Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Though you may fall and fall
through the bars of memory,
hitting at moments, going back and down

Though you may feel
striped beyond redemption,
branded by the light and dark,
strobed to instability

You cannot fail.
This is not about you —
it’s about your Maker,
and your Maker knows you whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 31, 2018

A Touch of Grace

And if you feel you can’t forgive,
can’t be forgiven,
if barbs from old stings
tear at your flesh,
let that body go —
it was never any more
than just a dream

Whatever scars it has
will melt away, along with
all its trappings of identity.
The memories it holds
that waited to be triggered
will melt as well, giving place
to what has longed to waken
to the touch of grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 30, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018


There is a way forward.
Joy, it turns out, is unsuppressible —
it pushes its way through rocks,
through roots,
it moves sideways, as it needs to,
but ever up — it finds the surface,
it emerges

Joy, it turns out,
changes everything —
past, present, future —
brings the sense of things
into startling focus,
into sparkling view.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 29, 2018

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Light Rules

Having walked once
on the shore where light rules,
we see it everywhere,
and in the quiet of the scrish of sand
give up our battles

There is no need to fight
over the relative presence
of light — no person or way of thinking
owns it. It owns every landscape
where it appears. It will always,
bring itself forth.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 28, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Like Water

There might be other rhythms here,
rain in the gutter, metallic tick and trickle,
rain on the window, the hum
of spaces in between —
rhythms to hear when the stereo’s off,
music against the quiet

You get your message across
by listening, more than by speaking,
by finding, like these raindrops,
the place where understanding trickles in,
and where it glances off,
and needs to be collected, redirected

You listen, and your message finds its way
like water, into the waiting ground.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 27, 2018

Friday, October 26, 2018


We can also find pleasure
in aesthetics, colors combining
in journals, in fabrics,
musical artistry, broadcast for viewing,
planes of reflection, hum of appliances

One could spend time indoors
in a place like this,
hardly missing the somewhat tame outdoors.
There is time for this
when the rain pushes in,
and there’s gratitude,
gratitude for shelter.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 26, 2018

Coming Home

There are many ways to come home —
driving a truck north through the rain,
building a fire, centering thought 

In each place called home
there are needs to meet
and ways we are met

So we have come home,
today, as many days.
Tomorrow we will come home again,
from where we have been,
in tomorrow’s ways

We seek the same thing
and we find it,
ever the same, ever new.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 26, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Heather at prayer time

Blessed and at peace
in the sweet time of closure,
end of day, work done,
I feel you near me,
droll and kind

We have come along this way together,
you, of late, making your presence known
as light, as gentle impulse,
as patient humor at my dim grasp
of what you know so well

We will be together
now and continually,
and more fully,
the more I comprehend.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 24, 2018

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Rains

Week after sunny week
we raced against the rain,
and tasks opened out
like walking to the mountains
(the destination never getting closer)

We thought we were almost done
for weeks and weeks (well, I, for one,
had ceased believing), finding reserves
for yet another day of all-out grind

And when the rain finally came,
ptick ptick against the plastic,
oval drops appearing on the wood,
we still thought we weren’t ready,
but maybe we were

Or maybe we are really close,
and maybe the rain
(what fell was just a sprinkle)
if we can find the strength
will grant us one more day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 23, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018


In this autumn time
when hours put forth
their ever-changing views
as light dances with fog and leaves
and birds we haven’t seen before
make their appearance

We can breathe wonder,
we can breathe hope,
we may notice
as often as we notice breath —
not all the time,
though it, too, is continuous.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 22, 2018

Saturday, October 20, 2018


A big part of us
is the space we make for others,
the shape of them
we hold in our hearts, 
large enough to encompass
all their potential,
cozy enough to hold them close

We enlarge ourselves
the more we understand —
the more of others we take in
and hold dear.
We become what we love
and so we love what we become.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 20, 2018

Friday, October 19, 2018

Out the other side

The sun looked down
on the wheelbarrow
trundling in front of me
on the rough road,
me crying and crying
where nobody could hear

Me crying and knowing full well
there was no good reason for it
and no getting my way
that could result
(if I even had a way)

There was nothing to do
but roll the wheelbarrow
and cry and cry
and be done with it.
Nothing to gain
but nothing to lose either,
nothing to do but go through
and out the other side.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 19, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

When you move on

Don’t worry — after you’ve left behind
everything you thought you were —
your quirks and your requirements,
your suffering and dearly held delights,
after you’ve abandoned
all the things you once described as “me”,
you’ll still recognize yourself

It won’t be like a distant memory,
vague and foggy, held as maybe true,
or it will be that way for just a little while
like fog at dawn

And that clean brilliance,
that sun-on-dewdrop freshness 
of your being,
that young and smooth
as eucalyptus bark
essence of yourself,
will be the meaning of your name,
will be what you have always known.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 17, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Another day of work

I notice
it is my choice
if I am wimpy,
if I say, mixing concrete
is too much for me,
or at least, I sure dislike it —
the heaviness, the dust,
the scritchy sound,
the muddy mess of cleanup

If I say so, I will be weak
at the prospect of moving the bags,
I will express my distaste,
my visage will be sour

I may become emotional
and tell myself I’m played out,
and tell myself I just need to go home

But if I do that,
it is my choice. If I prefer,
I can choose strength and sunniness,
and growing capabilities. 
Something to remember,
something to put to use.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 16, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

The day we live in

The day we live in
as we walk side by side —
is it the same day? Or is each day,
for each of us, the color mixing of
our outlook and our observation?

The land we walk on —
does it speak the same,
up through your shoes —
do you feel the message
in its ancient language,
the calming reassurance of belonging,
the fleetingness of time
and its irrelevance?

Certainly we both feel
the uplift of the crickets’ tireless chorus
and that exhilarating quality
of sun-warmed air through fir trees

The day we move through
may not be the same
but there are signs
that both of us receive.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 15, 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Rounding the Corner

Frost greets us —
silver gift, celebrated
by morning birds —
singular recipe —
beauty, severity

Much as the early chill
made luscious the warmth of covers
and each other’s bodies,
though soon, work demanded
that we rise

The climbing sun brings warmth,
first in its radiance,
later in the winds
which started frigid
but soon were balmy

Tonight we’ll drain the pipes
against the freeze,
the crescent moon will set,
the stars will send their cold light down,
tomorrow we’ll await
the same steep curves,
seasoned by season’s turn,
well met in grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 14, 2018

Friday, October 12, 2018


We will be neighbors,
we will not pick and choose,
we will be glad
at those that live near,
those that drop by

We’ll still be neighbors,
though some will leave
and others will move in,
though futures we imagined
involve a different cast

The distance teaches us
to value every face,
the land’s benevolence
becomes a part of us.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 12, 2018

Thursday, October 11, 2018


All that we own
lies within us,
all that we build
patterns that form,

We may discover it
bringing it forth,
we may recognize it
as always known

All that we love
lies within us —
the kingdom of heaven,
our hope, our home.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 11, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Some things, certainly, are endless —
the variety the sky gives — this morning,
fog turning blue before it lifted,
day stretching sunny and kind,
sunset (though we were almost
too tired to look) graced us 
with its colors through the trees

I had, perhaps, ten minutes
to sit down (after I made the meal,
before the cleanup)
and at one point, in the golden, royal evening,
I thought I might run out of joy
but some things are endless,
they dish up infinite variety
when I am willing to let them in.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 10, 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

Back to Work

With a small sputter
we swing back into work,
finding our rhythm,
finding the feed of joy
that comes from being mindfully engaged

The tools have secrets
they can teach me —
the crowbar and the hammer
can be artfully employed —
nails squeak and creak
and give up, and come out,
bent and spent, to throw into a bucket

We work till dark,
we put the tools away,
we rest, rewarded
by the progress made.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 7, 2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018


In this damp afternoon
you long for home,
and it seems so far away —
removed in space
or else in time

And the memory
(or is it imagination?)
of walking into a place
and feeling you can relax
since you belong here,
since you are loved,
is as palpable as thirst

It can feel like
we don’t understand
our place in time, in this time,
with these currents of culture
so profoundly disconnected

The big trees that thrive here,
trunks heavy and mossy,
leaves fluttering, turning,
have their own sense of time and place
that we could take shelter in
if we knew how.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 6, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018


With rain comes rest
and pleasure at work well done,
and the realization
that it’s been a long, hard grind
and we are just beginning. It’s not clear
how long it will take
till the tiredness lifts
or if we can afford to let it
before we dive back in again

Meanwhile, on another plane
(as fall rolls in, all drama and color)
unfolds a sprout of inner knowing,
small leaves hardly hinting at
the vastness of the world
its presence indicates exists.
It is an invitation
to pause here and consider
what we are really building
and where it really stands.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 5, 2018

There is a Calm

There is a calm
that stands against the flurry
of all the thoughts about what must be done,
there is a current underneath the worry —
it bears you down in silent swiftness
all along your truth —
a stream to drink from
and fill with gracious power,
a stream to cleanse away
the images of lack,
there is a calm
that you can find and hold inside you
as you go out
and come, triumphant, back.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 4, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


On the train again —
rolling motion, light and landscape,
fast change of parallax
lulling and nourishing

I take in
the illusion of movement
and the fact of stillness,
of being always here
riding along in the illusion of time
where neither past nor future
has any say in the unfolding
of the gifts of now.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 2, 2018

Monday, October 1, 2018

Early Fall

The rain is gentle
and the early fall is gracious,
leaves on the ground and in the trees
fringing the streets with color

Artisan spiders weave raindrop gems 
into their webs,
coziness settles in 
with the darkened sky —
I may be solo
but I’m not alone.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 1, 2018