Monday, March 30, 2015

“Sink like a stone, Float like a feather”

When you’re caught in the web
and nothing makes sense
and all your moves to free yourself
just render you more tangled
You can always go within,
sink like a stone
in the gravity
of all you care about —
fall densely and deeply
into the knowing
of your essence,
the rock from whence you were hewn

When the weight of the world
holds you pinned and immobile,
inertia bearing down upon
your every motivation,
You can always reach out
and float like a feather 
in the infinite affection
that holds you so tender,
your every breath
responded to
in the sweet song of being,
crooned now so softly
for you.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 30, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Only so much time
can be spent in shock
though waves and afterwaves
of revelation
keep sending their tremors
roiling and insistent
throughout the startled landscape
of my consciousness

Only so much time
can be given
to parsing out the network
of the old lies —
How they snared us
is far less relevant
that what we need to do
and how we can,
and how we follow the imperative
to rise.

©Wendy Mulhern 

March 29, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Rain in the Forecast

Strong wind from the south.
The sky has angels in it —
broad wings stretched out
against the fervent blue
bearing word of change

The water speaks of sun and cloud —
silver sparkle, metal gray,
Small children play at lake side,
my tears just out of range

The girl plays with her dad,
the boy plays alone.
They want to play together
but can’t quite make it happen

I help myself to some of their longing
while warm wind intermittently 
brings the scent of blossoms

Cormorants and gulls
sit out on pilings,
Some gulls fly low
playing knock-you-off,
Coots float in flotillas
bobbing in the waves

This day, and what will save it
fade in and out like wind and sun
taking their time
before tomorrow’s rain.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 27, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Joy Rising

Joy rises like heat
from all that breathes
in the landscape of a life,
all that connects and releases,
all that takes in and gives back

It isn’t packaged in discrete parcels
to be won or bought,
doesn’t depend on reaching
designated goals
It doesn’t hold back, doesn’t wait
for anything

Joy rises like morning mist
to meet the sun,
from all that breathes,
suffusing everything.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life Force

I think of sinking
to the silent place of upwelling
where the life force springs forth
inside of me

I see the soft, brown depression,
a sign of water past
but nothing there

I pause before attempting
to dig deeper —
It is not in me:

The life force comes from everywhere,
quicker than instant —
It fills me full

Clear, clear water
cold and warbling
refreshing as
presence discovered to be infinite,

Flowing me,
showing itself to be me —
liquid elation,
treble peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 25, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hold Me

I will hold you
until all your anxieties
and all your busy analyzers
turn around three times
and settle down

I will hold you 
till the counsel of your inner stillness
finds its fire,
lights up its knowing

I will hold you
until all your little animals —
the ones that hover in the dark
just out of view —
come curious and hopeful
to the fire, and,
still alert but now calm,
lie down

You can hold me
till all my little animals
leave all their little dreads,
come in to settle by the fire.
Yes, you can hold me the same.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 24, 2014

Monday, March 23, 2015


Let me remember
what holds me,
close as my skin,
close as my breath —
what bears me up,
what launches me
on every leap, each earth-blessed step

Let me lean in
and feel its strength sustaining me,
Let me feel its soft, abiding rest —
I cannot fall from here,
I can’t be helpless —
It guides me through my pathways unsuppressed

Let me not be fooled
by the illusion
that I walk unsupported
through indifferent air,
Let me be free from memories of pain,
let me be free from fear

That law that holds me now
has always been here,
close as my thought,
close as my name,
And it will always be
the arms embracing me,
Its comfort sure, its soulfulness the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 23, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stealing Away

We are stealing away,
feeling the need to be quiet
lest our escape, somehow, be arrested

We are not talking about
the wasteland we are walking out of,
not yet. Not till we are safe
on the other side

We have seen many things —
Things that were not hidden, really,
but we just couldn’t see them
without a reference point

Now that those points
have come into focus
we are going, as fast as we can,

Less fleeing than walking rapidly 
towards our destination,
to that safe haven
where we can be real.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 21, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tree Full of Birds

We’ll ride on the memory
of a tree full of birds,
We’ll hold it to us
amid the roar of traffic
as hearth to our hope fires,
promise of home,
a place for our dreams to be landing

Many a span we have to cross —
seasons and processes,
efforts, expenditures,
many occasions we’ll have for rising
to feats that we’ve never yet dared

Far away, in a pasture
that old oak stands
and the birds come and lodge in it
singing and flocking

Later, the quiet night
will rest in its branches,
wind-sighing lullaby
soothing its sleep

It will wait for us, too,
standing through rain,
through spring kissed air
till we return
to breathe with it again.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 20, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015


It’s time.
It’s time to pierce this bland shroud,
this heavy and impermeable sense
of being held down,
of having an internal weight
that droops my efforts ever toward inertia,
proclaiming all that's good must end
while what is bad will rumble on forever

Every live thing testifies otherwise:
Every green shoot pushes up and out
against its boundaries,
reveling in strength
turning the downward pull
into its springboard
in its eternal act of living power

Every sentient being
delights in helping others,
in striking up the magic multiplying
chords of giving joy
that flow in sweet increase from hand to hand,
that sing forever down the grateful land.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 19, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I see my sentience
is entirely thought —
pervasive loops which constitute
my sense of being here,
of who I am

I see how easily the perturbations
(suggestions of alarm, of need to see
what I have wanted as an outcome
come to pass,
the wavering braids of hope and fear
and then the closing sentence)
can form and sway what I have called my life

But this is not my all:
These things which claim
to be the outer world,
and chance, and fate,
and what might come of me today,
are currents in the same domain of thought

In which I would be rudderless
if not for this release:
to give it up,
to still my oar,
to calm my care
and ride the stream in gratitude

©Wendy Mulhern

March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Plight of the Middle-Aged White American Middle Class

Oh, we have been 
folded in and folded in,
our ignorance inculcated
through twists and turns
and suffering, and the one
apparent truth, that we are
not yet happy

We have done all the right things
and still it eludes us. We
have our good days
where we’re turned in such a way
that we don’t see the black wall looming;
We have our seminars and chants
to protect us from what we see
out of the corners of our eyes

We can’t be called complicit
if we haven’t seen the system,
can’t be called complicit
when we’re impoverished.
Yet when we see the role
we have been made to play,
It’s time for us
to find a way to stop.

Yes, we’ve all been victims,
no less we, who’ve ridden on the backs of slaves,
whip in hand, all our lives,
We who wondered where the ache was coming from —
a pain we couldn’t locate for its distance,
We who now watch our kids walk aimless,
having come to the end of the road we
(innocently) sent them down

So now, if we have any power at all,
the one thing we can do with it is turn —
turn away from our sugar-drugged,
fear inflicted stupor
and find a way to live.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 17, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Not Quite Home

I’ve come to where I thought was home,
five hours along the interstate, one afternoon —
Electric lights, and lights of our belonging
circle, not quite settled, in my mind

It feels like parts of us
that should be home
are not yet here —

Points of future that our thoughts took flight on,
Points of intention waiting to be filled,
Points of departure for our next adventure
not finding stillness in this quiet house

We need a bigger circle,
one that holds these all,
to lasso  all these points of thought
and bring them home,
to focus them in unity
and make them strong
enough to hold the weight
of our endeavor. 

©Wendy Mulhern

March 15, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Funny the place where we find ourselves landed,
So many cycles our life has spun,
So many ways we have felt ourselves different,
wandering down our life paths alone

Funny to come to this open space
where it suddenly doesn’t matter at all
what people’s course has been,
what life has given them,
how they have happened
to find themselves here

We are here —
that’s the simple fact:
Here’s where we are,
all of our journeys now equal

We are here
at this place of sacred beginnings
where all of our searchings converge
and all of our arcs bring us home.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 14, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Wind blows through the house
and the sound of wind chimes
tugs like summer
against my chest

Curtains blow
in small internal rooms,
in the balmy floaty
half-buoyant drift
of plum blossom petals
and possibilities

A day away, connected
to this wind, there may be rain
but nobody’s talking about that
in this perfectly presented
present of present presence —
this just-right day.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 12, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Consider “connect” —
the way it feels,
how your tongue cleaves
to the roof of your mouth,
pushes against it,
accentuating contact
in its release,
the color dark and nameless
but very smooth
like the way we felt together
after we crossed the bridge of distance —

That color was in our touching hands
and along our touching sides,
soft as fulfilled desire,
ripe as a womb.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 11, 2015

An important facet of this poem is the way it feels in your mouth to speak it. For best results, taste fully.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Well, here’s the story of redemption:

You are redeemed, for you are here.
It takes attention 
to choose you for a story,
to put you in,
to hedge about your life
with these meticulous details,
to give you motives,
give you a past,
give you this burning hope
that somehow
your life has worth and purpose:
It takes an overarching care
to author you. And look —
you’re here.

Know, too, that there’s no character
the author doesn’t love.
It is the way of things —
the way creation works:
The act of care that thinks you up
(pulls you, as her child, 
right out of her head)
is always an act of love.

So have no fear.
You are redeemed
and always have been.
Just look inside yourself to see —
You’ll know.

©Wendy Mulhern

March 10, 2015