Monday, October 31, 2016

Truth Seeking

Everyone seeks truth.
It is our nature.
Of course our curiosity extends
to all the realms we know —
our curiosity thus proves
the presence of all the realms
in which we seek the truth

To seek the truth is tantamount
to striving to survive:
truth is inseparable from being,
so everything that’s living 
lives in truth

And what of lies? And what of self delusion?
And what of petty desperation
that seeks to hide its essence
lest it be found and killed,
and what of that which seeks to kill
in order to conceal the truth?

These cannot live,
they can’t sustain themselves,
they can’t continue to be seen as truth.
Sooner or later, they snuff themselves out
since Truth and Life are one.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 31, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016


And how do we do reset?
When the threads of our efforts
are tangled beyond redemption,
when there’s no path in
for anything we might say?

Shall we do reset like fall, like winter,
everything thrown into rain and wind,
coherence abandoned,
distracted into the silence
of going down and down, in and in?

Or shall we do reset 
like chocolate? —
signature sweetness clearing our palates,
spreading to fill the unnamed hole within

Shall we look and notice
our smiles still find each other,
our hopes still run eagerly
to meet in the well-known fields
of our conversation

Shall we do reset without effort —
simply returning
with new attention
to what is always here.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 30, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Memory Lode

The old man has been drifting in time a lot, today.
“I want to thank you for inviting me down to visit you,” 
he says.
I say, yes, it’s been a good fourteen years.

And in the yellow living room
I feel those years in colored layers,
the golden joys, their complicated weavings
with things I was regretting then
and things I would regret later,
the efforts of my striving
for things that had great merit
and others that, perhaps, were ill advised

The times of clearing
where previous intentions
washed like watercolors
into pools of indistinct brightness,
with lines I sketched on them
and called learning

The fleeting pride, the taut hopes,
some realized, some still waiting,
buried under years 
of leaf fall, winters, springs

Yes, it’s been a good fourteen years,
bright and dark, and rich in all I can imagine.
And the goodness will continue,
each unfinished thing, in its time, redeemed,
all the blessings brought to full view.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Foot Washing

Any moment can be a portal
where the compelling touch
of a neighboring world
connects your current
and pulls you through

Any touch can be the contact,
and as you flow through,
the miracle is
you don’t ebb from here —
instead, some before unknown infinity
rushes in and multiplies you,
rendering you equal to the blessing

When I wash your feet
or you wash mine,
the humbleness and love in which we meet
gathers us both
into a bright world
which we immediately know
has always been our home
although we’ve never walked in it before.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 27, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In Peace

A line on paper, after all,
is not worth getting riled about —
it didn’t cost money, it can easily
be erased or moved

A gesture, too, is just a movement
of a frame, just an expression
of a construct of internal stories
which, themselves (though it might
not seem quite so easy) can be changed

A tone of voice, a whole visceral uprising,
a set of back and jaw, a reaction —
these things are not the person,
they can be released,
for each of us has the right
to grow in peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What I Have Received

I am grateful for flight
and I am grateful for calm,
grateful for blustery wind in early morning
before the sun crested the east hill,
grateful, too, for the warmth the sun infused
in wind-danced leaves
and sun squares through windows
and the cool warm aliveness
of stepping outside
in moments between my indoor 
work and watch keeping

There’s much more in this day
than I have fathomed
but I am grateful
for what I have received.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016


My eyes are new,
the dew still rests on my perceptions —
they have that brighter than life quality,
the startling delicacy of something 
not yet parted from their maker

I blink, I feel the moisture
around my eyes —
may they so ever stay!
May every day refresh my vision,
may the new edge of my learning
always roll out in surprising colors.
If there is a destination
let me not dwell on it
till I arrive.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Home Again

Sweet day
returning to waiting circles
laughter and affection
unpretentious talk with folks who understand

Easy sun
after the night’s rain,
watching waves,
thrilling to chords and colors

Relief of being in our own home
despite systems that are down.
We see a way forward
and that is good. We feel into 
a way of being present,
and that is even better.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 23, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I’m gonna lay these ribbons down,
gonna line them up along the ground,
gonna set them straight 
though the wind will turn them
over and away

I’m gonna lay down all these threads,
all the stories weaving through my head,
all their conclusions,
all my illusions,
the things I thought and said —
they had no truth, they cannot stay

I’m gonna find my patch of light,
gonna home on in with all my might,
gonna bask where I am bright
through the ever glowing day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 22, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

What We Are

None of us are what I thought we were.
We are not bundles
of incremental striving for self betterment
with random heaps of cluttered failures
making for secret shame
and weighing down our efforts with inertia

We are not defined or saved
by one or two shining streams of virtue
which somehow breached the ruts 
we thought of as ourselves

And we are not the patterns
we unconsciously lay down,
learned from our culture, over and over,
hiding our wounds and our power

What we are
in leaving all of this
is free,
what we are is glory,
what we are is here for us right now —
look how it rises up from the stillness,
look how it brings us home.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 21, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


We tuck everything in,
we settle up,
we seal the edges

Cozy endings are worth
what we have to pay for them.
Payment is worth it for
what it does to us,
how it makes us stand straight
so the rushing intake
of all that fills us,
all we are given to provide,
will be strong and clear
and unobstructed

And we will be whole
and we will be generous
because we gave what is due.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 19, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


We found ourselves in someone else’s story
and the characters we were cast as,
we didn’t know them, didn’t know
what words and actions, on their part,
would put us in good graces,
or let us even know where we stood

Then we remembered: this is our story.
We own the tale in which these people 
think we’re something other than what we are,
and may harbor expectations
that we act in ways to please them,
ways about which we have no clue

And grace — the only way we’ll really find it
is to float up free from story altogether,
to hold their words and gestures
in the kindest light
and count on Spirit —
the universal breath that we all share —
to braid our lives together in its course.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 18, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016


We worked together.
It didn’t matter
that the rain roared through
from time to time —
We were given enough pauses
to move forward. We were given
maybe two sun breaks
and maybe two sun showers

We were given equanimity
and an easy rhythm
and some signs of progress
and now after dark,
rain settled in for the night, it seems,
we are given gratitude
for its forbearance 
throughout the day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 17, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016


What inadvertent loop
brought me back to the place
where all the stories of ancient fears
had congregated,
where they sat in cold knots
feeling forgotten but wielding
their influence, oozing their stain
onto my outlook?

How was it not enough
to remember
the warm expansiveness
of my liberation? How could I 
fit myself, cramped as ever,
back into those constrictions?
And how do I get back to free?

Since trying has failed,
I try not trying.
I look for the stillness
of not doing.
I may find myself back here again —
I’ll gain from learning to escape.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 16, 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016


The gift of today
is rain-proof resilience,
quiet shadows under tarps,
wind about the edges,
rain and cat company,
rain blowing onto the porch,
cat seeking caresses
even from my hammer and pry bar wielding hands

Resilience through storms
of injury and memory
and the harm of old stories
drumming relentlessly down
onto the roof

Resilience bridging all the way to joy
and a warm fireplace
and the bliss of companionship
on a quiet evening.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 15, 2016