Wednesday, January 31, 2018


In the moment of unweighting,
in the moment of release from all the cogs,
in the moment of perceiving
what puts us here,
some observations bear a mention:

The flash of infinity 
is like light

The rush of freedom
is exhilaration bordering on terror

A racing moment has more ticks
than I can count

Everything is possible,
no protocols have to be followed

In the moment of noticing
how this perception changes everything,
there is power. There is power
and there is peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 31, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I will cherish this hello because
we don’t know when
we might be saying good bye

We don’t know how, we don’t know why —
we might be rent asunder by events,
or maybe we will drift
along the currents of our attention
and not notice
till we haven’t seen each other
in a long time

You may visit me in a dream,
I may wake up feeling unmoored
from my accustomed havens.
We may not know how
to talk to each other anymore

But all this speculation
may be keeping me
from this connection,
this perception, this igniting,
this hello.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 30, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018


I have to stop myself many times
just to remember,
just to consider —
I have to sit still and realign myself
with the nature of my power

I can’t convince, I can’t persuade,
can’t influence, can’t teach, can’t prod,
I can’t make anybody else see something different,
can’t steer their ship, can’t bear their load

But in the core of who I am
resides a dynamo,
for I am master
of my own mind

And I can see the truth
in everyone I think about,
and I can love
anyone I want,
and I can find
a way to bring out goodness
where I am focusing,
while I am here.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 29, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The edge before sleep

In the view behind my eyelids
everyone kept walking through
with marked purpose.
They made stories for themselves
out of the ambient sound

It didn’t take long
for me to drift away
nor yet to jolt back
like falling off a cliff
awakeness catching me
just enough to set me down

When there is nothing new
in what the day has to report
there is always the allure
of the edge before sleep
and thought’s opening
to the vast expanse of dream.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 28, 2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018

In the Garden of Belonging

Let me stay here
in the soft bubbles
of easy laughter
where everything is forgiven
because no harm was ever done
because how could it be?
—Given that we always
have been beloved,
given that we always have walked
in the garden of belonging,
always have owned
the grace to move
softly and deeply
through the landscapes of our lives.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 27, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018


We put in our protest
against this box of pain —
it doesn’t get to hem us in
or stare us in the face
in every place we turn

How have we asked to be betrayed?
What have we swallowed
to render us unworthy?
Where have we believed
that we deserve this pain —
What have we chosen?

We asked to be beloved,
we asked to be the ones
who shine the essence forth
of all that is

We asked to have the depth
that would include ourselves
and everyone we see
and everyone we know about
in the hallowed harmony
of who we are

We have not asked for pain,
and what we have not asked for
we can not receive. 
This is what I ask
to see for myself.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 26, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018


I see you there
steering your ship
behind eyes that you feel
not quite tall enough
to see out of,
reaching for the controls,
confused about which one does what
and how much force to apply —
I see your bravado, and
maybe a few of your other veils

Don’t worry — we all feel that way
at least some of the time.
I know we all want
the same thing —
Here — have a little gentle laughter,
the kind that tells you 
you’re eternally accepted, the kind
that lets you know
you belong here forever
in the home-free tumble-fest of life.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Moving out

We will walk out of that house
and maybe leave the sadness behind,
let it become the emptiness
that calls out to another family

Let them imagine
filling the space,
growing up into it,
finding its secrets
and making their own
while we walk
into our new life
surprisingly unencumbered.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 24, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018


Peaceful as evening,
as a fire-warmed house
and brisk fresh air outside,
low crescent moon 
among the branches

Peaceful as being clean
after a hard day’s work,
this glow has settled over me

It lets me know
there never was a way
I could fail at my life,
foolish though I may have been,
innocent as I may ever be

All I’ve been given
was given with love,
and I have received it
with enough grace
that I can feel where it comes from.
I can receive it
as deeply as this peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 22, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Moving House

In these first days
I take a lot of time
teaching myself
where things go

In these last days
I grow more ruthless
about letting things go

In the stretch of memory
my mind inhabits
at all the moments in between,
I feel content with how it’s all played out —
what I have done, what I have been

Funny how I find happiness
not along the lines of time
but in the light the present casts
into the chambers of my mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 21, 2017

Saturday, January 20, 2018


The dishwasher in this house
is louder than the washing machine

They are engaged
in an industrious duet

Their rhythm is suggestive
of riding on a train
dancing down the slightly swaying cars

The washing machine
is using hot for cold
to the detriment of all our woolen socks

The dishwasher sounds
as if something came loose
and is flailing around in the slosh

I’m grateful to the one
who will give them their adjustments
so they can faithfully perform their tasks

They both are doing work
I’m glad to let them do,
so I will not complain about their music.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 20, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018


In the place of home
named Who You Are,
nothing ruffles you

You will still hear 
the raging outside,
you will see the great array
of arguments and power plays
that say you should be
scared and cowed and battered

But yours will be the peace
of being untouched
by anything that’s not your maker,
by anything that’s not
your sweet musician,
unmoved by anything
except the grand harmonic motion
that defines you, new in every moment,
that delights you in the humming
of your being.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 19, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Ease your heart —
courage forms
in the pools 
of thirst-quenching soulfulness

You can immerse yourself
and feel your movements deepen.
There is no need
to be shallow,
no need
to hold yourself back

Feel the full stroke,
the powerful surge
of being the beloved
of the infinite.
This is where you hit your stride,
this is you, living.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 18, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Playing House

What does it mean for us,
this mode, where every day
feels like the weekend?
— a weekend that we’ve filled
with many tasks, a mode
of casual forgetting
what any other sectors of the world are doing

It feels like play time —
playing house, playing
let’s figure out how we’ll live,
let’s make new path habits
for our movement

At some time we’ll need to look up
and reconsider where we fit in,
how our days contribute
to the greater good. For now it’s something
to just be happy
as we work these little problems out.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 16, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Fringe of Day

Over the edge and down
into the suspended space,
the color — rings of shifting brown,
a lazy torus rolling, drifting outwards

This is a picture
of where I landed
after a day in which I wondered
what I had done in it,
how my work had seemed so short
and why I was so tired

I had to acknowledge
there were no real thoughts there —
just images,
and a desire for sleep.

©Wendy Mulhern

January 14, 2018