Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Laughter of Relief

Under the hand of
that which holds me
with gentle humor
comes the release
of a great weight
and the relief of knowing
all my guilt and ignorance and fear
are nothing 

They have not turned my maker against me,
they have not barred me
from the place of peace,
there is no sentence
meted out in loss of joy

I am beloved, as it turns out,
and incapable of falling,
and none of this worry
has made me drop
in the esteem of that which 
loved me from the start
and always will.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 30, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017

April Snow

It can snow at the end of April
and people can find meaning
in travel to distant landscapes,
and unexpected lights of recognition
can travel between eyes

We are tentative like strangers,
careful not to offend,
we keep our yearning to feel like family
tucked deep, lest we engender
discomfort at our vulnerability

We think we sense
affection and appreciation,
we hope that we convey it,
not sure how to get beyond
the stiff hugs, the watchful smiles.
But we’re hopeful —
it can snow at the end of April
and it can thaw before May.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 30, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017


Joyful and relieved
to have abandoned
all my expectations,
I can delight in your colorful self,
your undetermined and undecided self,
the edges you have still to find,
your willingness to be
as yet unformed

I can rejoice that
none of this is up to me,
but all of it is wonderful,
masterwork of that which always
surpasses my imagination,
surprises my anticipation,
and holds it as a gift to all of us
the way you let yourself discover you.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 28, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Life is always knitting things together —
pick up an old mat, and you’ll find
many things have taken up shop,
habitats of dark and moist
created in the hidden spaces,
roots and mycelium, pill bugs, spiders,
the smell of earth

Pick up anything that’s been in place awhile
and you’ll find unexpected emotions,
sticky at your throat and maybe
behind your eyes —
your caring has set up shop
under your awareness
because life is like that

You will still leave
(life is like that, too)
but not without feeling
the many ways you were connected
but never knew.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Joy’s Return

My father-in-law says to the empty room
(his hand gesticulating)
"That’s the place where all the people
yesterday and before came,
they were dancing,
they started a dance there"

While the clear tones of Appalachian Spring
soar from the radio
and I did just dance
here in the next room
because I couldn’t help it

Outside, blossom petals
carpet the streets with grace,
not caring if it’s sun or rain

It feels like it’s been
a long and tenuous time
but here I am,
where I belong,
hoping to take with me
next time I go
something like the memory of birds wheeling
to help me find my way back.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 26, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Point of Perfection

It was strange to step out from the story
of bumbling incremental progress
under tutelage of experts
in every undertaking we aspired to master

It was breathtaking
and hard to believe
we could progress
from the point of perfection,
lovely always, in everything we do

It seemed almost unfair
but we got used to it —
we attained it in one area
and then expanded

And found there still is plenty
of space to learn and grow,
starting from here
where we are good and worthy,
starting from here
where we are humble and perfect,
where we begin right
and so continue.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 24, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017


And suddenly
I feel myself standing tall,
tall enough to walk between
the sun-sifting trunks of slender trees,
their high limbs held in the dance of prayer
always, through sun and rain,
wind and seasons, 
starlight, moonlight, daylight

I can move softly
among the shifting colors,
delivered here, as I am,
after a long struggle
(I fought with myself and won,
or so it would appear)
the struggle receded with the darkness
and as a result,
everything is changed.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 23, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sun Break

When the sky clears,
it’s bliss to be ready
to jump on that wind 
and journey
northward with the flat-bottomed clouds
while wind chimes sing,
it’s enlivening to feel the cold
and be free to go

There’s a wistfulness to knowing
I will go inside and wait
for my time window to open,
which may or may not coincide
with the day’s hour of sun.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 22, 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017


One world separates from another
along the subtle lines
of cause and effect.
They have coincided in thought
for a long time, and now the severance
brings astonishment

It comes down to 
whether what you want
can be held hostage
to what somebody else
wants you to do,
and if it is believed
you have to pay your dues in suffering
to earn your worth for all the good you crave

Or whether you are free
to be the good you sense you are,
with no kowtow to any preconditions,
whether you must wait before you love
or whether you love first, and win the world.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 20, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


The task of these days
is the gentle release,
not so much a prying of fingers
as becoming water-like,
slipping through 
like current through seaweed,
the lack of thrashing
leaving my ankles free

A kindly goodbye
to the ghosts of unfruitful hopes,
directions untaken, positions outgrown
and a soft reaching forward
towards what is not solid yet,
whisper embrace of what isn’t yet known.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 19, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Seeking my Daily Poem

Rhythms from people’s words
float through my drifting thought,
cadences of voices
with all the meaning
transmuted into something
that will be dreams later,
after I give up
my hold on the day

Night wants to claim me,
my eyes feel
this is a good idea.
I’m holding out for inspiration
but maybe it’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 18, 2017

Monday, April 17, 2017

Prayer the Next Morning

Walk my feet upon this earth,
show my way,
fill my day,
guide me in my native worth,
your heart is where I stay

Joy dawns after rain,
so I’m lifted up again
and see, once more, where I forgot
I’m not alone, I’m not alone

I know that I have work to do
to live in wholeness, to be true,
and since your love is what we are
I’ll try to hold to you,
and since you author all of us,
you’ll see I follow through.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 17, 2017

photo by Edward Mulhern

Sunday, April 16, 2017


This battle is too great for me.
Let me be washed
in rising tide
that comes to me
here where I lie,
that cleanses me
without my doing anything,
that gives me back my reason why.

This battle is too great for me.
Let me be bathed in warming sun
that never rations its rays,
but floods out the sorrow and failure
with clean washed, clear eyed day.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 16, 2017 

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Black lives matter,
and fair contribution matters,
and mending and cleaning and sorting matter

And underneath all the matter
is the current of Spirit
that doesn’t even need to get involved
in all that tortuous stitching,
full, as it is, of its own surging intricacy,
its fractally multiplying joy,
its amnesty for all.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 15, 2017

photo by Edward Mulhern

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Look Up

Walking with a box of stuff —
it’s awkward and it’s heavy,
and now I notice
that the bottom is giving way
and the box sagging misshapen
as my knees try to catch the falling items.
They are slipping out anyway,
tripping up my feet

Let it go. Let it all go —
There’s nothing here you really need,
your new life will have no place for this,
no time, and no allowance
for all this dusty mustiness.
Let it go, look up —
the sun is shining through plum blossoms.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 13, 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


A herd of swine
may run violently down a hill.
This is not a strange occurrence —
it happens all the time,
betrayal hard on the heels of betrayal,
blame hard on the heels of blame,
all those justifications, all those
indignant and disappointing stories
following each other to their
collective destruction

What’s wonderful, and what may seem miraculous
is what remains when all the herd is gone,
the beatific peace
that was your essence all along,
ultimate justice, fruit of an act
that’s truly kind,
to sit now clothed and quiet
in your right mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 12, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Impending Departure

How can we leave? you said,
How can we let this all go?

We let it go because it never held us —
We held it, just as we hold ourselves.
We contain each feeling we’ve imbued this place with,
we take the substance with us
when we go

After all, we always have been travelers —
before our birth, and through this time
and onward,
we move, to our delight,
in waves of constant newness,
explorers of infinity,
our never ending home.

©Wendy Mulhern

April 11, 2017