Friday, October 31, 2014


When I release myself and you
from all opinions about each other,
all conclusions
that cast us static
as if we could exist
in some inert condition,
some set of predilections 
that could be measured
independent of
our hearts’ and minds’ engagement

When I release us
I can tell
This is the sparking we were made for,
This is the ever-new, dynamic
soul-rush flight we can do
when we are not judged,
when we are free.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 31, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Don’t Touch the Lie

Don’t touch the lie —
It will grab you,
sweep you into its vortex,
get all mixed up with you
like oil contaminating water —

You’ll think it’s the primal objective,
the thing you need to solve,
what should, and must,
take all your time
until it’s conquered

Don’t touch the lie —
It doesn’t own you
and you don’t owe it anything,
and if you simply turn toward truth,
you’ll find yourself as pure
as you have always been,
as free as you had dreamed
but didn’t dare to hope,
as joy-infused as you can sometimes
almost remember
from the time before the lie.

That truth of you is here,
sure as the seasons, sure 
as the cosmos. Which is plenty big
to draw your whole attention
and be your whole fulfillment
without the lie

Don’t touch the lie.
for you don’t need it —
Your truth has always been enough:
Your truth defines you wholly
and can be your guide.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chautauqua, Boulder

The temperature shifts quickly with the wind
which now blows dry leaves,
in soft, autumn-scented rustling,
down the street

The leaves that haven’t fallen
soak sun, silent and supple,
butter-smooth against
the china sky

And in between the times
when the industrious homeowner
wields his leaf blower,
It’s quiet, and I hear crickets

When the sun goes down
behind the Flatirons
I’ll seek warmth inside,
Settle, like nestled leaves,
into the evening.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 29, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

All is Well

In the dream
the dance was close to flying —
hand in hand catapulting each other up
all the way to the ceiling

In the night I was held
in the deep space of
All is Well
and nothing could impinge
upon my peace
And in the morning
it was still true:

No inky image wants
to remain at dawn —
No one wants to wake up
as the bad guy.
Even the big scary hulks
whose job it is to shout and shout
and make me feel beleaguered

Even they just want to curl up
and be cuddled. There’s no reason anyone
needs to accept a role that doesn’t suit them.
They will all, with great relief
take off their masks
and smile.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 28, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014


My mind slumps into silence
numbed by my body’s buzz,
the sluggish rumble following
a day’s hard labor. Thoughts
with lives like sparks
rise and dissipate, their continuity
too fleeting to record. My body
reiterates its day’s movements
much as a dog’s feet twitch in sleep

It’s time for quiet. Time for all that
chatter of the flesh
to cease. Time for sensation
to stretch and decompress
and drift towards dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 26, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Choosing Life

If I believe in death
I will see it throughout my life —
Death of friendship, death of love,
death of opportunity, of hope —
It will hang like shrouds across my eyes,
weigh down my face, lodge in my throat
and eat away at each of my endeavors,
sucking out the juice from every promise

If I believe in death
dread will hedge about my days,
purpose will seem hollow, dreams ill-fated

But if I believe in life
I will follow it through all its cycles,
I will feel the living joy
of pressing into the earth, and rising up,
will relish the adventure of each reconfiguration,
revel in the presence of enough

I will know that love, like life,
can never die,
won’t fade with time and distance,
won’t become a lie

If I flow in the abundance of my being,
I’ll keep on loving
and I’ll keep on living.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 25, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Slow Morning

Pale sun streams in
creating its geometry
on walls and floors,
revealing the certainties
and latent possibilities
contained in windows, corners, doors

What may the day hold?
Bird shadow flits across
the window’s sun patch,
Outside, the white pine
rustles slightly

Quiet cycles intersect —
they move along their courses,
most unseen,
Caught in small glimpses
as the sky flirts with drizzle and sun
and I, likewise,
in efforts to work 
and in reverie,
shift between silver and gray.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 24, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014


In small steps
my body starts to learn
The only thing that holds it back
is fear

Though fear would say
it holds the path of safety
on which, if I walked far enough,
I would arrive,
In fact, that path will never
get me anywhere but dead
and leaving it
I find myself alive

My only body
is me, embodied,
the bold and present evidence
of Spirit’s being —
It is not shackled,
It does not yearn towards death
but bounds forth fresh,
deep joy receiving.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 23, 2014

photo by Heather Mulhern

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Hold me and swing
Let us engage
the elemental forces,
Let us harness
the power of gravity
to catapult ourselves
(slingshot around a planet
and on till morning)

Lean in to me
Let us notice
the power of support
to make us feel strong and included,
to make us feel valued and needed

It’s no great virtue
to walk alone —
It doesn’t tap the half of us,
our grand capacity
to wield the magic of connection,
to launch each other upwards into flight.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

All these things

The size of the arc,
the span of life,
makes no difference

Sparks flittingly ascending,
stars ponderously wheeling
ancient pools, water-carved in rock,
a mushroom chalice

All these things
live equally intensely
through the exclamation of their being

All these things
can take you with them
All they require
is your seeing

©Wendy Mulhern
October 21, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014


Well, dying, after all, is no big deal —
People do it all the time
It is the logical conclusion
of the primal lie
that says you can’t have
that which you most want,
that says you have to suffer,
that says you have to settle,
that says you really don’t deserve
to be the essence of yourself,
which, when realized,
brings unremitting joy

It is the lie that holds us in captivity,
Captivity which always
assigns another tyrant.
keeps us struggling in servitude,
as long as we believe it, 
with bouts of high stakes cat and mouse
played with despair

The slow or sudden pain of this
brings us towards death
(No living thing endures without its freedom)
We will choose to go there too
until the moment we become convinced
the lie has never owned us
And our own truth bears us witness
that life has boundless rounds of joy to give,
That it's our true calling
to be our wild selves fully
and then we know
we shall not die, but live.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 20, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Evening Scene

Crows going home
rise like loosed leaves
between the trees,
lifted as if blown
taking a free ride on the elements,
moving together in clan familiarity

Jovial caws speaking of evening
interrupt the reverie
from time to time,
counteract the sense
of wind being the only force
now that the last sun kiss
has left the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 19, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What you most need

No one can give you
what you most need,
No one can take it away

All of the agonies
trying to gain it,
bargaining for it,
hope and despair,
All of the stories
lamenting the missing it,
All of the sorries, 
good bye, don’t care . . . 

All these will fall away
empty and weightless,
replaced with the clarity
true all along:

What you most need
has always been with you,
steady through all of those doors —
Tell me the riddle
and how you have answered it,
Now that you own what is yours.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 18, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Night In

There is a time of launching
and a time of waiting . . . 
There’s a rhythm here
I need to learn to master

Quiet music and a night in
with the two men of my household
(one reading, one dozing)
may help me ease into release,
the resting, falling segment
of the cycle,
the homeward downhill coast
which takes the gathered energy
and forms it deftly
into what its hopes directed it to be

So I can wait for it,
the effort done,
for gravity will take my work
and bring it home.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 17, 2014

Picture: Articulated Tsunami Vessel on base, by Jennifer McCurdy. Photo by Gary Mirando

Thursday, October 16, 2014

At Matthew’s Beach

The day, already splendid,
increased its level of benevolence
with the braided glow
of rippled sun reflections
patterned by gulls and geese
in intersecting circles
and in looping Vs

And with a toddler’s foreign language,
the newness of his speech
the only thing that I could understand

And with the ease of afternoon
that spilled into the evening —
and still not cold.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Morning Rain

In this room with the rain outside,
the quiet rain, the peaceful rain,
In this room with rain outside,
the dark and isolating rain,
I gaze upon the paucity
of my day’s array

No plans for visits
and no compelling projects,
no urgent chores, no pressing obligations,
No reason not to feel the day’s enriching joy,
no easy avenue to find it

This I know:
My life is not comprised of my to-do lists.
This I know too:
Everything that can be present is,
and nothing that’s not present now
can ever be
So though the rain may hold me back
from some pursuits,
The day will still deliver its bright fruits.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Making Sense

I try to make sense of things,
I weary of mazes,
My mind keeps running them anyway —
What someone might have thought,
What I did and said, and still could say
I let it go
I pick it up again

Must be a cultural chasm
with no good way to understand —
There can be several explanations
all of which make someone wrong,

There must be some way
to put my mind at rest —
I try to gather us,
I try to see us all as blessed

It comes in moments
It comes in images I feel
Where I’m empowered,
Where I can fly with what is real,
Where I can swoop along the shimmers
on the rising face of waves
And I can see the way we can connect

Not in negotiations, expectations,
Not in how our lives should intersect,
Not in what we owe or what we earn
but in the sense of home
to which we all return.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 13, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

By Design

We don’t make the sun rise
but it does
We don’t engineer
the seasons’ changing,
And even our internal tides —
our breath and circulation —
don’t depend on our arranging
(Pay attention, oh me of little faith!)

In the splendor of the rolling days,
the mist, the clouds’ drift,
the uplift of leaves driven by wind,
In the gentle hand of sun-warmth
on the dampened land
there should be evidence enough

This life of mine,
more vast than I can comprehend,
is held in order
by a force beyond my own
and all the flights I dream and yearn for
are established
not by my efforts
but by my essence,
not by me
but by the Love that holds us all.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 12, 2014