Friday, May 30, 2014

Early Morning

The sun, delaying its delivery
of promised strength,
drifts through a spread of casual clouds.
I doubt it will affect the day —
just my cold hands, in this brief moment

But it’s too early to be sure —
Sometimes the sun will gather more —
Whole sky-fulls to attendance,
drawn as they are, no doubt,
by its warm kisses,
Unconcerned (as are we all)
about their shadows.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 30, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014


We are all pure inside,
We are all innocent.

The raging game of blame,
justification, tallies of offenses,
the cringing battles fought within
about the way things went
and what they could have been,
the cover stories, image and bravado
are all just cloaks
and superficial froth
that hide the truth
that we are pure inside

And some of us, for some of us
will have a miracle of insight
to find the door, to take the path,
to wend their way inside
and with their touch reveal
each other’s innocence,
releasing that bright truth 
to light each other
and, perhaps, the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

“I Shall Dwell . . ."


Where do I live?
Do I live in dogma,
do I live in story?
Do I live in the rolling screen of memory?
Do I match constructs of my expectations
with the way things seem to be unfolding?
Do I try to make corrections?

What does it mean to live in Spirit?
What does it mean to live in Love?
Can I call this a house,
this place of comfort,
this felt experience of being loved?
Can I call this a house,
this consciousness of my delight
to stand here at the threshold
where we may see each other,
where we may meet,
Where we cross over?

©Wendy Mulhern

May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pictures — A Triptych

Someone should take a picture of this,
my grandmother would say.
Here, stand just here, and look:
The square of sunlight from the window,
That bar of shadow from the doorframe
And the cat, alight with color
from the warmth of afternoon,
sheen on fur, luxuriating

My mom takes her iphone, Wink,
and trains it almost daily
on the same scene,
aiming to capture
the light that fills her
and all the subtle energizing changes
in the seasons’ life

I, who for so long have said
that photographing stints my other senses
and even cramps my vision,
have this small camera
(the one we got in Costa Rica so it speaks Spanish,
the one wherein I scarcely see what fills the frame)
Because I want for you to see
the poem I’ve written,
I take my camera,
I point and click.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Morning, Magnuson Park

The uplands rise in harmony
above the meadow,
above the wetlands
where blackbirds sing
and land on cattails
rising from reflective waters
(last year’s rattling stalks,
this year’s eager green)

Above, the swallows dip and dart,
close their wings to surge and fall,
flick of tail or wing tip turning them
in flights as wild
as those of flying insects

The sky is still,
the morning light holds its breath
while all these weavings —
sights and sounds and creatures —
form a dome of peace
over this moment, over this land.

©Wendy Mulhern 
May 26. 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Request

I want to share a place
where I can touch home,
a point to which we come
between our journeying,
And our convergent energy
provides collective heat,
and our communal comfort
recharges us

I want to be a place
where you can touch home,
a point to swing around
in your exciting orbit,
a place to gather strength,
a place to feel
that you are seen and welcomed,
and belong

I want a core that’s large enough
that no one ever feels the need
to bear the weight alone,
and everyone can nestle in
and anyone can find it,
so we will always have a way
to touch home.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Most things are not inscrutable.
In general, things are waiting
to tell you what they are,
waiting for that catch of eye
that shows you’ve seen them,
waiting for the mutual tug
that shows you’re tracking,
ready to notice
what they’ll show

Most things long
for the steady cohesion
of your attention.
They’ll thrive under it,
they’ll yield their deepest secrets
willingly, elatedly —
so fulfilled they are
at having been seen,
really seen,
at having been known by you.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 24, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

May Rain

The morning’s soft rain,
heralded by wind chimes
at the open south window,
conversed about by crows,
welcomed by waiting seedlings,
settled in cozy,
the outside air still warm enough
to allow it the run of the house,
the gentleness of May
embracing the quiet wetness
as fully as it yesterday
embraced the sun.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 23, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014


(Matthew’s Beach, half past noon)

My mind is quiet,
As quiet as this water
with its slow undulation
and its quicker shimmers,
As quiet as the glide
of goose families on the lake,
Open to sky reflection
and the darker view
(underside of ripples)
of refracted colors
from the bottom, from the shore

My mind is quiet,
and the gentle, ruffling breezes
that rise from time to time
and stir up little waves along the shore
Are as patient and as aimless
as the fluff of cottonwoods
drifting and resting,
and the shafts of rippled sun,

Oblivious to all the local chatter
and the drone of distant boats
Quiet as the depth of
no need for decisions
as the day flows along
its broad and open course.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Your Calling

There is a time
when the goal comes into view —
When you first see it
it may be blurry
like the moon through clouds
but it will insist

And though you may resist
by picking up whatever else
had ever held your interest,
You will drop them
or they will fall away
because they lack the light
to capture your attention,
You will look up from them
and the goal will shine

That’s when you’re ready
to bring everything —
all your dedication, your humility,
your earnest perseverance,
your steady work,
your insight
and your eager readiness
to be forever sparked,
because this is your course
and you will run it.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In the Tent of the Universe

Oh, this life!
One thing I know —
Every separate thing
will come together
in some unimaginable arc.
Everything that seems so
out of whack
will still come round again,
in countless iterations, subtle shiftings,
till it turns out to be
the essential linchpin
of some delicious dimension
we’d never known before,
opening our sights,
vastly multiplying
the realms wherein we fly.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 20, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

In the Company of Plants

The day knew how
to sit with me calmly,
to let me move
in my own rhythm,
to let me get better
in the company of plants —
tomato and basil and leek starts,
green onions, kale —

No demands were made
on my attention
while I moved slowly
in emerging sun
through tasks that kept my hands
in contact with the crumbly soil,
learning its nourishment,
approaching whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 19, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gratitude for Activists

Those who fight for freedom
to be themselves beyond the norms of gender
fight for us all,
for we are all constricted by the norms

Those who fight oppression against women
fight for us all,
for every slighting of the worth of any person
slights us all

Living in privilege
makes people stupid,
because, in that mythos,
it’s to our advantage
to simply not notice
that we are complicit
in others’ suppression

There is no us and them
and every one of us
who lifts a voice in courage,
to be heard and seen and known,
makes room for more of us
under the sky,
to find our voices
and to claim our own,
to lift our many-colored heads
and grow more free.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Jennifer’s Wisdom

(my sister’s words)

Who you are
is the same person
you’ve always been —
from birth, maybe before it

You’ve always been yourself —
you need not fear
that choice or circumstance
has made you less,
has trapped you into somewhere dull or damned,
or that by luck or narrow skill
you have avoided that so far
but that you might, at any moment, fall.

You are what you are,
and what you are is needed, blessed,
and is preserved, as pure as any element.
Nothing bad that’s come to you 
has ever been deserved,
nor can it dampen you — your essence
is not suppressed

This is your life
and you know how to live it,
This is your gift,
and you know how to give it.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 16, 2014

vessel by Jennifer McCurdy
image by Julius Friedman

Thursday, May 15, 2014

One Morning, Lagoon Pond, Vineyard Haven

See how the colors change entirely:
At six thirty, the palette is silvers, bronzes,
olives, pale gold of early sun, mauve and pewter
in the water and the sky

At eight thirty, it’s all blues and greens,
sparkly water, tender glow of fresh young grass
with its russet seed heads,
white of beach plum blossoms, yellow dandelion

At nine, it changes again, as marbled clouds
roll in on mounting south wind —
blue water goes gray-green,
grass, by turns, is bright and somber

A seagull rides an updraft
upwind along the bank,
glides through time
as colors glide through the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 15, 2014

photo by Pam Cassel

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Biking Philosophers

Well, she said,
Perhaps we’ve given up
on solving all the world’s problems
before eight o’clock in the morning.

Yes, I agreed,
In our maturity,
we have determined
there is no solving things
for someone else —
The only place 
we may have traction
is with ourselves

Later, as I watch the swath of sparkles
spread across the water
underneath the sun,
I think: These sparkles are a dance
between my eyes and the bright light —
They engage and spin together
in the nexus of perception

I will come away dazzled.
The light will keep dancing
with each living thing that receives it.
We’ll see it sometimes,
and not be aware when we don’t.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2014

Photo by Heather Mulhern

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday Morning

The coffee shop hopped
with bright wait staff
and cheerful locals
and earnest banter
about music and ways of seeing.
People moved
in the rhythms
of their expectations
and their relationships,
and one young woman
moved with the detached slow motion
of someone overcome
with an internal passion,
from which she looked out
and saw the world
as if it were a movie.

On Lagoon Pond Road
we hear the whisper of last year’s grasses
and the warble of this year’s blackbirds,
while the strong north wind
that came in with rain last night
is sweetened by the strong sun,
and we walk in the sure comfort
of hands that know each other
while sand blows along the road
into my shoes.

Home for breakfast
Five of us around the table
gobble popovers, and laugh —
A time like the brief passing sun 
through a window pane
to bask in as long as it’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 13, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014


Spring is pale here,
and though the weather swings
from cold to warm to cold,
the buds have ventured out,
as startling as katydids —
the revealed preparation
of all those tiny leaves
lined up,
now throwing off
their hard, sleek, sheathes,
ready to expand
with a rapidity
that’s almost alarming —
all those precise pleats and points
starting to unfold,
ready to fill the tree,
tender but unstoppable
like millennials
stretching out
into their lives.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2014

Photo by Heather Mulhern