Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I wait for inspiration
as cedar boughs wait for dawn,
foreshadowed in a subtle definition,
a whispered dark emerging
from the darkness,
imperceptibly gaining clarity
until they stand in silent, muted green

And then suddenly
dawn blazes through,
lights them up with gold,
suffuses them
with incandescent glory

I wait, for 
sure as dawn,
it will come.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 30, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

“I will gather them”

The internal call is promised —
There is no one it will not reach.
They will be called from within
by their own truth,
by the imperative of their life,
by the enduring fervency
of their love

They will not stay scattered,
each one thinking 
what they are is not enough,
that it’s too much to ask
for their gift to be valued
to the point of being able to sustain

They will no longer close off hope
as if it were a wound,
won’t lose themselves
in efforts to conform

They will be gathered
by the radiance
of everything they are.
It will lead them to the circle
where all the light is magnified
and they are celebrated,
and nothing will be wasted,
and there’s ample room for everyone inside.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 28, 2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Perhaps my biggest foible
is to try to hide my foibles:

If I succeed
I have no safety net,
no understanding hands of friends
who have learned how to catch me
when I fall

And when I fail
(at least, at times, it’s been like this)
I am the last to know,
the last to see, with grateful eyes,
those steadfast and ironic hands
of friends who know this foible
and don’t tell me,
kindly shielding me
from the imagined fall
of seeing I’m not perfect after all.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014


What can I give
to comfort you
when you are hurting?

I know through trial and failure
there’s no help
in sharing implications of my world view,
the fine-tuned systems
of my mental geometry

And there’s no help
in psychological analysis
or offering the latest theory
or the hottest healing fad

But I can stand with you
in the quiet of my own thoughts
and I can hold
my vision of your wholeness,
I can witness
the hidden strength within you
that knows how to lead you
to what you need.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 25, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Time to stop talking about it.
Time to wait for the understanding
to catch up to my words,
Time to think about it . . .
Time to stop thinking about it.
Time to move, with my hands,
into the thick of it,
Time to walk into the air
and engage with each breath,
Time to interact,
Time to be this truth,
Time to heal.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 24, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


rain falling like grace
falling grace
the rain can’t fall from —
as every drop falls,
grace is what stays

soft melting edges —
somewhere, the will disappears
and the form begins to meld
with what it’s pressed up against,
yielding, yielding itself —
a bleeding from form
of its essence
till form dissolves

while the essence now flows
with new purpose
and insistence
down the next fall line
into the next crack
onward with ever-seeking
into the next adventure.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 23, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A secret key

Every living thing —
any given one —
can be a spark —
They need no pedigree
to qualify

Any light
can lift you from the dark —
you need no name
to call it by

The images of dream may leave their mark,
smudging out the brightness of your day,
may tell you there’s no reason to embark
on what will likely hold
no goodness for you anyway

And when your own ignition
seems completely spent,
your shiny hope beclouded,
your intentions bent,
You needn’t go back under
to see where they went
for any living thing
can bring you out.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 22, 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life Water

We start drinking
life water —
We take it in
with our eyes
and our pores,
We feel light,
We feel strong

We drink truth like water —
Truth that cleanses us
from all the years’ deposits
of calcified projections,
judgement, disapproval,
years of manipulations —
all those vain attempts
to make us be machinery,
polished on the outside,

We drink life water
and feel the eager
expansion of our minds,
the bright embrace
of our reawakening —
Our breath, our limbs
now so responsive
to what impels us
from within.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 20, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Reflection

It’s not what I look like
but how I see
that makes me shine,
that makes me me

It’s not what I know
but how I hear
that makes my course of action clear

If I go out without a pre-made script,
free of opinions,
I can be equipped
with emptiness that’s able to receive
whatever cries for gathering,
whatever needs
to rest and grow, and to be seen,
and bring its latent gifts
to vibrant being

Not how I see myself
but what I give
will feed my spirit
and make me live.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 19, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Gifts of Light

Light dances in memory —
Images form from ripples
Under closed eyes
Scenes resolve, dissolve

All the harvest of the day’s sights
jostle and arrange themselves, 
brightly down the path
that leads to dream,
weavings of pictures
forming themselves into story,
crafting a narrative
for the ambient sounds

There is joy in this,
Joy in the surfeit of beauty
that springs from each frame
of my eyes —
Everything, all day long,
So rich to look on,
Plenty to pour through my vision,
enchanting me 
all through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

An Evaluation

Eventually I noticed,
by the echoes,
that my voice was in a small box,
buffeted by louder competing voices,
coming through in snatches
mostly unheard

I reflect on the absences
that brought me to that place —
the drive, on automatic,
the walking, with a sense
of obligation more than eagerness,
a sense of fatalism,
more than bearing witness to the truth

Yes, I was there,
and my being there was nominally good
(there is a value, after all, in showing up)
But at any time
I could have gone through
the other door in consciousness,
where nothing has been mindless
and the holy purpose
of everything
aligns us 
with the present unfolding
of the blessing we each can offer
and each receive.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 17, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In the volume of the book it is written of me

Sacrifices and offering hast thou not required, 
but a body hast thou given me

Lo, I come —
Here I am,
delivered, finally
to this purpose
of living love

For which I’ll need
all the ever present angels
to ride with me,
to guide me,
to let me know
in a way that I can feel it
that I am loved,
that I am not alone

But even if I were alone,
this path is too compelling
to abandon —
My strides bear me upward
to new vistas.
I start to remember flying.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 16, 2014

photo by Heather Mulhern

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Divine Law

The divine law
has never sentenced you —
It won’t exact a penalty
of suffering,
It won’t impose a shroud of guilt
or shame,
It never has decreed a world
where you must bow,
a laborer where no one knows your name

The infinite has always celebrated you
in ways no person
can fully comprehend —
Their little glimpses 
— the glimpses we call love —
are just a pale reflection

The divine law
has established you
with all your singularity
and all your grace,
upholds you royal
(just like everyone)
in your exquisite timing,
in your perfect place.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 15, 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mind and Love

The mind set free
turns naturally
to love —
Love’s expansive joy,
love’s boundless curiosity,
love’s keen attention to each fine detail,
each grand connection

The loops that chain the mind
hem love in, too —
The criticism, and the painful weight
of envy and comparison and judging

But they can’t stand
when love expands —
It breaks their loops
with sheer exuberance

And fills the heart with light
and sets the mind to flight
across the infinite and still unfolding realm
that is its home
when love is at the helm.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Urban Farm Tour, Greenlake Swim, Home

We traveled through the day
between the stripes of
too hot to think
and the refreshing cool of shade,
of deadly red lights in the sun
and backyards under pleasant trees,
and found our way through afternoon

And now
something in the smell of lake water,
still refreshing in my hair,
and how the late sun reaches in,
illuminating limbs within the shadows
of that tree across the street,
something in the prospect 
of the mellow rise of evening
fills the moment
with sweet well-being
drifting on the gentle course towards sleep.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 12, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wheat, Tares, Chaff

In the growing, in the harvest,
in the winnowing,
love is the only tool

Life’s circles, and life’s cycles
are respected —
the small rain on the tender herb,
the showers on the grass,
the tares and wheat, side by side
before the harvest,
letting life flow up
from sprout to blade,
from stalk to seed —
All things that are alive
are sheltered, hallowed.

In the time of harvest,
when the seed is finished
and the stalk is done
and the casings have performed
their vital work,
When everything except the seed
grows dry,

Then comes the winnowing
when chaff is blown away,
while all those life-kernels, 
protected and aided till they reached fruition,
remain —
Love’s masterwork:
encapsulated power of life
to rise again.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 10, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Motion makes connection known —
Trees with their shadows,
ripples with the sources of their color

The joyful dance of parallax
reveals a harmony before unseen,
And branches, rustled, show
the deep dimensions of their green

Everything moves, as everything breathes —
So many clasped and intersecting arcs
repeated down the nested scales
in harmony
from stars to quarks.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I am not my history,
I am not my age,
I am not the set of scenes I’ve seen

I am not the things I’ve done,
or people I have known,
I’m not my skills,
I’m not the times I’ve failed

I’m not my stuff, my size, my work,
I’m not the shape I’m in,
I’m not what people think of me,
I’m not where I have been

Though I may witness, every day,
most of the things above
I’m not boxed in 
by any one of them —
The one thing that defines me
is my love.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 8, 2014