Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Your Passage

Though it seems amazing,
even to me,
I am not afraid.

Though you face this void
and I can’t be there,
though I can’t take your steps for you,
I am not afraid.

I know the riches you’ll reap
from this passage
are without compare,
and are for you alone —
You will attain them,
you’ll bring them home

Then we will celebrate,
for you will share this with us all —
We’ll be elated,
and you’ll be free and whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 30, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I’m really good at
holding your hand
and keeping up —
skip-step in perfect trust

I like it, too, when you swoop me
high through the air,
our laughter mingling
under the bright sky,
I’m good at
filling up with joy

There have been names
given to me, and to my family,
names establishing our strengths
and our shortcomings,
generations of stories,
many never told, about them

But today I don’t want any name but yours,
don’t want histories, don’t want prognostications —
Today I’ll hold your hand and take your name:
I Am.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 29, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015


A handful of families
had come to see the blood moon,
standing around outside their cars
(like us)(children hopping around
and talking loudly)
And there it hovered
just above the trees,
just around its maximum shadow —
a smudge, a smile, a whisper

But every day has something singular —
a dance of clouds, a curve of leaves —
and every night holds out the opportunity
for moon, for stars, whatever brightness
the city’s glow may let come through.
Many people raved over this one
on the internet.
We got back in our car
and drove home.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 28, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015


No one else does it for you.
That’s OK —
This holy work
is what you’re made to do.
The you essence,
so pure in your mustard-seed core,
must draw in the life water
that makes it swell,
must split, and multiply
and open out
so bringing forth
everything you are

There is no turning back,
there is no giving up —
once started, your unfoldment
must continue
till you, too, bring forth precious seed,
spreading your blessing
wide across the land.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 27, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015


The incident is immediately
thronged by storymongers,
elbowing each other for your time

Some offer blame,
some offer quests,
some offer juicy roles —
the martyr, the oppressed

Any one will take you
down a convoluted path,
offering light 
just around the next corner

Some may offer softer rides,
some may promise more intense life lessons,
Each of them will swear
they are the only way,
None of them, however, will deliver

The one thing that can give you what you need
gives it quite clear — apparent from the start —
the cleansing waves of light across your brow,
the steady flow of truth into your heart

Stay open, and resist the stories,
urgent and compelling though they seem —
Hold out instead for comprehensive vision
and rise, thereby awakened from the dream.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 26, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015


It was a cloudy, misty day,
and we did little,
It was a shifting in between day,
a shadow,
overlapping transparencies,
intransigent opacities,
a day of waiting —
waiting for clarity,
for any forward direction,
where even fresh pursuits
fell muted
into the gray cloud
of what we don’t know.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Flying Lesson

I knew from dreams
that it would be effortless,
guided by thought and not mechanics,
and that every cell of me
would be awakened, would be exclaiming,
over and over, how free, how right, this feels

I knew that there would be no fear.
I knew I’d feel companioned,
so closely held and guided
by the Truth with which I gratefully commune.
I knew I wanted this, with all my being

What I didn’t know
was how close at hand this is —
not something lost to me
(at least until I walk a span
wherein I am defined
by some corporeality,
wherein I am confined to tracing
mostly pre-determined, fear-laced paths,
wearily, from birth to certain death)

I didn’t know I didn’t have to wait —
that this reality of who I am,
equipped and fully knowing flight,
has been here all along,
simply awaiting my lift-off.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 24, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I search for inspiration
and see the bright image squiggle,
naked as a sunbeam,
upward and out of grasp

except my mind
is its medium,
so it can’t escape —
it can only
open out my sight
to where I see it
blending like heat rising,
releasing its radiance
into a greater shimmer,
bringing me there with it,
breathing the broad freedom
of communion.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 23, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Seven Times

they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.
Daniel 4:25

I’ll take whatever baptism I can get —
Let me be wet with the dew of heaven, 
till I know:

Not my scheming mind, 
not my fretting, fearful mind, 
not my story seeking,
hoping and despairing mind,
but the Mind of stars and seasons,
of microscopic earth connections,
of fragrant sweeping tides and cedar boughs
guides the action of my life

Not my self-concerned, capricious tastes,
not my opinions,
hot my brittle sense of what I am
determines me,
but the Soul that sings through every morning
and sustains the song all through the afternoon,
goldening the evening,
coloring the mystical transition into night,
chiming through the stars,
tuning the subtle shifting
in every blessed hour until the dawn

Not my cyclic bursts of will,
my spurts of motivation
(between the slumps of lethargy)
not my halfway efforts
to accomplish something,
but Spirit’s steady, constant inspiration,
that brings life’s fruits to fullness,
each in their perfect time —
this crafts my being

It’s not my sense of life,
its little arc, and my attempts
to fill it with the things I think I want,
but Life’s design that brings me forth —
so joy-filled, so abundant,
spilling forth delight,
limitless and free

Not the set of things I’ve thought I loved,
nor the (also small) set
of what I’ve thought loves me,
but the unrepressed infinitude
of Love comprising everything,
fills me up with its desire to be

Not my former judgments of what’s true,
based on what I thought I understood,
but this great Truth is what I must acknowledge —
which makes a place for every being,
each one with its center, each a centered love

Not my sense of law — of what is right
or what I might decree,
but that full Principle,
which holds the world
in ever-moving harmony,
is the law that governs me

Seven times, and then 
my reason will be sound
for I will know
The Most High, the All Good,
makes me what I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015


In the grand array of Life
there’s nothing fragile —
The most delicate of flowers
is securely held
in the space around it,
in the air and light that haloes it,
and in its neededness
within the web of everything,

the tenderest of fronds
is supported
in the isometric force of life,
pushing out and down,
and in the cycling of energies within it

The finest of perceptions
and the sweetest of emotions,
the deep empathy and sensitivity,
are anchored in a love as vast
as all the universe
where nothing ruptures them
nor overrides their purity

So, too, this day,
this epoch, and this moment,
are held in their perfection
by a law, a love, that leaves 
no room for falling —
a law, a love, that cherishes us all.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 19, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

To Heather, visiting from the east coast

For me you have often
stood in as my daemon —
spirit beside me
giving me courage,
feather-light anchor
securing my sense of my right
to be here

Even of late
on opposite coasts
I still feel us walking together,
seeking our heart instruments
and our song,
practicing light lessons daily

Now, while you’re here,
all the tasks of my day
suddenly seem light and easy —
buoyed by your presence,
in joy of your essence,
my spirit is lifted again.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Matter of Law

A bird in a picture
can no more fall
out of the painted sky
than you can fall
from the grace that attends your being

No matter how high that bird might be
and how young — a fledgling, really —
no matter how hard the painted trees
may show the wind to blow,
that bird will stay aloft,
so have no fear,
for so shall you

I try to explain these things —
I know my own fear
in former times
was hard to overcome —
It was hard for me, as well,
not to think of these words
as some incantation
to keep the bird from falling

Believe me — I know
that words aren’t enough,
that you, too, need to feel
the upward-bearing lift
that holds you, blanket-sure,
on your true course.
And so you can —
you, too, can feel that Love
that is the only law.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 16, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mid September

It’s not quite time
to settle
into the coziness of darker days,
the smell of inside heat
while winds blow outside
and the sun comes just
in scattered, rapid glances,
and rain spatters
and there is no guilt
in staying inside all day

Now the squash have played their hands —
some will roll in flush and full to harvest,
some are banking on a longer season,
their fruits now small and hopeful and daring

And the heart race
of this span of opportunity
pulls me forward —
right to the edge of what I can know,
right to the hungering yearning urge
to keep leaping, one bound after another,
into open space.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 15, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Well Drillers

I recognize the goodness
of your sturdy strength
and your willingness
to get completely dirty
and to muscle the heavy equipment
into the ground,
your endurance
and your experience
and the way you signal to each other
above the motor’s din and through your earplugs
and you both know
what you need to do

The joy in this shows through
like the brightness of your eyes
in mud-spattered faces,
and how you hold yourselves
after the heat of the day
and the hours of work,
fortified instead of slumped by labor.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 11, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015


I’m finished with voices
telling me to do it right

I’m finished especially with
voices telling me not to do it
because I can’t do it right
right off the bat,
such that I am left
helpless and immobilized,
waiting for someone else
to do it for me
or teach me
to do it right

For I have discovered
that if I just begin,
my action and attention
will teach me very quickly
not a rule for rightness
but the motion and awareness
that works perfectly
for right now.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 10, 2015

photo by Edward Mulhern

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Short swoops of comprehension
give me the exhilaration of flight,
my heart filled with sky and already,
even in the breath-catching pause
after the high,
the prospect of the next rush
is forming, small,
in my mind

I don’t have to remind myself
how to do this —
just have to go out and
do it again.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 8, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015


“You almost always plant
for people coming after you,” he said.
“The trees we now enjoy 
were planted here by others,
Your vision will be seen, perhaps,
in thirty years (except for fruit trees —
they may bear in two or three)”

The things we’re building now
will be loved by others,
and maybe that’s the reason —
Maybe when that impetus is gone
and what is left is just the search
for what to do today —
what entertainment, what exotic play —
we find our colors cooling,
and the urge to live
to gradually begin to fade away

But as long as we’re impelled
to keep on building,
we’ll be living in the timelessness of love,
blessed by others who have built before us,
blessed by what we give to future years.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 6, 2015