Friday, March 31, 2017

Open Spaces

My mind is full of open spaces
from the day, from being out in it,
from garden work, its loamy satisfaction

The raspberries and I 
were rough with each other —
I shoved their cane tops into the ground,
they marked my arms with scratches.
We ended with them backbending neatly,
lateral buds poised to grow and fruit

The crows are nesting,
the air is kind
and the evening is stretching out long,
promising excitement for those who seek it,
and sweet dreams for the likes of me.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 31, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017


If love is everywhere

then all the little
tubes and channels
we’ve devised
may be irrelevant —
we may not need
to jostle and twist
in efforts to achieve a perfect match,
may not need to write off thousands
who prove to have a different kind of thread

If love is everywhere,
we may be able
to bypass the conditions of engagement,
to deliver the sweet liquid of acceptance,
receive the luscious fruit we deeply crave.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 30, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day in the Life

Whatever happened to us? you said —
sorrow and distance
but sweet close holding

The rain that has driven the day
masked the breath of spring
which was coming in anyway
though we didn’t know

And later the same strong wind
blew white clouds through blue sky
and your hand was warm
walking to the library

The old man walks out of the bathroom
carrying the rug. I don’t need this, he says,
I have my own pants.
The day has had some rough parts
but I will put him to bed.
We’ll have another go
in the morning.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 29, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


A little shift starts the sand moving,
and with the second shift,
the channel opens
and everything is heading down,
small dimple on the top surface
and one by one, the grains dropping

We will streamline ourselves
so we can slide on through,
we will let go of
extraneous appendages,
we will not panic
at unstoppable momentum —
it is what we have been asking for

There is joy here
in the gathering of focus,
in the end of aimless waiting,
there is time for us
in the curve’s acceleration,
there’s a place for us,
and there is time.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 28, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Morning Chat

with the (virtual) biking philosophers

Maybe nothing changes but your story,
maybe your story changes everything.
Perhaps your being is as vast as mind
and what you see as change
is just a different way of viewing it

Life, after all, is not random —
it persists at being life
in every venue where it finds itself —
everything it’s dealt
becomes its opportunity
to grow, to live, to rise, to be transformed

So through its changes
it remains the same,
although its sense of being is forever new,
and that explains both progress
and immutability
throughout the days of folks like me and you.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Save, or I Perish

As if randomly,
through some searing memories
I find myself
fallen between the ribs of normalcy,
lodged in the space between
what I thought and what I’ve come to understand
stuck in a place where I can only cry
“save, or I perish”

Part of me thinking,
are tears so bad, anyway?
Is this agony, or is it just
the stretching of my face
and of the inside of my mouth?

What carried me this far
will carry me all the way.
To the almighty, it doesn’t matter
if my salvation took a thousand years
or one day,
I am not tardy,
I am not far from home —
wait for the clearing,
for surely it will come.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 26, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

There is a River

Let the water run and run
until it runs clear,
till it can sit transparent
in a ball jar,
when all the sediment
has been first stirred, then washed away
and we will celebrate 
a well-developed well

Let my thoughts stream in goodness
till they run clear,
till agents of opacity
all disappear,
till all my impulses are pure love
and I no longer brace myself
to disapprove

There is a river
running through all consciousness,
its streams will gladden
all the hungry hearts,
I will ride it
all the way to clarity,
yes, I will ride it
from and to my source.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 25, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017


I am so willing
to learn the way of all goodness!
Let me be vigilant
about the small inner voices
that snarl and sulk
and try to hang onto
constructs that I never wanted anyway

They say they are defending me
but what they are defending
is not me — it’s only all the stories
of my limitations

Where what I am
is the stream of dear belonging
to all goodness, the reflection
of the eternal shining love
I’m ever drawn to

And what I am 
doesn’t need defending,
it just needs shining,
just needs my full attention every day.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 24, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Losing Weight

It has not cost me anything
to let go of worry.

When I consider
the collective effort
of so many of us
to lose weight,
I marvel
at why more people
haven’t noticed this one —
the great lightness that lifts us
when we recognize
the perfect order
of all things living
(including us)
has been established
and doesn’t need
to be worried into place.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Light Works

Two hours of sun
outweighing eight of rain,
the recognition of kindness
constituting a great flash
in that one moment,
the slow flow of effort
cresting finally in accomplishment

These show
the way light works
and how we are made to celebrate
the shine of being,
the grace of every day.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 21, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

Prayer on a Rainy Hilltop

Guide me, Truth of all that is,
let me not be taken by these lies,
let me not feel trapped,
let me not succumb
to any of my former strategies

Guide me, Life that’s daily new,
million ways of upward growth,
the ever-folding pathways for connection,
intertwine me through and through,
let me breathe your fragrance, too,
let your loving law be my protection

Guide me, everlasting Love,
give me kind and healing touch,
let me witness your almighty power,
let me be a member
of the bliss-fulfilling choir
that lifts us all and blesses 
every day, each hour.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 20, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hand in Hand

Everything drained out of the day
with the early rain —
our warmth, our prospects —
and we were left empty
in the isolation
of the cold dampness

But then quickly
the substance began to return,
the sense of walking hand in hand
with infinity,
feeling the sustenance flow in,
filling the spaces between
our needy queries
and the non answers

Until finally, in the clearing
in the late afternoon,
we were rich in all the places
we had felt bereft —
we could offer
warmth to others,
and sweet dreams,
and confidence
that every need is met.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 18, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017


Rain on the windshield,
people in the parking lot
walking with their choice of
hurried, cringing, or nonchalant

I imagine rain
soaking into their sweatshirts,
I’m hoarding warmth
as my parked car cools down

People find ways to survive
or they don’t. They find resilience,
they choose laughter, or they let rain
soak into their bones
and let their spirits be dampened

Me, I’ve done both.
It’s a choice I make
in all those times
where I’m not immediately overwhelmed
by some external magnificence,
when it’s up to me
to bring my shine into the day.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 17, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tone Deaf

Some time afterwards,
the niggling suspicion knocks,
flounces its way in, 
sets its baggage down,
and I start to conclude
I have been tone deaf

Certainly not for the first time,
though I had hoped these incidents
had mostly tapered off,
as has my former swift self castigation

I am a little sorry, yes,
but also curious —
what internal constructs
led to the little gaffe, which rolled out
with such ease and comfort?
Where could my mind be, next time,
to reduce the risk of doing this again?

Ah, let me be included
in the grand forgiveness
that Life gives each of us
as we come home,
where we serenely know
we never fail each other
when in the consciousness of being one.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 14, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Language of Light

I’m learning the language of light.
Like all languages, it takes practice,
it takes immersion,
and there’s a great sense of victory
when I dream in it

I’m learning the language of light,
just a few words at a time —
the names, for example, 
that people have for themselves,
a name, perhaps, that they
forbid themselves to use
but wait in deep longing
for someone else to speak it to them

The verbs, also,
like soar and lilt
and rise, and meet,
and own your truest name

I’m learning the language of light
from countless tutors, large and small,
the flash of a moment, the steady care of years.
Though my words are halting
I say them anyway,
for that’s the only way to really learn.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 13, 2017