Sunday, March 31, 2013

In gratitude

Who can calculate
the worth of these moments
of coming part way out of sleep,
turning over, and returning —
not fully —
just enough to touch base
with the sinuous, lusty reality
of being here, now
in this body?
With the certain vitality
of plants in spring
reaching for growth,
With the confidence of currents
of being one
with the flow of life.

By morning
they have woven
a springy web
to hold me
in the brightness of the day,
to show me
which way to turn my leaves
to drink the sun.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013


I can be like solitude
if that is what you need
I can walk beside you
And our breath can sink
as deep as it needs to 
into the roots of being
And there can be time
for the whole silence to rise up
as far as it needs to
to meet the embrace of the day
And for each wind-touched frond
to offer
and accept
the invitation to dance.

There is enough space
for me in you,
and for you in me,
that we can walk
in this shared solitude
however far the journey leads our feet.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 30, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tricks of the Light

It seems we are
so refracted from ourselves
That we don’t recognize these lights
as having anything to do with us,
So attracted to what seems
so out of reach
That we can’t trace
the inner spark from which they radiate.

These tricks with mirrors
make us feel alone
Closed off by glass
Confused by all the faces 
that gaze back at us,
looking all the same —
Faces that wear all our fears, projected,
All asking something of us
that we can’t quite name

But all these lights are ours
And they reflect our center
And all these lights are us:
Through our own core
we enter
the place where we can soothe
all these eyes
Allay these doubts and fears
And let these facets
magnify the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 29, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Natural processes

The organism moves to heal itself
to fill in gaps
And to make whole
its pattern of movement
And when it is restricted
it will move against those bonds
repeatedly, inexorably
Directing all its energies
to crash against whatever chains it
or hems it in

It needs the wholeness of its movement
Just as it needs the wholeness of its body
Needs to be free
to fill the sweeping arcs
for which it is designed

It will break through
Or it will find a way
to move beneath the barrier
And there
Soft and persistent and unmoldable as water
It will wear away the walls
until they fall.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Going Under

I close my eyes and watch the scenes that rise
My mind makes stories
for the sounds it hears —
A not-too-terrible retreat
from the bizarre intrusion —
Two heads intently staring down at me
Two pairs of hands with instruments employed
Where they have safely cordoned off
the messy natural functions of my mouth
My tongue sits under rubber,
too numb to do much.

Best to go under —
To watch dancers
And parallax of buildings’ walls
as I approach them
And flowing swirls of river water
Best to relax
into the yes I’m learning to lean in to.
Wake me up when it’s over.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Signs

The kindly moon
Riding almost full
Through the shell-pink sky
Presiding over all the arc of night
On leaving, drew a blanket
Over the sleeping earth
To keep her warm till morning

The softness of today
Attests to sweet sleep
The birdsong finds the air gentle
As it lifts its clear tones across the breeze
The bulbs are up, and many trees are greening
Shoulders lift in lightness
At the day’s ease

And in the bustle of the evening
We see each other cheered
By the enduring light
That spreads benevolence across the traffic
Extending hope and welcome towards the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Vignettes from the day

The nappable sun
on the bench in the park
found me mellow
while boys and their fathers
launched out in a red canoe
fishing gear ready
for bonding and adventure

An elderly lady and I
raced our shopping carts
down the aisle
I pulled back to not collide with others
She laughed and pulled ahead
I squeaked out through my door ahead of her
but her car was closer, so she won.
I kept laughing all the way home.

This coffeehouse is empty
but for us, and the owner
and the western sun
that gleams through the windows
which frame out different sections of the sky.
Day flows into evening,
We pack up and head home
Plum blossoms scent the air —
Sweet delicate spice of Spring.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Exploring Yes

I wanted this:
I wanted to be overcome,
Wanted the unknown mysterious tide
to rush through me, lifting away
everything I thought I was.
I wanted this internal suspension
Where my molecules,
With sudden phosphorescence,
Flow in a toroidal circulation,
Waking me all up inside.

I wanted this astonished state
of being rendered formless —
My caterpillar body melting
in its chrysalis —
Feeling in an ongoing surprise
The newness taking shape within.

When we are done, I’ll soar —
Of this I’m sure
though I can’t fathom how,
or what I’ll be
For I am drawn to this
with all my essence —
This yes to you is yes, still more,
to me.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 24, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Days like this

Days like this,
It’s easy enough to understand
how a springing plant
can do nothing all day
but bask and expand,
reaching out the pleats
of newly unsheathed leaves,
drawing water up,
making sugar from the sun

And it’s easy to sense
that it’s enough
to lie around like a cat,
every rise and fall of breath
a purr of gratitude
for how it feels right now.

There’s a full job description
in the attention
to the precise gift
of this moment —
The need to witness it
can’t be neglected.

Days like this
It’s easy enough
to claim the task of being —
A sweet duty
not to leave undone.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 23, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Fairy Tale

He looks at her bewildered
as if to ask,
“Why are you here?”
Her look returns the same unsaid surprise:
“I came because you called me —
Called me by my ancient name,
The one I didn’t even know
but had to answer.
I came because you knew me,
And I needed, in your eyes,
to learn myself.
I came because you needed me,
And I, I needed to be needed,
just like that.”

He shakes his head. “No,
I never called you. Not like that.
Well, sure, I find you charming,
as I find many women. But no,
I don’t have time
or strength
to hold the whole of you,
to meet your offer.”

He talks like that, 
but she doesn’t believe him.
How, after all, could he reach
so deep into her soul
and still not know her?
And knowing her, how could he fail
to be entranced?

Yet no is no
And so she knows
she needs to let it go.
She makes a sail
to catch and radiate her love.
She uses it
to sail around the world.
For what is once called forth
though left unclaimed
cannot go back,
And what has been once named
must fill its place,
must rise up in its light.
She’ll use her new-found grace
to crest the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Love flows in
to all the hidden places
Love’s balm,
Love’s calm
allays all fear, aligns the inner graces.
Every anxious flailing churning clamoring
is put to rest in Love’s deep-running channeling.
Only what is wholesome can grow here,
All progress so attuned to Love, 
All purpose clear.
Let me humbly move at Love’s direction,
Hallowed in Love’s joy and pure affection,
So removed from every claim of pain,
Firm and settled in Love’s holy reign.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sinking into One

Honesty has gravity
to sink me
into the integrity
that touches our humanity,
our unity, our oneness.

Oneness is my wholeness,
Full circle for my movement,
Inclusion wherein I can know
no strangers, and no strangeness.

There will be things to wrestle with,
to floor me with their rising;
I’ll find the weird and wonderful,
enchanting and surprising;
But nothing I can’t snuggle with
when the day is done.
So, embracing everything
I learn to know the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 20, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prayer at the End of Days

Spirit, be a rock under my feet,
For these sands are flowing hard against me.
Hold me with your steady hand,
Unite me with your center,
Give me strength to stand
Against the seething flood of matter.
Be so clear
That all these tidal flows
Will fail to grab me in their undertow.
Let them only serve to bring illusion down
That I may stand in freedom
Knowing Truth alone.
Hold us all, that as the turbid turbulence subsides,
We all will stand together
Seeing new, clear-eyed.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 19, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I could go off into drift
I could let the sense of disconnect
fog up my sight with sadness,
close me in,
make me curl up into a small place
to collect the seeping darkness
in my body’s still,
to manufacture tears, perhaps
and soft howls.

I could wait there for you to notice.

It could be a long wait.

And it would start to seem pointless
after just a little while.
Plus if you did see me there,
what would you do?
I would be
one more unpleasant task,
another instance
of the universe’s obstinance
or bland indifference.

Better to laugh.
Better to consider
that none of this was made with me in mind
There certainly was no attempt
to cut me off
And maybe all of this was an illusion anyway —
Emotional hallucination
of an errant tooth.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 17, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013


It’s easy for me to put up a barrier.
I can say
Here is a thing I need
And without it I can’t find
the full connection.
It can be a very reasonable thing,
A need that anyone would understand
But however compelling
my justification,
It’s still my choice.

I don’t have to let anything
be a barrier
between me and full connection
Not my inhibitions, or yours
Not your preoccupations, or mine
Not habit, not rhythm, not time
Not species, not genus, not gender
I can run into these barriers
but I don’t have to.
It’s my choice.
Let me remember.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013


In this moment
We know why we are here.
We don’t know what we’ll say
Or if we’ll even talk
Or if we’ll dance, or sing, or pray
And yet we sense
We will support each other.

We each will ask
For what will feed us now.
We each will find
Within our yet unspoken wisdom
The truth that meets each other’s present need.

We each will rise
Impelled by what’s required
To know our selves as capable,
As bright providers
Of what sustains us while alone
As while together.
We are, in this shared role,
Our greatest treasure.
So we flow upwards, outwards,
Splendid wings unfurled,
A sisterhood to overcome the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 14, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homecoming: a vision

She makes her way along familiar streets
now rendered narrow
by the broadness of her vision.
Her light-filled eyes
scan these scenes
of her recent past
which tug up tears she scarcely understands.

Her skirt snags on corners;
She tries to pull it in;
It keeps on spilling outward
Like her love,
Like her tears.
She wants to gather all these up;
She wants them to come with her,
Wants them to see her.

They are afraid
that they have lost her,
that she won’t stay home,
that in her brilliance
she has no time to see them.

She will find a way to bring them in
She will be patient
She’ll come up from behind,
Shine through them softly
So the light they see is theirs
Rising from within
to meet her own.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Visiting hour, King County Jail

None of these restraints are what they seem:
Though we may feel the structure is
the walls and doors, the iron and the glass,
the heavy locks,
They only are projections of the barriers inside —
The layers upon layers of revoked permissions
set down since toddlerhood,
And the narrow mazes of propriety
inculcated through all our years of school,
Reared up here as final ultimatum:
Stay in the lines, or you will crash, hard, here.

But none of these structures
are what they seem.
Such a surprise to see the guards,
The sentinels of good-defined-by-evil,
Jealous keepers of prescribed morality
Receiving our sweet, wilting, proffered flowers
and stepping over
to our side.

The power of the truth within,
The still, small voice of liberty
Autopoiesis of each living thing
Must overcome these walls and set us free.
Yes, we will pray.
That’s where we must begin.
Against these odds
it is the only way to win.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

My body’s yes

What is it
that calls my body’s yes
in the middle of the night?
— The yes that knows
with the certainty of weather
how to move —
How to flow along the thermal currents
Steady as progressing clouds across the sky
Soft as air
Warm as breath
Smooth as steam

What is the I Am in you
that calls forth this response
somewhere beneath the layers
of directed thought?
I found myself, within myself,
in awe,
Embodying a grace I’d never known,
Inhabiting a place of
effortless, continuous engagement
With some imperative
presence of you.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013


This realigning of what matters
is like a massive shift in focus
in which vertical lines
trade places with each other
and what I thought was space between
is coming into view as solid
and what I thought was solid
may turn out to not be anything.

And in my reassessment
I still haven’t found
the rare bird
on which I hoped my lens was trained
but those leaves
in bright and waxy detail
stand out, surreal, 
against surrounding greens.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 10, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

On Mortality: Four Observations

“It’s all over now, baby blue.”
In the buckling of the sky
(blue, almost serene, beyond my windshield,
Turned, in my mind’s eye
by the lyrics of a song)
I felt how creatures die
in the final overwhelm
that overcomes
the desperate, rising impulse
of life plunged into struggle.
They shut their eyes tight,
They curl up
They let it all go —
A sudden shift in priorities —
It all goes quite easily:
They open their eyes
And it is gone.

Maybe each time we awake,
We die from the dream we were in
All those scenes
So swiftly forgotten
in the insistent brushstrokes
of the day’s reality.
Maybe we have died thousands of times,
or more (he said)
And it is something in our creature memory:
We know what it is.

Against the backdrop of impassive sky
These tragedies roll out,
These cries of anguish,
All this waste, this grief,
The drudgery, the disappointment
And the clamor for relief
Yet we will give our all for life
Until the final moment comes.

I don’t intend to die today
But if I did
I would be satisfied.
I’ve sown true seeds,
I’ve shared my gift,
I’ve known great love
I have more words
But these could be enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 9, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Taste of spring

Days like this
I remember
How the sun can come for me —
How, even if I face it from a place of stress,
Numb to any radiance or peace,
Its shining will start to reach through —
Soft warming on my face,
Dazzle of water sparkles on my eyes,
Subtly winning ground in my attentions
Till I am undone,
Abandon all preoccupations
And stretch, catlike,
Into the luxury of its gift.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting home

There are so many ways
to get back to your foundation.
You can get there by rising —
Your upward thrust locating,
through its balance,
the deep support that sends you on your way.

You can get there by falling —
Tumbling for mercy,
Needing everything,
Drawing your aid from your loves.

You can get there in frenzy —
Flailing till everything extra burns out
and nothing is left but the core.
You can get there in stillness —
Settling into your peace
till you know nothing more.

You can forge for it,
Resolute and alone,
Brave and courageous 
till all the resistance is done.
You can find it in liquid togetherness,
Gathering strength as you pool
in a deep, shared surrender.

One thing is sure:
You are destined to find it, 
Certain as anything known —
There are so many kinds of returning,
So many ways to get home.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Another layer of dissolving dream
sits like mist a little distant from my eyes
I peer to see the sun — pale disk,
Asserting its dominion on the day

The mist, dispersing, opens out my vision
The ground, now oddly solid
sends its message through my soles:
This is the earth on which you have been walking
This is the contact that will find you whole

I realize that I’d wondered why, while grasping
at all those things, I never really held one
Or why in running towards those goals
I never reached them,
Why the teachers’ lessons
Felt confusing, hopeless, boring
Why I always plodded
When I felt I should be soaring —
Now I know.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We’ve been through this before
but this time we’re wiser
and will stand unflinching
as all those shapes pass through us —
those illusions of ourselves,
walking and moving
but absent our deep desire —
ourselves moving in tracks
set up to have us shuffle
mostly mindless,
mostly lifeless,
through our days

This time we won’t 
fall in step with them
For our roots reach down
so much deeper —
through rocks, through magma,
to the mingling with the very core of things,
And our crowns,
full as the most established of the guardian trees —
Our crowns dance with the stars.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 5, 2013