Friday, November 30, 2018


The sand won’t fail to ripple
in the pattern of the light,
in the pattern of the waves,
in the pattern of the wind and tides

The harmony of light and shadow,
ebb and flow, advance, receding,
holds each grain of sand
here where your toes, delighted,
find them

So it is with what we call our lives —
nothing puts it into place,
nothing holds it there
except the truth that permeates our days,
harmonic waves of blessed, light-touched life.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 30, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Just Saying

I’m not saying anything
about the quality of the box.
It’s a lovely box, and I can see
how it has given sense to your life,
a frame from which to view,
with which to order
all the currents streaming through your mind

I’m not saying anything
about the quality of the cage.
Certainly it’s a fine cage,
gilded and artful. It sets off your plumage,
provides a visual counterpoint
to your graceful lines

I’m just saying
something inside is making me
want to walk away. I don’t want
to try those containers out,
at least not now.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 29, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Let me wake up to presence
and feel the substance of it,
how it fills up everything —
time and space and consciousness

Let me feel how presence
is both mine and its own,
how it speaks to me,
how I embody it

See? I can’t be absent
any more than presence can be gone,
and I can’t fail to dwell in presence,
the all, the law, of here.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 28, 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Welcome Home

You can go ahead
and set those worries right down
in the hall. You don’t need
to carry them upstairs

Come in, relax — every part of you
is welcome. We will thoroughly enjoy
all that you are

Even Awkward, that funny half-relative,
can feel at home here.
We don’t take him too seriously,
which comes as a relief to him.
I saw him settling in, with new ease,
leaning in to the surrounding laughter

We’re glad you found us. Whether you traveled
five hours in a sleigh, or six in an airplane,
or ten minutes across the bumpy winter grass,
your coming makes our circle rounder —
your presence is desired.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 27, 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018

Each other from afar

No need to stand on pretense
for we both have sat
in the shadow of death,
we have both been changed

And whatever we professed
before that 
is irrelevant —
we are in a different place

Our eyes now —
they don’t avert as quickly,
we take the deep time
to let things soak in,
to let the colors darken
in the wetness,
the saturation gather at the edge

No need to hold each other
to what we said and thought
in former times. Those times are gone.
We have today.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 26, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Morning’s Gold

We were there to harvest
the gold of the day,
when sun has overcome
the last night’s rain

Damp leaves quivered
with surface evaporation,
breath-catch of being here,
the moment’s radiant warmth

Later the clouds came across
and maybe there was more rain
(later we were inside, where noticing
is not strictly required).
In memory, and in the camera’s capture,
the morning’s gold will stay.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 24, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thought for the day

And the vision was flying beside me
like the flock of birds suddenly
at my shoulder, as we walked
near the shore

It touched on
layers of worlds
and how a shift in focus
can operate on each one —
the world of sound,
the world of light in a father’s eyes,
the nexuses of casual intersection

And it said:
All your longings will flow out
of all containers where you try to hold them,
they will turn from light to lead along the street,
but the brightness you desire
is yours, now and always —
it sits, in willing ease,
upon your brow.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 23, 2018

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Even the greatest demons,
fearsome and raging
as they rip and howl
through the chasms
of your abandoned hopes

Even the slamming 
trap door of shame
with its dark echo
of clanging isolation

Just like everything that drags along
the shadowed garb of sorrow.
these, too, will be disarmed and tamed

Their sad disguises
will be laid aside,
their secret heart
will be exposed
and they’ll be wrapped
with tender expert hands
so they have no more need
to haunt your home.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 22, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

After, after all

There is, in our connection, wonder.
Afterwards, when hollow longing
dogs our door,
let us remember:

All the light we forged
still glows within,
and the spark that made it
never lacks the fuel
to start a warming blaze
and to sustain the joy and purpose
that charmed us so, before —

There’s no cold aftermath
to anything that’s meaningful.
We live, after all, in the adventure —
we live the bright unfolding dance of life.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 21, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

And Yet

You can’t put weight on what’s falling,
can’t stomp your foot, can’t hope
to knock the bottom out and so fall through —
there’s no salvation in destruction
however much you’re longing
for some easier way to get out

And yet …
And yet …

Every honest step, every searching step,
every anguished and exhausted step,
regardless of directionality
will take you closer
to the amnesty you seek

We live in the field of absolute value
where you can’t take a negative step —
what’s upside down will be inverted,
what’s right side up will be purified

Don’t worry —
this is not dependent
on your will and prowess,
this is Truth
unfolding effortless in grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 20, 2018 

Monday, November 19, 2018


I will not be tired or sad or scared,
I will notice
what your face is doing.
I won’t try to deconstruct your mood
but I will be here
watching for your light

If I can be a pool
to give reflection
and maybe some refreshment,
I will be there —
if you venture near
then maybe you will find me

And if not,
wind may still ruffle
the light across my waters,
trees may still rustle
above the quiet shore,
your life still follow
the course that has been charted
and I’ll still hold you
gently in my heart.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 19, 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018


The infinite will not compare you
to anyone. The infinite has room
to see you infinite, has room for everyone
to be one of a kind,
in their perfectly appointed place

You in particular
(not to stint the same for every entity)
celebrated in the amazing way
you are what is needed,
(a role that opens out for each of us,
each of us holy,
each of us resplendent where we are.)

©Wendy Mulhern

November 18, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018


We need to put our heads together
and entwine our arms,
make a structure,
an impervious protection,
need to spread it largely out —
over everyone, in fact —
to hold us safe,
hold us all within

So when that old corkscrewing vortex
comes hurtling, twisting through
with its cold insinuation,
“what’s the point of you?”
we will each know
it has no toehold
in our sense of what is true,
and that old lie
will simply fall away.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 17, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Taking the Train

We have come so far
along this haphazard path,
our footsteps not following
what we thought held our gaze,
our gaze, it turns out, being
too distracted and unfocused
to draw us to our hoped-for destinations

We will take the train —
its paths are laid down,
we don’t need to determine every step.
We’ll arrive where it takes us,
and if our lives feel unmoored, uprooted,
we won’t notice that so much
as long as we are moving.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 16, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Look Up

Look up, little one —
there is a light to guide you
through the wistful night,
through the longing day

There is a place you are received
and not just at the end
of a long and lonely span

Your reception is right here, right now,
in the ever-present truth about your being
(a truth that never leaves you,
being immanently what you are)

It touches in
to the infinity that fuels your presence,
releases grace into your day,
robes you in its royal essence,
lights up everything
along your way.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 14, 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Road Home

The road home was clear —
red lights streaming on ahead
but not too many,
no fog, no rain,
music to soothe
and some to keep us wide awake,
navigating traffic, hills, and bends

The road home is clear.
(We’ve learned, for now,
not to talk about it much —
it’s solo, after all,
and not negotiated)

When we arrive,
in some sense, in some aspect,
we may share with each other
what we have gained.
The road home
may not be always clear,
but we will own it,
we will persevere.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 12, 2018

Sunday, November 11, 2018


We may prepare for the Apocalypse,
may prepare for many —
fortified and settled in, stocked up
and battened down

We could prepare for the Apocalypse
of flood, of fire, of drought, of cold,
yet the Apocalypse is not what’s ripped away,
but what’s revealed when everything is gone

Hence the preparation of the heart,
not to survive so much as how to be alive,
to see beyond the veil
of all the worry, judgment, dread,
to what, when all is finished, will remain.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 11, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

100 Mile Bakery

Days are getting colder —
wind shifts the sun between radiant and bleak,
my face feels the glow of heat
from fires and indoor furnaces

Here at the bakery
amid the generosity of pies,
I imagine holidays,
bringing forth a steaming offering
suffused in gratitude

The place, the faces
are undetermined
but I can hope
Life will provide
all the needed elements
for the occasion,
all that will be given and received.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 10, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018


Outside and inside,
two kinds of evening glow,
and there’s one thing —
really only one—
you need to know

As sun’s last light
paints orange above the hills
and the fire has finally
driven out the evening’s chill,
there’s one thing —
really only one needed —
to make the warmth stay,
to make it real

Heaven and earth
may be the same playground
where the children of the house can romp.
They are never uncompanioned,
never left alone, 
they’re always celebrated,
always home.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 9, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Late Afternoon

The bite of breeze
and the smell of earth
and the fading warmth
of the late-appearing, early setting sun,
a time to feel
rich in my domain
and glad of others’ work well done

The land is holy,
full of so much life
that flows so quickly
into any opening

I don’t know what kind of bird or animal
made the trilling, cooing sound
off in the distance
between the noises of machinery
but it sounded sweet,
it sounded like home.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 8, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Each Moment

It wasn’t explained to us.
In fact, it was a secret, 
guarded, mostly, by misdirection
though somewhat, too, by outright lies

We didn’t know how each moment rises
to meet the kiss of truth, the sun-warmed love —
bright ripple radiating outward
in the moment’s consummation

Each moment of each being,
morning, and evening, and at noon,
out and out along the gleaming sands of day. 

©Wendy Mulhern

November 7, 2018

Monday, November 5, 2018


We thrashed through the question
of changing someone’s mind,
we circled through the arguments
and came out where we started
(or a little bit behind)

There’s the problem of perspective
and the greater challenge: what stance
will my stance invoke?
How can this structure do anything
but drill down deeper
in its own opinion?

Can’t win by trying.
Can’t win by not doing anything.
We need a larger lever
or a better place to stand.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 5, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Daily Vote

I will vote for the strength of being,
vote for the light
and not what covers it,
not what tries to cordon off and own it,
looming large with rules
for how, when, and for whom
it needs to shine

I will vote for the heart’s whisper
within each one of us
which tells us, contradicting roles and rules,
just what we are

We won’t be overthrown
for there is no power
outside the seed within,
no power but that which calls it forth.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 4, 2018


I move silent
in the act of holy opening,
rip of light, all along the edge,
kindled power, tight-roped joy,
a dance in awe of its unfolding

This is how I always meant to move
but never could, while trying, too, to own it,
this is me without the self sense,
bringing light which isn’t mine
except in this surrender
of all I called myself,
in this uniting
with that which owns my love.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 3, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018


No need for agony —
it doesn’t matter
how many times you failed —
no need for bludgeoning yourself
with all those painful awkward memories

You can leave them in a pile.
You don’t have to take them with you,
and, in fact, you can’t.
You will not be judged by them —
they never have been you

No one will weigh you,
for your measure is infinity
and your unfoldment
beyond all time.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 2, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018


You raise your cup again
to down the draft of grief
as you must drink it
every time it fills

If it provides
something that you need,
or if you need to drink
until the well is dry,
we cannot say —
this is not, it would appear,
one of those things in life
about which we have a choice

This is just the trek across the day,
any one of them, every one,
this is going through the motions or
it is the steady necessary traction
cleansing as it draws you
with the urgency of home
to your core.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 1, 2018