Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ashes, Ashes

(regarding today's shootings in Seattle)

Reason unravels
Reasons unravel
Following the rules —
staying within the lines —
is shown to hold no more safety
Anyone can fall . . . 

When the perimeter permitted is too small
to let us range
And it grows tighter
narrowing our path until we pace in figure eights
And we are running them like caged cats
in frenzy, beating out our necessary rhythm
in a permission-starved place 
where there’s no room for us
There will be breakages
and the rules won’t keep us safe.
Ashes! Ashes!

So it will continue
till one by one
we withdraw consent
to any rules that hem in our compassion
and rationalization that results in isolation
and any, all partitions based on fear
We can’t be safe until we come together
in the place that holds us all,
that holds us tender
Refusing scorn, refusing condemnation.

(The only way to bring someone to justice
is to be just
to banish from within the urge to hate
No lashing out in anger can release us
But grief’s collective wail
experienced in union
may let us see each other,
bring us home.)

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An empty page

Perhaps it is a time for breathing in
Breathing in, taking in
Listening instead of saying
Having nothing to convey
Ingesting rather than creating
Letting rushing showers of stories
fall across my vision
Hearing all the sounds
and making no decision
Let the magic coalesce at other sources
Let the message be sent out
by other voices
This yawning blankness of my mind
may well be for the best
Every field, including mine
must have its time of rest.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Witnessing Joy

I will be a witness for joy
However unsophisticated and ungainly 
it may seem,
however unrefined

I will witness joy
against the voices that deny it,
those who say
you can’t have joy unless you are naive;
your joy betrays
that you’re a little blind

But I will be a witness for joy
For if it’s present here
it’s also possible
in other places

I will claim the simple joy of company
And I will claim the simple joy of music
And I will claim the simple joy of walking free
barefoot in grass, and the infusion
of a little bit of sun into the day

And I will notice:
Joy is held secure in Spirit
ever present substance,
cause of Life’s self-affirmation —
Every living thing can feel it, hear it
Life takes joy and rises up
unceasing in ebullient celebration.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sun Catchers

These moments catch joy
as bubbles catch air and light
In the confluence
of attention and intention
Of expectation and surprise
Of readiness to be delighted
and whatever light refractor
floats into our sphere of interaction:

A bright, chance meeting in a crowded festival,
A long-awaited reuniting of the clan,
A perfect day, and freedom to ride into it
open, ready to be wafted to adventure,
Or this: a tent of time —
Enough of it together
for each of us to open up a secret treasure
to relish as we share it with each other

These lights may now be kept
trapped in the amber of memory
Where they can serve as talisman
against the darkness of tomorrow’s doubts
Remind us, from our cloister,
How we can go out
like bubbles in the wind
and catch the light.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 27, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012


“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes” 

As the devourer chomps
more and more bites
from our collective day
And there are ever fewer places
its great maw has not marred
And as we see the things we hoped for swallowed —
their pieces spit back on the putrid heap —
And feel the seemingly inexorable churning
of sacrificial goods conveyed to feed the beast
What can deliver us?

What can deliver us?
Not only from the looming shadow —
swift encroaching hopelessness, despair —
But also from the soporific tendency
to sink in hooded apathy
or hide in empty revelry
To close our eyes as if we didn’t care. . .

Truth can deliver us
The truth of each one’s heart’s desire
must reaffirm its presence
The law of motivations
must ascend in every life
Till all that is perverted falls
and only what is true remains.

“Then will I also confess unto thee 
that thine own right hand can save thee.”
— And each yearning heart
that answers its own call
will help to realign our lives
and save us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Song of the Eternal Body

Each of us is anciently wise
Each holds the source
of the essential sequences of being
Each integrally joined
to that one primal course
The pulse of life, its elemental meaning

Funny how the secret waits so silently —
day by day does nothing to assert itself —
And yet, as oracle, will tell us when we ask
the things we thought were far beyond our grasp

Ripples of mirth, spreading of connection
Bands of support, in joyful integration
The poise of totally assured perfection
is celebrated here in exaltation

And it sings:
We are right here
Where music flows within 
like breath, like blood
And light shoots through
like waves of impulse spreading
We are right here
We hold you timeless in the web of life
and everything comprising us is good.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Let your peace return,
spiral inward, homing
There is no perturbation
that can mar its coming

In your internal quiet
the steady pulsing
has never ceased
This reassertion of itself
it does with ease

Outside, the winds may buffet you
May tease along your furls
Try to unravel you
Surge, hiss, seethe
Set you flapping, fraying
Worry at the edges of your poise

But underneath
The currents run their course
untouched by surface winds
And the soft voice
that’s anchored in the truth
of who you are
is still here
and it will spread its deep calm
in strong and tranquil rays
across your sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2012

(Picture: Wind bowl, Jennifer McCurdy.  Photo by Gary Mirando)

Monday, May 21, 2012


He sits there with his dirty hands
And rocks and rocks, and squeaks and squeaks
He has gone vacant
You can’t trust anything he says about his day
You know he doesn’t have a clue what happened.
When he gets up you’ll see
the whitish marks his hands left on the chair


He sits there with his gnarled hands
still full of all the memories of having worked
still capable beneath the wrinkled skin
They tap against the chair arm keeping time
to some remembered song
Or to the band he marched in once
so many years ago

He rocks and rocks, remembering
The times he won, the times
He proved himself to be uniquely clever
The times when he was master
The times when he was kind
He plays them back, for they affirm him
Repetitious pleasure signals
Looping through his mind

When he gets up to eat the food that I’ve prepared
He’s always grateful: for the food, but more
He’s grateful for the time we share
Companionable repast nurturing
His sense of being wanted, and belonging


No facts that I observe can stand alone
I’ll always bind them up in explanation
Then let my story here
be one I’m glad to own
that holds my thought in nurturing relation.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 21, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cuddle Your Curmudgeons

Cuddle your curmudgeons
Lay their heads in your lap
Stroke their hair
But do not take their frowns into yourself
Don’t match their myriad complaints
with irritations of your own,
frustration since you just can’t make them see —
For if you do
you mirror forth 
that same old bitter world
that you so want to tell them isn’t real.

Cuddle your curmudgeons
whether they live within you
or are people who in some way
share your life
For if you do, then day by day
you’ll show them
Life’s more than disappointment, stress, and strife.

Cuddle your curmudgeons
For they are tender souls
They need to know your care
is unconditional.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 20, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day’s End

Quiet evening closes in
Light gathers into lamplit circles
Sky outside exudes its final magic
Trees recede serenely into shadows

All the ranging efforts of the day return
Pool their energy into the center
Strong internal processors now softly burn
assimilating what the day has meant

Each time of holding up the light 
has played its part
Each act of empathy 
imprinted in your heart
will bring its fruits 
in surer shining of the truth
to satisfy your soul and bring rebirth
and serve as affirmation of your worth.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


Go ahead
Stomp if you need to
Raise your fist at the sky
and scream
Swear, howl, wail
Your thoughts aren’t holding up the world
Your actions, however desperate
can’t damn you
The Love that holds you
is well able to sustain the world
and you
through this storm
whether it’s your storm
or all the world kicked up around you
whether you feel you have been bad
or feel you have been wronged
It doesn’t matter
You can rest
The Principle that turns the worlds
will keep on turning
Your drooping hopes will raise their heads
towards morning.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Approaching You

The way to your open heart
and the way to mine
may be the same:
When I care more
than any calculated consequence
And I listen
not to words 
but to the cry beneath them
And I hear
not what I’ve thought before 
but that which calls right now
And I ask myself:
What does it feel like behind those eyes?
I may approach you
And if I see 
that flicker of a kindled hope
And if I feel
its resonance within
And if I shine
that flicker back in affirmation
I may arrive.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Infinite Permission

The One who made you
never said
Only take a little love
a polite small serving
(being sure to leave plenty
for everyone else)

The One who made you 
never said
Just show a little of yourself
not enough so anyone has to notice
(don’t be a spectacle)

The One who made you
gives you infinite permission
to take all the love
you possibly can
(for in taking love, you multiply it)

The One who made you 
gives you infinite permission
to shine forth everything you are
(for otherwise,
Why would you have been made?)

©Wendy Mulhern
May 16, 2012


For this great silent gift
that’s called forgiveness —
Release of gracious fragrance
to the air,
Permission to surrender my agenda
for a fine peace to cherish and to share —
I give my thanks,
For it came down so softly
Independent of my wrestling mind
It healed my wounds, erased my anguished pain
and let my inner tones be realigned

Though I knew forgiveness was required
It wasn’t something I could do alone
Ah! It was given me from somewhere higher
A truth reverberating in my bones

With this gift
I know that I, too, am forgiven
Released from all the knots wherein I writhed
To walk through slender rays of present heaven
Bright halos hovering around my eyes.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 15, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thought Channels II

Don’t have much to say
I must sit and wait
till my internal waters settle down
The turbid sediment, roiled up
from stream beds used to quiet flow
from banks above where waters mostly run
Must make its way
as far as it must go
till it can clear.

Then I’ll see
just how the course has changed
What views will stay the same
What places where my thoughts and hopes once dwelt
will be no longer fed
and so dry out
What unexpected new course I might find
of love to feed and occupy my mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012


How will you remember these —
Swing of hammock, song of trees
Blanket filling in where sun has ceased?
Wounded thoughts that need to be released . . .

Every day I send these bobbing forth
Always with earnest hope that some will see
Encapsulated, bottled, swiftly corked
Love notes to my community

There is no string to bring me with them
I can’t expect them to be met, I know
They must be free if I’m to truly give them
I send them out, and I stay here, alone

The sun is sitting in the tops of trees
The wind, affectionate, still musses up their leaves
The afternoon slides on towards evening hours
Punctuated by suburban crows and cars

Evening evens everything
Draws together trees and sky
As here and there become the same,
Things that were distant softly unify

How will you remember this?
You’ll wrap it in the evening scents and sounds
You’ll bring your peace to reign, and here is how:
You’ll set your steady anchor in the now.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I can’t tell you what it’s worth
to work alongside someone
steady repetition, finding rhythm
common effort toward a common goal
getting grimy, overcoming awkwardness
gaining growing comfort in the job

I can’t help you choose
whether to engage
in this thankless task of working with your dad
who will not thank you, who won’t be counting points
but will slowly feel companioned by your presence
And if it’s not done willingly
you might as well not bother
might as well go hang out with your friends

I know that it’s worth something
but I can’t tell you what
I don’t know what it’s worth to you
I don’t know what you’ll get
I don’t know when you’ll know what you have gained
You’ll choose, and maybe later understand.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012


Many years ago,
a dozing vision told me,
“You have a lifeline to a star.”
I sat up, alert, obscurely comforted
that any chasm I might face 
could hold no threat
and that no danger loomed
of finding my life dull and flat
I had a lifeline to a star!
and it would lift me up
across light years and eons
to my dreams

Little did I know
I have so many lifelines —
distant stars the least of them —
right here
Wind touched willow singing in the sun,
Gentle currents sliding softly,
All the gems of eyes that can connect
are lifelines holding everything together
I move and feel them pull against my chest
Inviting me to heft them, find their swing
and catapult myself
in heady, death defying joy
hand over hand along their awesome web
through this bright day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 11, 2012

Good Night

Sweet bright day 
draws to its close
Companionable shadows
bring me in
to intimacy’s secret sentences
The moon that tracked 
across the daytime sky
now sleeps, and leaves the cool night
to the stars

Inside the house, the ticking clocks
prepare to stand their vigil
The noises of the day retreat
to leave them looming
It’s my time to surrender
so that dreams can have their sway
as we ride swiftly
through the curve of night
and on toward day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We walk almost in trance
Doing things no one has taught us
Doing them because we must —
Some ancient edict
has brought us to this point
Insistent hunger drives us to the place
where we may find ourselves together
learning grace

Slowly, we pick up and wear the wisdom
Older than the schools
and the long, loud rush of words
and the frantic reasoning
intoned over and over
The words of those who would impose
a logic to their will
and make us think we need to do
the things that scatter, kill
us off, to cull the ones
who for a time can do the bidding 
of a voice that doesn’t care.

But we return
Some of us, at first
Then a few more
We come in ones and twos
But we are many
And listening within
Each of us knows 
this thing we need to do

So we unite
First join hands
Then learn to breathe together
Then learn to hold the space for one another,
To shine the light that magnifies each person’s gift
That brings us into peace and closes up the rift
Till we can weave our separate music into one voice
To reconstruct our primal song, and so rejoice.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 9, 2012

Picture: Jennifer McCurdy Vortex Vessel, Photo by Gary Mirando

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


If we breathe together —
the whole earth —
in grand and rushing intakes,
curling into every cranny,
long, sustained releasing,
returning and returning

If we fly together
riding on the currents 
and creating them
swooping, swirling, echoing each other
cushioned by the air, ecstatic, gliding

If we hum together
all the toning of our integral vibrations
finding unforeseen harmonics, deep support
joining in the long reverberation
of all we are, and all we’ve been before

Then we shall later walk enchanted
through the richness of each moment’s breath
knowing that no gesture goes unanswered
each movement met by all the ones we’re with.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 8, 2012