
(constant as cricket song)
we are borne up
by the presence we’re coming to recognize
as our own,
as it is given us
in the midst of every day.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 12, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A New Day

Day dawns,
rain gone
(if for a moment)
sun flirts with wind,
clouds glint and grin

We free a dove
that trapped itself
in our young cherry tree’s enclosure,
I try the spirits
and today it’s clearer
whence they hail

These things do not depend
on weather, or on any gods
society has shaped and propped up,
they don’t depend on how we felt
or what we said and did

It is the Spirit
that sustains us,
breathing what we are
into our consciousness,
planting the clarity of our cause
into our frames.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 10, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019


I let myself fill up with rain.
It was an indulgence,
not something to sustain,
not something I have time for
in the day to day,
while the various buckets
we put under leaks
register their irregular
pticks and clangs and taps,
and hope seems to be leaking, too

We will get through this —
our source of strength does not depend
on all things rosy.
It will show itself steady,
well able to overcome
both internal and external rain.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 9, 2019

Sunday, September 8, 2019


The straight line of our intent
begins to meet the season’s curve —
bracken fern starting to turn,
and trees along the river

Garden plants have given up,
the coming rain too late,
other factors we can’t see
informing them
their time of growth is over

No longer can we count on
stretches of long, sunny days —
they shorten, and the rains
begin to take their place

We will bend, because we have to,
we will find a way,
our intent will weave itself in,
for the circle belongs to us, too.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 8, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The object of our hope

What we’ve been taught to hope for
is so paltry, so far from being able
to deliver satisfaction, that it’s surprising
that we feel so disappointed
when those hopes are not fulfilled

If someone told you,
You can have the sky,
and free flight in it,
you ca have fellowship
with all the thought, with all the music,
you can sing color and dance
the whole kaleidoscope of pattern,
would you believe them?

If someone told you,
You can be the love
that comprehends and celebrates
every small and large
impulse of being,
you can be the love that nurtures,
that engenders joy and exaltation,
would you embrace that hope?

Here is the voice telling you all that.
You don’t have to say if you believe it —
only notice if you want it.
That, eventually, will be clue enough.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 7, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Watching the Weather

Standing under the porch roof
I aimed my camera
and tried to catch a lightening bolt

I failed, though I saw five of them
— lack of faith, perhaps,
in my ability, or in the likelihood
that it would strike again

Wind brought the smell of rain
(though it rained little)
and relief, if for the moment,
from the sultry stillness
and the thickness
of the thunder-laden air

To have a roof over our heads
is cause for gratitude,
which marks how far we’ve come
and gives a standpoint from which
we can receive more.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 5, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


We will know more of each other
as we meet in Spirit,
more of our hearts, more of our sparks,
more of our flights, our home, our satisfaction

We will know more of the land, too —
what it needs, what it gives,
who it shelters

All things grow richer as we’re rarified,
as we shift our cause/effect allegiance
to where our source lies.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 4, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Putative Journey

Sometimes it seems
there is so far to go,
so much to learn, so much to purge,
so many constructs to wean myself from

Sometimes I glide along
thinking how close I am
to my arrival, thinking
how far I’ve come,
how comprehensive
my transformation has been thus far

And then I see
how much I’m missing,
how vast the chasm
between my understanding and the truth

Good thing it isn’t up to me!
Good thing my life is held
in beautiful unfolding
where no partial understanding,
no faulty sense of needing to arrive
has any traction.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 3, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019


Retile my past —
take all those broken squares,
those incomplete perceptions,
those ways I failed to see
the truth of being,
so I can understand
through present windows
that nothing in my life was ever missing

Is not this grace —
what wipes away without a trace
the meted consequence,
all our indebtedness?
— and in its place
reveals the fruit that waits
ready to satisfy
when it is seen.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 2, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

At the work site

How does it feel
to be a crayon among nails?
Your purpose distinct
but immeasurably far
from the other ones sharing the pocket

Your substance, which never could manage
to do what a nail does,
is suited for doing a thing that they never could do —
they will sink into wood and remain there,
you’ll leave your mark on the surface and stay where you are

There will be times
when the hand reaches in
and picks out the nails one by one,
but at other times,
it will reach through their sharpness
leaving them, searching for you.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 1, 2019