Friday, June 30, 2017


In the quiet of twilight
birds fly, and people walk or drive
to one perch or another

All of these 
are like seeds,
every one of them full
of the glorious hopefulness of life
that chortles and bubbles
as if to burst its envelope
but which, instead, carries them along,
puts bounce into their being,
sings the song of them
even as they live it

Every one of them waiting
for the sure sign of their belovedness
so they can spring forth, holding back nothing,
so they can relax, borne up
on overflowing joy

Every one of them precious
in the eyes of anyone
who chooses to see them,
every one of them able
(on being seen)
to deliver the whole world.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 30, 2017

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Notes on Light

There is no fall,
we are not shards,
there is no fractured mirror.
We are not separate from light
nor are we light’s receptors

The light is not a fragile thing we hold inside
that could be smothered, snuffed out,
or extinguished. 

It doesn’t dwell more brightly
in some than others,
it can’t be hoarded
or lorded over

It has been said that we are light.
Consider what that means —
for light can’t be divided,
can’t work against itself,
can’t know its own absence,
so full of presence and radiance
that light is all it sees.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 29, 2017

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What I Hoped to Convey

No sadness, large or small,
no let down, present or imagined,
has any right to cast a pall
on your exuberant existence

There may be things you need to learn— 
this doesn’t make you bad.
The fires of transformation, as they burn,
will bring you, clear and brightened,
far beyond
anything you may have thought you had

Each of us gets to go there,
each of us has to —
each of us, emerging from the flames,
will be new-formed, holy,
and yet the very essence
of what we’ve always known we are.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 28, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Owing the World a Poem

What do I owe the world today,
if not a set of clocked-in hours of labor?

Maybe I owe it
the sight of these pink clouds
over the power lines
and the planes streaking through
loud and aglow
and the sound of children up late
now that school is out —
maybe I owe the world
my now.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 27, 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Bicycle Song

Climb on your wheels,
salute the early sun,
attack the hill then glide on down,
this time is yours,
these breaths your own to take,
this is your course, this is your way

You will be free
in every challenge
and you will feel
your heart’s balance —
you’ll know it's real
by how the wind embraces you
all down the trail, all down the day

You may not understand
how you are mixed in this,
what planes are you,
which are illusions,
but you will move
along the lines of what is true —
that’s how you’ll know,
how you’ll know you.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 25, 2017

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Morning Reflections

This early morning time
belongs to the geese, obviously.
There is no urgency to wake up,
though some are stretching
and some are blinking sleepily
and some are preening

The voices of the kayakers come first,
followed by the clunk of paddles,
followed by the view of them,
and then the water
circling and settling
after their turbulence

A man across the slough
fills water cans from his dock
and showers the green foliage
in his yard

Small birds sing rich songs,
light from the water shimmers in trees.
Summer will burn strong today.
For now the air is peaceful —
coolness of the breeze a soft benevolence.
Trees will hold its remnant in their shade.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 24, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017

Step by Step

Well, it seems it’s still important
to be patient with myself,
to count the little victories
of smoothing of emotions,
the lessening
of all the old reactions
and a quicker rebound
when I fall

It seems I don’t get to suddenly
transcend my former self,
don’t get to be made new
all at once

It comes in flashes,
and they may grow more frequent,
may stretch out into longer stands of light.
Part of the learning
is equilibrium
and loving even what I leave behind.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 23, 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Life is Gracious

There’s no escaping
the alchemy of grace —
dark times as well as bright times
have brought me to this place

The strength that rose up clear
against the bleakness,
the shine of presence
where the light was dim,
the sustenance that came from perseverance
revealed the key to all-sustaining joy

Yes, I was sent
down cold and bitter winds,
yes, it was a path
I never would have chosen,
driven through a narrow pass
where so much fluff was driven out
and I could feel the spareness 
of my bones

It’s only now, some two years later,
two winters’ thaw, two springs’ renewal,
that brightness rises clean 
along the edges of my days
and in the vigor of my growth
I see where I have come
and count it all for grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 22, 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Behind the drama and the worrying,
Beneath the calculations and the scheming,
Beyond the many layered paths,
the inter-tangling loops of things
that people try to be and do,

In that same place but separate
from all projected causal chains
Is found the honest heart of every you.

Honest, it beats through nights of sleeping,
Keeps vigil through the waking day,
Honest in its hope for worth and justice,
Honest in its deep desire to bless

In this we are the same — let us remember
Each one of these has infinite weight,
and their being matters
and their dignity matters

And you can’t take shortcuts with them —
They deserve their place in time
and their time in this place.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 21, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Word

And as to why a word would lurk,
coming to mind, out of context,
amid no other thoughts,
I had no notion

But there it was again,
“spavined” — a word 
I’ve never used,
a word I had to look up
when I found it
in someone else’s poem

Not that there’s no context
for such a word
in details of my life
but just — I wasn’t thinking it
yet there it was.

So this time I considered,
maybe this word has come to mind
for something in my life desiring soothing,
something wanting affirmation, not disposal,
something I can lift to be redeemed

In the simple, sweet, and peaceful way
of all redemption,
in the way of
“ask, and you receive.”

©Wendy Mulhern

June 20, 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

Approaching Summer Solstice

It is the time of honeysuckle,
the time of abandon
where vines wander and tangle,
where forbs race each other up
to the flower dotted tops
of their foliage

And birds are coaxing their young to flight
and it feels like there’s enough time —
enough time to get lost in,
enough time to find your cause.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 19, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017


In whose name
could I ask her
to sit still and listen
when the resplendence
of life, of joy, of music,
was dancing through her being?

Whose very presence
was effervescent Spirit, Soul,
whose love of life
was overflowing?

No, we would listen
together, with the inspiration
of that very bounce,
to show, not tell
what goodness is,
to live, not talk of, truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 18, 2017

Saturday, June 17, 2017


I hear, in the echo of distant crow caws,
a time link, a lacuna
that takes me quickly back east
to early summer mornings,
my vision now split

in the double exposure
so often engendered
when twilight comes late
and dream drifts
could call it morning

till I come back, startled,
to here and now,
watching my perceptions
settle like fallen petals.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 17, 2017

Friday, June 16, 2017


I don’t want the goodness of being
to be something I make up,
something that can fail
if my imagination
or my persistence
be lacking

I don’t want it to be up to me
whether there’s joy in the day,
whether the people in the world
feel fulfilled, know they are beloved

I want that truth to dawn
on its own, because it’s true,
because truth is insuppressible.
I want to get to be surprised
and delighted
by the goodness of being
spilling into my life
with joyful abandon

I ask this in the name of
all that is real.
So be it,
and so it is. Amen.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 16, 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Wind blows leaves silver,
rain silvers windows,
silvered flute tones
riff among the horns and strings
on the radio

I seek something similar,
silvern, shimmering, 
slick as bright fish
darting flashing in my
rippling waters within,
a prize worth keeping,
worth keeping my streams
pure for.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 15, 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


And if the hum of every day,
well-oiled or creaky, loud or quiet,
should lull you into thinking
this is all you get

Step back, look deeper —
There is no engine here
except the bright desire of Life,
intense, unquenched,
coursing with strength

that can lift you
bounding over crowns of hills,
leaping sure-footed
among the crags,
soaring, glowing,
above the clouds

You need not settle
for a plodding pace
for you are powered
by life, by grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 14, 2017