Friday, April 29, 2016


In one moment, I felt myself released
from time, from space, from history —
I saw my being as comprised of
what I’d always thought was hope
but now I saw was truth,
the impulse given me,
the exclamation of my presence
which nothing can diminish

In another moment, standing
freshly in the garden,
with the rain stopped
and all the scents rising
in the open gratitude
for all this life given,
I was clearly here,
attached to these particulars,
still with this purpose
of being joy.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 29, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Later in life, I’ve found
there are many kinds of shelter,
many ways we lean upon each other,
many structures that give us what we need

(fairy tale castles, after all,
being hard to come by,
and within, beset by drafts and rodents,
picture perfect cottages proved lacking
in dimension)

I have a lean-to in a corner of my mind
that’s made of nothing, as far as I can tell,
except my love,
I have a fire
that delights me every time
I find it still burning,
its cheering flames
produced by time with friends

I have a sense that after
all my fumbling efforts at this life,
the shelters lost, or casually abandoned,
I’ll come to find that nothing mattered,
and everything did,
that shelter resides
in any circle of support,
and they are numerous
as crystals on the shore.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 28, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rise Up

You are innocent.
There are no wrongs
for which you must atone,
no layers of pain and shame
rolled up in justification,
rolled up in anger,
rolled up in desperate deeds

There is no errant course
that justifies your bondage,
no years indentured
that you have to pay,
there are no habits
which keep you stooped, submissive,
no lock and key upon your day

You are innocent,
and you are thereby free
to shine the light of you, to be
the things you always sensed
were your potential.
You have not lost them,
you have not forgotten,
you have not failed
to take the needed way.
Stand up and walk —
all blunders are forgiven —
You are granted your primal peace today.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 27, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

No Contest

There will be no more contests.
I, at least, will not compete
for those dubious awards —
most envied,
most evolved,
most tragically thwarted
(or more exalted ones
I deemed outside my range)
I won’t pursue them for myself
or for my children,
won’t play for them in back rooms
of my mind

I have had enough now.
It’s time to take myself and,
as I can, lay aside those filters
and those trappings.
It’s time to meet each being
with the attention that he or she or it deserves,
having been put here, after all,
in this place, in this moment,
so we could uplift each other,
so we could be in awe
of how amazingly
Life provides our joy.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 26, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

An Answer of Peace

Let me not presume
to have the self-importance
to get it wrong. To tell myself
“if only you see better, 
and rightly understand,
then all will flourish — 
if your life is blighted,
you need to work harder”

Let me not imagine,
in the face of the fullness
of everything,
that I have the power
to get it wrong.

It’s not in me —
Life will provide me
an answer of peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Sometimes in moments
in between the trees
as my feet fall quiet on the walk,
I feel a tug that lists me slightly
to the left

and must remind myself

I’m through with pining,
through with indulging
that restless loneliness
that knows not what it wants
but feels bereft

I must remember

There isn’t anything
that, if I had, would make me happy,
there isn’t anything I lack,
and what I need
I carry here within me
and when I’m feeling lost,
it brings me back.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 23, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016


Being creative
is part of the plan,
part of the everyday joy,
not for some but not others —
a primal fact of life

You are creative as dandelions,
as flickers and robins,
as today’s breath of wind
and quiet rain

You are creative
as the delighted adaptation
of everything
to the moment’s confluences —

It is your due
that every step be creative,
as needed as comfort,
as close as home.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 22, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016


After the dawn extinguished
all the little glows, all the distant
points of light, all the length
of last night’s vigil

As the warmth flows through you,
softening the rigid edges,
as the climbing sun
releases grateful scents
from fronds and blossoms,
you may notice 
that every stumbling footstep in the dark
was needed, every little light was real

And though the dawn would come no matter what,
the yearning that you called your life still helped —
it helped you recognize it,
helped you feel its gifts
and reap its prizes.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 21, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


And maybe there are times
when there isn’t anything
to be said,
but it’s important to be there,
to share a silence,
to share the weight of presence,
to sit with someone
as they descend through a process
you may or may not understand

And sometimes you might detect
that you have walked a parallel path,
and there might still be
nothing to say about it.
You, too, might benefit
from the ballast of silence.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 20, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Let me translate your words
back into light, back into
towering grand fir, gracious at evening,
green glow of grass in western sun,
purple of delicate iris

Let me translate your actions
back into desire,
into the impulse of being seen,
of connecting, belonging,
and being uniquely needed

This is the original language,
shared by bees and geese and ravens
and whatever bird it is that
sends that trill of liquid joy
continually across the land —
this is the language
in which we are understood.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 19, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016


May you be filled, daily
with what you desire daily,
that thirst that opened up in you
when the deep crevasse was formed,
when you cracked open
and the molten light welled up
swift and searing and so satisfying,
(and you had never before even known
of the desire before that happened)

May you be open like that daily,
and may you be filled.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 18, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

This Smile

I traced the line of your lips
with my finger,
I touched your cheek.
That was all it took, really —
that kind of attention
calls forth affection
as if out of nowhere

I smile. You are not sure —
you really hope to believe it
but I have been less than warm
for longer than I’d noticed.

So you’ll look again
with that hope in your eyes,
hope for this smile,
which, really,
how could I have withheld it?

©Wendy Mulhern

April 15, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Each step we take is tiny.
There is, it seems, extreme effort
to any thing we can say in a sentence
that we did —
It’s astonishing
we don’t accomplish more

Yet we find a sense of owning, of tending,
that grows as if without our efforts —
I feel the land responding,
settling in to trusting us,
moving, generous, to aid
the things we’ve planned

Grand things will happen,
but it’s good to know
we are already here.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 16, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Let’s not call ourselves lazy,
as the wind plays the chimes
and ushers cherry blossom petals,
not unkindly, along,
as needle fall, from douglas fir,
makes its dry ptick against the wooden bench

Let’s not call ourselves lazy
to be lifted thus, by sun and scented breeze,
to notice the pace of insects,
to be in dialog with what will grow,
in gentle give and take
with what the garden offers

Indeed, it is not lazy
to honor the pace
of our breath, our days,
to take time to listen,
and know to offer
only what, right here, right now
can be received

These tendrils we develop,
these tender patterns we pioneer,
will prove essential
as our sights clear.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 14, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Whether or not you get to choose what happens,
you always have the choice
how you feel about it. Not to recommend
some sort of tortured mind game,
a mental strong-arming,
a set of taut constructs

But you have the choice
to stop and look,
you have the choice to not
go down the cataract
with all your wild emotions,
you have the choice to stand there
in the tumble of them
and wait

And you have the choice
to stand still
and let the pool of you
fill with your essence,
and you can use that —
all that overflowing light —
to find your way out.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Version (intro or extra)

and in solitude,
how shall one pursue the baubles
and the light that comes
from their exchange?

but in multitude,
the jostling shifting
of everyone’s efforts,
how can one find and proffer
the right one?

it’s easy enough to go home
without having said anything,
without engaging,
easy enough to say
one didn’t need it, anyway,
or didn’t need it here

if there’s a whole other being,
a light inducing, producing,
seducing incandescence,
luminescence from within
all satisfying,
it still should serve
to lead to bright connections,
not wean one from them,
don’t you think?

©Wendy Mulhern

April 12, 2016