Tuesday, May 8, 2012


If we breathe together —
the whole earth —
in grand and rushing intakes,
curling into every cranny,
long, sustained releasing,
returning and returning

If we fly together
riding on the currents 
and creating them
swooping, swirling, echoing each other
cushioned by the air, ecstatic, gliding

If we hum together
all the toning of our integral vibrations
finding unforeseen harmonics, deep support
joining in the long reverberation
of all we are, and all we’ve been before

Then we shall later walk enchanted
through the richness of each moment’s breath
knowing that no gesture goes unanswered
each movement met by all the ones we’re with.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 8, 2012

1 comment:

  1. A marvelous moving meditation. Yea, print for Turtle tonight; we'll dance to it!
