Saturday, November 30, 2013


And if our orbits
grow more elliptical,
swinging out towards wider distances,
it means that, more than ever,
I need your anchored presence —
something to fly back to
with pull that increases
from having been away.
I need us to home in,
for we are centers
for each other,
holding us on course
in our singular path
through the black sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Mental Housekeeping

I can’t argue
with someone I don’t know,
(as ground shifts beneath me like water)
who clearly wants to set forth
a strong opinion,
and who hasn’t heard me
and doesn’t want to.
Let it go —
There may be common ground
with that person —
Just not here.

No need to identify
with proffered bargains
for something less
than my whole being.
No need to settle for pain,
or for complaint,
or for a muddied, stagnant
view of life.
Right here in this day
are seeds from eons back
waiting for this perfect moment
to spring forth.

When no excuse
can really cover
a stupid oversight,
and nothing in my makeup
can explain it,
and its implications
arraign me in a wrinkle of character
that time won’t smooth,
it’s OK to go back
and ask for a redo.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


In the sudden awareness
of any truth,
there is a great stillness —
all looping of thought halted
in the ember-deep burn
that transmutes everything —
new palette, new canvas, new line.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Taste

we haven’t even yet known
the depth and breadth
of how it feels
to leave the boundary of our skins
and stream in Spirit

We may have a taste of it
from when the spirit sloshes strong
against our insides,
suffusing us with sweetness,
sending tingles out beyond our limbs.
Or when we call each other
through the twinkle of our eye lights,
we can guess how it might be.

For now, perhaps,
that will have to do.
And it is certainly enough
to send me flying,
euphoria pushing up
under my wings.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

True Testimony

I will not argue
against myself anymore.
I will not deny
my power or my desire,
I will not take the side
of death, decline, fatigue.

I am alive,
and Life’s essence
is the one thing I must manifest
in the being of myself —
I must always move as Life moves —
growing, sheltering, blooming,
attracting, rejoicing, communing.

I separate myself
from the internal voices
that try to make me think
I desire inertia.
I am of Life,
and Life supports my being
what it is, what I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Your arms full of tools,
your face full of sun,
you face the task at hand
armed with resolve.

And what would ever hold you back
except those voices, that can only say
“you don’t want to do that.”
They are as insubstantial as shadows.

Shadows can chill you,
but only when you’re not moving —
their bars can’t hold you in.

How bright the joy
of going forward —
Your movement, not your fears,
thus your defining substance,
your goodness not in theory
but in action,
your life not in the future but in now.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 24, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013


Joy springs up,
bubbles along its channels,

So much goodness in today —
Things that waited many years to surface,
deep in hidden aquifers,
pulled up by gratitude,
sweet from long, cool resting
under rock;

Things that came just now —
the rising to the challenge
of present weather,
the brightness of success in being true.

Joy feeds joy,
as gratitude brings forth the same,
Goodness stays
when circulated day by day.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I will keep
what’s been committed
to my trust —
each precious soul-glimpse,
each secret shared
(or spilled, in the earnest, bumbling
sloshing of a heart,) 

each gift that’s given me
of hard-won ease,
each doubt-enfolded impulse
that fights its way through all those layers
and emerges
in some quick moment I may chance to see —

These are priceless —
I will give them all the honor they deserve.
I will keep them,
I will not forget.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


There’s nothing esoteric
in the law that governs everything,
no subtle knife edge
to walk on in the dark,
where truth would be delivered
if you could only get it right
(but probably you’ll wander in the fog)

The law that governs everything
is written in the code
of everything that’s governed,
as simple as light,
as ineluctable as grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


the roar of my breathing,
more solid than the many thumps —
my heartbeat and its tributary pulses,
deeper than the image of myself
spread out along the sprawl
of my body,
is where I find my peace.

There is a quiet fire
that doesn’t even flicker
at the perturbation of yawns,
that isn’t damped
by the gathering of fog.
It warms my bones
and sets them secretly aglow
beneath my flesh,
around my silent core

And it will burn
throughout the hours of sleep,
delivering me sound
into the arms of dawn.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013


Each of them felt alone
but maybe it wasn’t true.
Each felt the others were against them
but maybe it wasn’t true.
Each one felt caught up in a seesaw
where others put them down
out of a need to be the upper one
but maybe it wasn’t true.

Maybe the conflict 
really was a screen between them,
distortions in the filters,
which none of them owned.
Maybe if they felt betrayed,
or framed, or misconstrued
it wasn’t others, but a general fear
that fogged their view.

And maybe any one of them could pause,
Just stop.
Long enough to let the dust fall away.
And keep on watching till they glimpsed
the other as a mirror,
shining, multiplying back their light.
It might astonish everyone
and maybe it’s true.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 18, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Your questions

You ask yourself —
What is my place?
Where do I fit?
Am I enough?

How could you have any doubt?
The light that shoots through you
flows into me,
igniting other threads of my connection.
Your hands are made to heal
what you have touched, 
and you have touched me.

Life needs you to do the thing
you wonder if you dare desire,
(you ask if you’re allowed to have such sweetness)
How could you have any doubt?
This is the thing you were made for,
This was made for you.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013


Maybe it only takes
holding your hand,
and yours — one on each side —
for the circuit to connect,
and the ancient courage
in which we know all things are possible
will flow forth.

Just so we know
we’re not alone —
So we become formidable
and we will draw our circles
in the streets
and link our threads of knowing
till our web is thick and springy
and can hold us all together,
save us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013


If I can see this fog
then I can see
it isn’t that you’re blurred
and indistinct,
it isn’t that you’re dull and distant.

I can separate
the vibrancy of you
from that illusion.
I can see
there is no need
to find a way to brighten you
or to discard you
due to lack of color.

I can let my understanding
lift my vision
till the fog disperses
and I see you clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


We are called to this place
by something as insistent and elemental
as what causes leaves to turn,
and then to fall,
as what makes dewdrops form
in the cold moments before morning.

There is no question —
When we have filled our lungs
and feel our hearts made ready,
we will sing —
words we never heard before,
a tune we didn’t know
but which will find its tones
in perfect harmony
with everyone who has been called.

We turn alone
but we are many —
uncountable, assembled
to be the new voice pouring forth
in wonder. Changing everything.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


No need to engage
with the shrill and brittle
sticklike visage you present,
no need to be taken in
by the rasping preconditions
you establish for connection,
no need to feel grated.

Though these words won’t reach you,
I can tell
this isn’t you —
the image you propose
is not the one you want,
you aren’t enamored
with the harsh and petty rules
that you espouse.

There’s no need for you to be impoverished.
Reflexive words, repeated fast and often,
don’t need to be a substitute for faith.
Nor do you need convincing —
no use in any thoughts I might be baited to express.
You just need time —
quiet time, still time,
calm embracing space
and lots of tenderness.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013


Let me fill you up
with the hum of you —
the rightness of what you are,
the light-filled, sensitized
receiving substance
that understands everything

Let me be a mirror
sending love
into your resonating chamber
where it picks up
all the richness
of your inner form

Let me hear your timbre,
many-toned and radiant,
subtle and exultant,
sounding out the essence of yourself,
complex, unique, embodied,
clear across the fog
of all we thought we’d never comprehend,
illuminating you and me
and all the strands around us,
sending your strong truth throughout the land.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 11, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013


As wide as this valley spreads
below our feet,
as far as the vista
of these distant mountains,
as deep as the fresh drafts
of this pine and sage scented air
(sweetened by sun, tingling with the coolness
of last night’s stars)
unfolds the scope of us.

We are not small,
we are not poor,
we are not helpless.
Our infinity draws to us
infinite wealth;
our gifts, when given,
This worth is plenty
to deliver us
all we can imagine,
everything we desire.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 9, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013


I am ready to take on faith
your good heart,
your pure soul —
I am sure that the worth
of your talents, your quirks
is inestimable —
critical part of the balance
in which all life spins

So my only other question is: 
What is it like to stand
in the room of you?
How will you hold us,
how will you shelter
those that stand with you?
Do you know
how to hold a hearth,
a warm place of peace?
Or can you make yourself at home in mine?
If so, I’m in.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Starting over

I want to take us to the place
where we can start over.
No. Better than that —
the place where there’s no race,
and we can give back
all the false starts,
all the mistakes,
all the things we did because
we saw no other way
though we could feel how we betrayed
ourselves and others.

I want us washed
in a great bubble bath,
wrapped in a grand snuggle
where all is forgiven
and we can be seen
miraculously unframed
and be forever true
to what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 7, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I have dignity,
he said,
and it was true
and we were glad 
to know he knew.

This navigation
through the floes
of people trying out identities,
the lurches and convergences,
the flowing, the repelling,
calls for vigilance
against submerged projectiles.

It’s good to have a solid grasp
of what of you can bend
and what must stay unmoved.
You have dignity —
It serves you well.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Afternoon nap

I wake up
to the lazy intersection
of dream and evening noises,
of sleep-infused limbs,
and the slow wheel of reflected headlights,
window-shaped, across the ceiling.

It’s hard to rise
from the compelling coziness
in the place where the threads to the day
have dissolved,
hard to drag myself away
from the sweet tangle
that pulls me languidly
into its spell.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013


There is no stasis
(he said)
in relationships. Everything
is always moving

(Yes, like skin slides against skin
and may find a stopping point,
but then will find another way
to flow, exploring the soft
give of bodies and the many ways
they fit together)

Everything changes. Perspective,
relevance, immediacy, 
brightness, hue, saturation.

But there are constants, too —
the steadiness of pure soul
always being what it is,
shining through.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 4, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

By design

Don’t worry.
I won’t lay out my program of bliss
without you. You are in it,
you will always be in it
because your being
brings me such joy.
(And if you want this
to apply to you, it does.)

I can’t imagine
bliss without you there.
The precise hue
of your perspective,
the timbre of your laugh,
the texture of your cuddle
are essential.
Your wisdom balances things,
your needs are needed.
In my vision
you will always have a place.

Wendy Mulhern
November 3, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Walking it out

Things can come clear
in the quiet steps of night
when there is time —
(a pause after a question
may take a block or even two —
the silence stretching taut between the houses
till there’s enough tug
to pull the answer up from underneath)

Things can come clear
in the dark
where a face can be averted
so exposing looks can pass by
and there is time
to regain composure,
to find the words,
and there’s time to get beyond
reflexive postures.  There’s time
to really hear, and to start over.

There’s time for the warm, quiet
language of hands
clasped through the traversing
of many streets
to make room for everything 
that needs to be spoken.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

What we needed

None of the things we brought with us
were what we needed.
How, after all, could we have predicted
this place, this world?
How could we have known
none of our hard-learned lessons,
our expectations, our opinions,
our conclusions
would have weight?

No matter,
for we still had what we needed.
It was in us
all along.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 1, 2013