Saturday, June 30, 2012

The necessity of trust

Here is the openness of trust:
that, all permissions granted,
in freedom to do anything we want,
the things we choose
will trend toward what will bless

That in the field where nothing is forbidden —
No kind of movement,
words, thoughts or emotions —
Our own divinity will guide us with precision
to grace of body, mind and interaction

Here is the necessity of trust:
Each gift we have needs freedom to unfold
to stretch out perfectly
and fill its purpose
Not from a regiment imposed on it
But because, internally
it must.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 30, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012


Everything changes
No one’s sense of self is static
Each one grows
Things you were so sure
would be impossible for them
become their norm
And things you thought you’d never do
You learn 
(That’s why it makes no sense
to hold on to a past offense)

Nothing changes
The primal pattern reasserts itself forever
The track of every orbit orchestrated
The cords of union hold us fast together
However far we think we may have skated
(That’s why we recognize ourselves
in everybody else)

Never too far from home
Never too far
from where we can close our eyes
And let the scene reframe
In that bright centered place
From whence we always came
(The way of being that we always hoped to learn
And where, in soft precision, we return.)

©Wendy Mulhern
June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kids playing soccer in the park

Focus power
Focus kinetic skill
Concentrate the energy
Make it do your will
Let it return, so it can fulfill
that sense of presence
that brings you joy
though you don’t name it
nor consciously employ the game as therapy

For you it’s fun
But there is more to it
for in your sending forth
and trapping back
you have created some kind of spirit track
The vectors emanate from where you run
You and the ball and field becoming one
magically connected to your team

So suddenly I understand
This isn’t pointless playing with a ball
This is the growing practice of command:
By owning this part of your world
you own it all.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Angel Wings

As I was driving home
the sky was full of angel wings —
Angel wings of all kinds
and I 
having slid through two tunnels of sleepiness
(the first one, a battle with my eyelids;
the second, a little closer to surrender)
Was finally awake enough 
to take in their splendid spread
of grays and whites and yellows 
against the generous blue
Portending something
(I hope)
greater than another day of rain.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ode to Improv

In this playful place
We have permission
to ride on currents
that we surely feel
though they don’t map
on what we call reality:
A fabricated character
may still know joy, 
know grief, know glee
A made up situation
triggers genuine emotion
in a synchronistic serendipity

A lobster may engage in final banter
with one for whom she’ll be his evening meal
We’ll laugh because we recognize the truth in it
and how, for us, the lobster is so real
And we’ll love because the laughter binds us tighter
and shows us something deeper that we share
And this reality will make us richer
as we move in our quotidian terrain.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012


No one needs to be defined
by failings, or ancestral line,
habitual smallnesses passed down
through fathers’ tone-deaf, caustic snide remarks
or denigrating tone of voice
or wordless attributions 
that would put them in a box

Each one is free
Each father free to grow
beyond the frame his father put him in
Each son to rise to fill the call
of his internal plan
Each father can release his son
from every tiresome lie that held him down
Each son can find the truth
of his I Am.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

After the last tone

In the silence
after the last tone has ended
there’s enough time
for anything —
For judgements to melt
For things that were constricted
to float free
For the tension, and then its memory
to seep away

Words then impressed upon the silence
have deep weight
Don’t waste them 
for they can set
a clear and steady course
across the next cacophonous abyss.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24, 2012

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The sun came out at six pm
Grand, sporting brilliant blue sky
And a few gratuitous fluffy clouds
A fine entrance
escorted by strong winds officiously
brushing away the excess warmth
But it was charming enough
to warm us anyway
Make us sit and bask
if only for a moment

It is a busy star
with many others it must see
We can’t expect its glow to last for very long
and so we try not to depend on it
try not to hang on its every gesture
But face it
We are smitten
We will pine for it tomorrow
if it’s gone.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2012

Being Free

In this weightless place
Released from all the loops of thought —
of problems posited, solutions sought —
I offer presence

In this open space
where gentle currents 
run clear and smooth
with time for many folds and curls
I yield my preconceptions

In this present grace
where eyes connect
and we have locked attentive
in a mutual orbit —
In this sacredness we move
and so we learn

Thought stilled of looping is free
to follow grander leadings
ever receiving the impulse
to show forth the truth that we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I let myself sink deep
into the gentle gravity
of conversation —
let the weight of listening
match the weight of words
let the chain of story
pull the meaning out
let the feeling be expressed
till it was felt

In its time, but only then
I spoke
responding not to words
but to the fundamental frequency
revealed in this space
where we walked together

So we have learned
communication —
the ready give and take
the ebb and flow
that pulls us ever closer to each other
where words become the froth, 
and understanding
is the sweet, recurrent, steady undertow.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What you can take with you

Arms spread wide, radiant face
Laughing, twirling, diving
Pulled by the music, impelled by grace
Moving at one with it, holding
true to the moment
the point of perfection
Filled up, filled out and fulfilled
in the joy of it
Never more sure of your essence, you dance
into your primal divinity
being this you for the very first time
the you that has been you forever

Afterwards, sitting alone
in the tingle and glow
that is all your cells’ memory
This is a truth you can own
Beauty has danced in you
full and enhanced by you
so now it won’t let you go
You’ll carry this mark in you
Love giving spark in you
Whoever sees it will know
This is the treasure you don’t hide away
the gift you will bring to each day.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


You can’t map this perfection
on anything less than infinity
No fairy tales —
happy ending or not —
can chart this vast terrain of love
No dreams, no plans
can catch or name it
Yet here it is

You can’t carve out for yourself
a portion you can take away
to eat alone, in some unnoticed corner
You can’t encapsulate it
in rules of thumb and formulas
for easy future access

Each time you love
you fling yourself
into the wide, unmappable
and ever perfect whole
of fully being
Your learning: not to make it better next time
but just about
the wonder of the now
Now that encompasses 
all of eternity —
Everything Life can endow.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 19, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Teach us to play

Spirit of wind and water
Spirit of dolphin, otter
Teach us to play
Teach us the readiness
in every moment
for swift and creative response
to each impulse offered
by each of your creatures —
The swoop that follows the drop
The twirl that follows the swoop
The delight of surprise
at our supple capacity
brought out so suddenly
brilliantly, happily
perfect precision and time

Spirit of song
Teach us to play life
like a flute, like a drum
like a cello
All our cells being
the deep sounding board
sending our praise to the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Vision

The way of being that I so desire
may not be all that far from where we are
—A state to reach, not waiting
but by steady practice:
the art of seeing underneath facade
to what the fact is,
seeing beyond persona to the realm of Soul
where we can know ourselves
and see each other whole

And when our countenance —
the way we feel inside —
gives up its clenched up fears
and opens wide
We’ll find ourselves
with no resentment, no complaint
No stultifying inhibition, no constraint
No more defined by blindnesses and failings
Or by the things we wish to leave behind
But by the moving edge where we are sailing
Along the wide expansion of the mind

It is a coming that cannot depend on death
but on the present power
of every breath.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 16, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Light Maintenance and Rescue Work

I will be there for you
for I need
the bright gold liquid currents
made of truth and confidences
that flow between us when the channel’s open
I will tend that channel
since it’s such a source of life
nourishing, illuminating 
me and you

Yesterday I saw a stoppage
Saw my light
rolling off you and not going in
Saw the block of burden
and the hooded sadness
and the drifting starting up, the downward spin
So I reached out — no
I would not let you go there
Would not let you feel I didn’t
need your light
Or that I wouldn’t stop everything
Everything else
to get the channel flowing free again

Thank you for responding
Thank you for receiving my insistent light
For coming here to where the current
can continue bright
Thank you for reaching back in trust
For we both know
it rescued both of us.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 14, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wet June

I will compose a song
in the tune of June
while the dark clouds
let light in at the distant edges
and four red lilies and one campanula
have opened in the rain
and a squirrel 
chomps almost-ripe cherries
shaking raindrops from the branches
Wet June
cloaking the length of days
so close to solstice
summer so far away.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 13, 2012

How could I not?

Considering what it is to love,
Why would I not?
How, among these people
could there be any reason —
Any reason not to love them?

Would I 
not love them 
because of their pain?
would I 
not love them 
because of their wounds,
and how they carry themselves
shielding what is vulnerable?
would I 
not love them
because of the way they’ve found
to move in the world —
what they use to feed their hopes,
and their patched-together life-rafts of the things
that let them know that they are worthy?
Or how they talk, or how they look, or how they smell?

No.  There is no reason not to love them
No reason not to throw the cloak of caring
over their shoulders
and wrap them in the fabric of my presence 
and be there for them.  Whenever.

Considering what it is to love,
How could I not?
For to love is what defines us
and love is what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I will dance

I will dance because I need to
Dance because the world spins
faster than we know
Dance because the currents
call on me to throw
my coalescing self into the swirl
Dance because in dancing I will know
from the pull of the dynamic
who I am

I will dance
I will dance because it feeds me
with the rhythm of connection
and the instant-forged affection
of the spin
Dance because I learn, thus,
the elemental oneness
that summons us together from within

I will dance because this gift of dance is given
This gift of music which has been expressed
to fill us with our heritage of heaven
and let us know for sure that we are blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Little tears, little tears

Little tears in eye corners
Little tears in fabric
Little sighs that come up
without my even noticing
Time to find some kind of mending
Time to hug, time to cry
Time for love and prayer sending
Time to greet each other without speaking

When the grand script is lost
and all its pieces
flutter separately against the fence
and we have chased them, tried to find them
patched them all together
and see in dismay
that now they make no sense,
It’s time to drop the story
and begin again

A tone, a chord
something to draw us back
to reestablish union
Something to fill the gapping lack
Somehow a new communion . . .
Frayed and scattered, we will gather
and will trust
that we will find ourselves again
because we must.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Two for Foret

(Our friend Foret passed on yesterday evening.  This evening I took a bike ride, thinking of him, and these are the images that came forth.)

Life Affirms Itself

Life affirms itself
in brilliant blue of sky
and clouds laid out
in languid abandon
of wisps and splotches
brightness of the late sun 
softening the evening

It is a time for wistful thoughts of angels
and imagining us all gathering
free, now, from all our limitations —
all the times we felt we couldn’t share —
When we can recognize each other by the essence
that before we only saw in flashes
but which, in each of us, now shines clear 

Life affirms itself
in this and every yearning
and in each instinctive turning
to our Love.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 10, 2012

For Foret: A Tribute

Rainier-sized force of gravity
on the dance floor
Packing massive passion
Centrifugal powerhouse
Roiling currents with your playful storms
Humble and hoping
Romantic troubadour
Proffering sweet flowers plucked from air
Barefoot on your minstrel cycle
Seeking out harmonics, blending song
Forging from outlandish parts and phrases
A role you owned, a place where you belonged
I offer you this evening sky, this mountain
And through awakened feet, this farewell kiss
My feet to earth, and earth to you, Foret,
May you walk on in peace, inhabit bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 10, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

For Foret

We will hold the light
We will acknowledge
What you are is ever filled by Spirit
As cupped hands catch falling water
Always full, and always, too, releasing
Refilled, in every moment, by its source
In this bright stream
no harsh insertion of a foreign object
no collision
can mar the substance of your being
No extraction, no subtraction
can reduce your essence.

So we’ll keep on seeing
your strong life
asserting still its sacred place
Still radiant, still free
Still reestablishing itself
in steady flow and unremitting grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 9, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

The ones I want

These are people who I want to be with
How do I decide that?
What are the components
of the equation
that make me look upon our gathering
with eager openness, anticipation?

These are people I want to be with
Can I say it to myself about anyone?
Can I just choose to so regard them
and then feel that glow?
— I don’t know.

This is how I am drawn:
When I think of them, I light up inside
As I approach them, coming from a distance
New layers of aliveness
keep waking up
As I get closer
I start running

What qualifies them so?
I didn’t make a judgement
Didn’t pass them through a screen
Conducted no tests
I don’t know exactly why my heart
just said yes

These are people I want to be with
I didn’t engineer it so
It isn’t something I deduced from calculations
I just know.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012


This morning when the 5:30 alarm blared,
Wrung from sleep, I noticed
that the Lord’s Prayer
was singing in my mind
And it remained there
left over from my dream
And it continued
its words and melody into my day
So I considered
How do I let myself be so centered
that every breath of Spirit moves me?
How does my agenda stay 
on how the law of Truth can use me?
— I held it dear, this clear intention
let it sift and order each dimension
let the songs, kaleidoscopic, overlap
let my memory keep coming back
to that keynote: to only seek to serve.
— thus coming into evening in serenity
savoring this small taste
of eternity.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

On the decision to choose our daughter’s birthday over a large social gathering

We will stay with you
These things cannot be weighed in the same scale:
The sense of social inroads
against steady family presence
What we are trumps what we think we want
And we are here for you
Even if you end up doing something with your friends
And we figure very little in your plans
We’ll still hold the day
Just like that one twenty years ago
Where nothing else was happening
And it was mind boggling 
to imagine anyone could think 
that this was any day
A dawn like no other
The start of parenthood
The birth of our family
A thing no one could train me how to do
A world that suddenly grew tiny
in the constriction of the moment
And I said, if something has to break for this to happen
Let it break
And it did
And you arrived 
Sapient miracle
Blinking with wise and quiet eyes
Yes, we will stay with you 
We’ll mark this day
With all our lights commemorate
your shining way.

©Wendy Mulhern 
June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Family time

Rain closes in around the house
Constrains our orbits
Sends our energy in inward circles
If we were alone, perhaps we’d sleep
But gentle interface keeps us awake
And moves our projects forward

We practice homestead arts —
Cooking without recipes, 
Designing clothing without patterns
Minds and hands together in support
Elsewhere in the house
The sound of music composition
Or something playing on a video
The rocking of a chair, a rustled paper
Doors that squeak as people come and go

We’re family here
The cycles of our movement
flow alone, then intersect
pass by deftly, sometimes interact
So weaving in our days a quiet ease
and subtly feeding us with needed peace.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 5, 2012