Monday, November 30, 2015

Simple Warmth

These days our circles are clipped
by cold, by early darkness,
and my gratitude glows bright
for simple warmth —
the miraculous heat of your body
bringing me in to the safety
that melts my hard edges,
the rigid shivering giving thankful place
to the reception
of your radiation,
effortless, smooth,
comforting to the bone.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 29, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

There’s time

Quiet. There will be time
for everything,
as long frost crystals form
through the night,
as iridescent frost melt
shines in morning sun,
and bright green is released from whiteness
as the shadows move

There will be time
for everything to rise into its purpose,
to stretch, luxuriant, in the fulfilling
of what it has always been
and will ever be

There is always time,
and it will be enough.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 28, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


It’s not the lanterns that we’re after,
it’s the light. (As far as lanterns go, 
there may be many, some
more beautiful than others,
some more costly

But if you look in someone’s closet
at the ones they have acquired, discarded,
that still won’t tell their story)

We’re all reaching for the same thing,
and as we find it, we’ll have more to use,
and better vision
to find the light right here,
not in lanterns
but reflecting true
from the deep clear essence
of our core.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


We slide into laughter,
an intimate cove,
a secret cave,
a place between the sky
and the deep
(the wet of tears at the edges
making the rocks gleam)

Laughter like bubbling water,
thirst quenching and cool,
a little ledge we can hide on,
safe from the churn of fears and tragedy,
safe from the shafts of analysis
and resolutions.
We bring up the things
that made us laugh before,
just to keep us here
a little longer.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 24, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

For the Holidays

I will make my home a temple,
I will make this a holy place,
a holy time,
where all who come here
will feel hallowed

No cold will seep in around the edges,
no rain, no fear,
no one will sit in uneasy silence
as if they can’t put their whole weight down,
escaping through the wormhole of their phones,
looking affronted when asked,
“who are you texting?”

I will make my home a halo
so everyone in it is bathed
in golden light
that will stay with them when they go —
They can take it with them
as a homing device
so they can access home
wherever they are.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 23, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015


When the truth comes,
everything lights up at once.
It’s not a chain reaction,
a far off pulse that makes its way
through time, through space

Inspiration alights
in every cell —
They are all awake,
all intelligent,
all delighting in the instant activation
of their attention,
their essential role
in the great attuning.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 21, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

Human Effort

Ah, we have tried
with our minds
and with all our art
to bring the dawn —
we have visualized it,
and declared it,
we have understood its theory,
even publicized our musings —
How is it 
that it has not yet come?
What more do we need to do?

People say
that dawn is subjective anyway,
coming at different times
in different places —
If that’s the case,
how will I know it
even if it does come to me?

©Wendy Mulhern

November 20, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015


One day they discovered
there was much more to sound
than the tinny pings they evoked
by hitting themselves and each other

They found they could stand open
and the grand wind would come in,
would focus their tones
like fine bells,
would ring them crystalline and haunting
in a reverberation
that caught them up in holy awe,
and they all stood still
and listened.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 19, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


In the early morning edges
where sleep tosses its transparent images
in fractal ragged waves
across awakeness

In the pre-dawn chill
where an electric light
fails to bring the vigor of the day

There is still radiance,
jewels of peaceful thought
spreading clarity,
rays of awareness
imparting buoyant hope:
this is a day of healing.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 18, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Sign

Deepening hue of evening sky
imparts a dusky wonderment
that such a color
(crossed, though it is, by suburb’s electric lines)
carries the evidence
of the goodness of everything,
soft promise
that what stretches out
along my life’s horizon
is also saturated
with quiet joy,
enough to cancel out
the long seep of dread
that used to haunt my edges,
enough to fill the whole bowl of my aural field
with golden sound.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015


In this endeavor
I will yield
as gracefully
as a pear tree
yields her smooth fruits,
precious seed entrusted to the taker,
juice collected from the sun
concentrated here,
the best gift I can give
of my substance,
in just acknowledgement that
all that I am is perfected
in this exchange,
all that I am is indebted
to this truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 15, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Let’s talk about
Let’s let the rain
do the talking for us
(tapping patter and the rush of rivulets)
Let’s consider
that no raindrop 
does the falling of another

It is not my job
to influence, persuade,
not my work
to make assessments,
Not even mine
to set examples
(thinking that they really should be followed)

Mine, instead, to notice
and to magnify
that which rises freely
from its own reception
of the blessed touch of thought,
that which drops unerring
into its own purpose,
from its own source.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

“today is big with blessings”

And blessings will come with
the dark wind — rain and
bits of leaves blown from trees,
fresh washed air and the progress
of what has moved all through the night

Blessings, too, of dry warmth within
and the remembrance
that the eternal laws of mutual blessing
are forming their delicate but capable arcs,
in Mind, in body,
in the harmony of all life,
even while we speak,
even as we pray.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 13, 2015

(title quote from Mary Baker Eddy)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Simple Science

Lack of a stream bed
will not stop water
from flowing down

Lack of a plan
will not stop love
from carving its way
through and around
every obstacle

Lack of lessons
will not stop dance
from cleaving to the music,
moving bodies in ways they hadn’t thought of,
hadn’t known they could

And no tale
of loss, of separation
can stop the full expression,
intricate and bold,
of everything you are
from shining forth.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 12, 2015


People may wonder
about your story —
That is the way of things in this world

People may speculate,
may use their conclusions
to readjust their sense
of how things stand.
People may wonder, or they may not

In any case, know that,
whatever they conclude,
it has nothing to do with you.
Whatever construct they may form
will be related far more to their own story
than to yours (accuracy being irrelevant
to the art of shoring up positions)

Some people may speculate,
Others will reach out
that is something different:
Take their hands — in that connection
there is something real.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 12, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Each of These

Please forgive me —
all this time I have imagined
each of these as form-bound,
limited in viewpoint and potential,
minds of size to fit within.

I have misjudged them.
Each of them is portal to infinity,
each a representative
of that grand impulse
that sounds the stars, that
sends the waters cycling
in such exultant waves of thundering power
that everything rejoices

Each of these is made
to deliver the precisely needed blessing
in that moment where our circles intersect.
In that interaction,
we are made whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 10, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Making Progress

On many days
progress proceeds unseen —
It isn’t time so much that’s needed
as the orderly placement
of each element in sequence
in a patient pace,
a laying down of layers:

“Aha”s that lead to new perspectives,
ways of seeing bringing ways of acting,
ways of acting bringing new responses,
so precipitating new perceptions,
which in turn bring new “aha”s

Eventually a clarity emerges,
a hope is met,
the work is done.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 9, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015


In graceful ways we start to learn
the things we need to know—
sovereignty, surrender,
how the two go hand in hand:
we surrender our enslavement
to be sovereign

And though it seems, at times,
like a hard, hard choice
(because we clung so long to this?
because we didn’t know another way?)
we get to make it
in little increments,
tiny pebbles dislodged from the facade
that had encased us,
till the whole thing crumbles down
and we find
that we can move
in ways we thought we only maybe dreamed

We can stretch out,
we can expand
so far beyond the former surface,
for this is ours to own.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 7, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

As Promised

Every last worry can leave —
they can dissipate
like soft fizzy bubbles
rising from your head

You can feel a great stillness
after they’re gone,
a pool of limpid water
full of sky

So you taste the depth,
the vast expanse
of that which you reflect
and you begin to sense
your purpose

This is like
sweet rising chords
endlessly echoing,
touching the fundamental frequency
of earth’s lowest tones,
completing the circle
of Life’s timeless song.

©Wendy Mulhern

November 6, 2015