Sunday, January 31, 2016

Leave Taking

I leave you
in the hands of Love,
I trust Love’s knowing of you
to be the one most satisfying thing
I can imagine for you

I leave you
in the hands of Truth, knowing
there is no other source
of what you are,
and it establishes you
in dimensions I can’t even start
to fathom

Life holds you
in the comprehensive grace
that marks each one of its creations,
I leave you 
you are never left alone.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 31, 2016

Vessel by Jennifer McCurdy, photo by Josh Liebowitz

Friday, January 29, 2016

It is Enough

It is enough
if each day
you walk a few steps
by holy light, if your eyes
bask in the presence
of elemental being,
its truth settling you
in your quiet center.

There’s no need to rush about
or push yourself to do so —
simply being here
is enough.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 29, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tending Fire

Ah, heat! The fire teaches us
it is the release
of all that we have gathered
that warms us, and warms others

In the provision
of what the fire requires,
I recognize my corresponding needs:
enough air and enough proximity
to hold the heat within the burning core

The satisfaction
of the steady flame
responding to my nudging
lends a glow to heart,
hearth, earth, home.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 28, 2016

vessel by Jennifer McCurdy, photo by Gary Mirando

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Take Heart

Don’t be afraid —
There is no journey you can take,
no long night you can go through
where you will be abandoned
in the middle

In your tiredest moment,
at the coldest hour,
in the bleakest outlook,
the most untoward turn,
hear your heart:
it doesn’t beat alone.
It pulses in response
to the eternal pulse of being,
indicating, thus, its steady presence

You will come through,
but you may feel at peace
before you’re even done,
for in each step
you are attended by the One.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Across the street,
I see an upper window,
across the day a light,
a leap of concord,
a resonance of consciousness,
a sense of presence,
signal of life, though no one can be seen

Within each dwelling, everywhere I look,
I feel the power,
for any one of us can transform everything.
The calm insistence on the truth
of our infinity
blows out the whole illusion
of our chains.

I see you, indeed I see you!
The great wakening is here
and we will move, astonished,
from the cruel story
into the clear.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

No Lie

Don’t be overwhelmed
by the size of the lie,
how comprehensive it has been,
how many generations
it has taken in

Far more impressive
is the size of truth,
and its solidity, and its
and the fact that,
right now, it is establishing itself
and we are seeing
the lie falling away,
all of it —

It all must go,
and its purported consequences
can leave no mark
on the grand display of being,
never bring one light
down from the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 25, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Going Home

We’re all trying to go home.
The flailing stumbling is part of it,
the bold euphoric leaps are, too,
as is the boisterous chatter
and the quiet yearning,
as are the careful plans
and the impulsive searching

We’re all trying to be home,
and we will find it,
because it isn’t far
from every one of us,
for in home
we live and move and have our being.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 24, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016


Winter is not finished.
Perhaps it has not even begun —
it paces wide fields, pauses
in wooded corners,
turns with an abrupt flourish
of long, dark cloak,
releasing torrents — wind and rain,
maybe even snow

Head down, it broods,
and now and then
lifts blazing eyes
to meet your gaze,
to draw you in. 

©Wendy Mulhern

January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016


In this threadbare place
where I can no longer settle
for the flimsy garments
of my past, fake life,
for the oppressive garb
of my appointed station

Where I have yet to find
the robes of power and of justice
(though I have dreamed them
oh so many times)
I stand in rags
but not for long

The force that makes me,
that places me at rest,
possessing a prodigious energy
I’ve yet to tap,
that gives me everything I’ve ever been
and all I am to be,
that grants deep decency to all,
will clothe me, too.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


(or how to heal the world)

There is no grid of time or space
through which we move,
tracked along the x axis
through the highs and lows
of daily random y’s

These lines bend at our will,
we hold them, gathered,
in our hands,
we roll them out 
through all the planes of consciousness —
they move at our command

We are not in the world, rather,
the world is in us,
so in the steadying of ourselves,
we steady it —
we calm it, reassure it, and set it
gently on its course.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 20, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Having fallen from the story
(like a lost glove, in the rain,
the present sodden reality
seeping unmistakably in)

I find I am no longer concerned
with what will happen
in that white paper world
that knows no wetness

And I sense the presence 
of others. Ah! There is a heart bond
in this shared element. We see
it doesn’t matter what you fell from.

It never really mattered,
even up there. Down here
we instinctively reach for each other.
We bind each other up

We open all our senses
(many that we never knew we had)
to take in the nuances
of this emerging truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 19, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

No Worries

Here is how I let go
of the string of worry,
here is how I keep it
from pulling me sideways,
from making me say things 
(in my resultant wobbliness)
that make the air tense between us:

I let go by remembering
no one has ever soared
with worry on her wings,
and if we lived by worry
we couldn’t move at all

We are in Mind
and nowhere else,
and Mind knows us balanced,
and Mind designs all the spaces —
the flow of us,
the cushioning air,
the trail and all the riders on it,
and their balance and their thoughts.

It’s the nature of Mind
to be harmony — we are all expressions
of one grand idea.
We can’t fall out of it,
so we can’t crash. So there’s no place
for worry here.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 18, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Inner Voice

Truth is,
you need to trust
your inner ear,
your source of balance,
your intonation,
and no attempts to balance you
from over here
can be of any use. I need to trust
that you will calibrate
and find your finest tuning
on your own

Truth is,
I need to trust
my inner voice
and not let it be silenced
by reasons formed somewhere outside
the center of my being —
by my mistrusts, or by concerns
of others, or second-guessing
how its counsel is perceived.
I need to hone its clarity
by listening and following
and holding true,
even if I’m not sure why I do.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 17, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016


Still longing for
the completed circuit,
the gathering of everything,
the fulfilled promise,
putting it all to bed
at end of day

Longing for that,
even as the greater light
begins to rise,
providing higher resolution,
where the dearly held
dream of reconciliation
is subsumed
by the fact of oneness.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 15, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016


This smoothing truth
silences the petty bean counter
who tallies wrongs
and weighs the price
of full forgiveness

It spills the beans
(shiny and hard, 
skidding and bouncing) —
they roll off to find
their ground, their soil,
their splitting and swelling
and becoming

And as for us —
this truth counts us whole,
counts us in.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 14, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


When you let go,
your laughter is so gentle,
and the unforgiving angles
cease to jab at me
and strain at us

I can rest easy
in the suppleness
of thought suffused
with the powerful melting force
of love, of soft surrender,
enabling flow and sweet intermingling
as we ripple and tumble 
into clarity.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 13, 2016