Friday, May 31, 2019

Some Dream

This could be one dream,
could be another
(as I awoke this morning
after saying “would you like a spoon?”)
—a setting, and some people,
and the day to day familiarity
of being — nothing high stakes,
nothing too emotional,
just the exchange of words
and the exchange of gifts

A place I put myself
no more or less
than putting myself here —
in this afternoon 
of wind and trees and rest
and taking in what’s given,
taking it, and calling it what’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 31, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019


There is victory
in finding a way to work,
finding a way to work together —
the rhythm, the banter,
the settling in to tasks
that take two hands, and three,
and sometimes four

There is victory
when ways to get things done
open up, and what seemed impossible
becomes a set of steps that we can do,
getting better at them
as we go,
gaining in the strength to see things through.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 30, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Possessing the Land

I will go up and possess this land,
I will not worry,
I will not be made to feel
like we are grasshoppers,
easy to crush by forces fierce and daunting

What I may be
in my own esteem
has no bearing at all
on prospects of success

The key is that I reckon
the source and will 
that moves me
even as it moves everything

The key is that I go forth,
trusting and eager,
taking the steps with confidence
that, as long as I move forward,
I will be guided.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 29, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Words of the Prayer

I keep coming back to the words,
they keep reminding me,
they rise in thought
inviting me to take their meaning,
inviting me to stop everything
and go down deep
and let myself be fully realigned

The words keep coming back to me
like glimpses of beauty
and the sudden concentration of freshness
in the air — from what? from wind,
from sun? From the sweet breath
of trees and grass?
They come to me
like looking up and being amazed,
like seeing something that is always there
but now insists that I notice.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 28, 2019

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Our Days

These are our days,
this is what we’re doing —
there isn’t more
than the work at hand
and the strength that meets it
and the patience of
one task in front of the next,
taking the steps available

These are our days,
this is what we’re doing
as swallows dart around the site
and sun and clouds take turns
and the grass has grown silver tips
that sheen with shifting winds
and the garden is growing
much slower than our eager observation,
slow as our work
which will progress anyway,
in its own time.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 26, 2019

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Glory and Strength

“give unto the Lord glory and strength”

It is rightfully called glory,
this internal exaltation,
this joy, this calm,
this shining out of
what I now experience as me
and know I don’t create it

Strength, as well, can truly be called given,
when I know this power
(which doesn’t come from me)
keeps welling infinitely,
supports me without end,
defines me as I use it
not to some grand end
that I have conjured up
but in the bright being
of eternal Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 25, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cause and Effect

I let myself tune in to
the stillness inherent
in being everywhere,
the power inherent
in being all that is,
the fullness of the satisfaction
of having nothing but the All
be my powering source,
be my cause, be my information,
be my identity,
be my reward

I’m ushered into
the potent hush
that can be anywhere
with no trajectory,
in which I wait
forever, but with no delay,
no hesitation, no lurch, no pause,
and live the sweet unfolding
of Life’s eternal law.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 24, 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Quiet Mind

With eyes shut
I could be anywhere —
my mind quickly slips me
far from this parking lot —
I shift again and notice
I’m not actually on the cabin porch
nor yet in the northern meadow
with the midday brightness
that now refracts
in many flashing triangles,
shards of memories
and fallen vectored efforts
seeking to settle,
seeking a quiet mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 22, 2019

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


And if we are swallowed
we will go down in grace,
we will go down doing
what we’ve been called to do

If we are swallowed
(by climate change, 
by civil dissolution)
we may get three days,
three nights,
in the belly of a fish
to reset what we know

Maybe we’ll wake up
in a different place,
or maybe we’ll be here
with the same questions

We will pay our vows,
we will give back what we owe,
we”ll take this adventure
right down to the core.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 21, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Life as Fountain

I seek to live my being
as a fountain,
just like these flowers do,
my substance entirely comprised
of the love force that rises
fragrant and colorful,
fresh-edged in the communion
of what it gives
with what needs it,
calling forth myriad responses
from myriad beings,
exulting in what it offers
and what it receives.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 20, 2019

Saturday, May 18, 2019


It was never a matter
of us saving ourselves,
never a case where any one
could individually rise,
never a case where some could go higher
with others left behind

I see it now. My own rising
entails the rise of my esteem
for everyone I see.  
The world is saved that way,
as we each see
the face of God in each other,
as we each witness
the glory of collective grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 18, 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019


Such an awe-inducing gift
to be shown
the innocence of all the people here —
the child light shining up
through everything they do,
the hope of goodness,
the hope of being seen

There is no snarl of circumstance
that’s not untangled
effortlessly, gently,
in the rising tide of gratefulness
as each of these
receives the benediction —
yes, you’re welcome and essential here,
yes, you are supported in your being.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 17, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ways to open

You could say we were
victims of our beliefs
or rather
victims of our unbelief —
the subtle closing of the doors of thought,
restricting flow, though we rail
against the blockage

Still we’re looking for the ways to open —
how at will, or through some method,
or by some yet-to-be-revealed incantation
or transformation,
we receive the flood of inspiration
that makes us understand,
that makes us whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 16, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Before you go to sleep,
before you slip
into the sweet kaleidoscope
that mirrors and recombines
all you saw and felt
throughout the day

Before you turn out lights
and leave the moon
to its bright vigil 
through the night

Before releasing your thoughts
like doves
to fly to their home roosts

Remember what you are
and how it guides you
through your dreams
as well as through your day.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 15, 2019

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What does this mean?

What does this mean:
it’s not too late? —
when life has rolled on down its path
and suddenly I wonder
why I didn’t think to take a different course —
what it could have been
if I had better understood
and had availed myself
of current opportunities

If I had not been closed,
if I had recognized 
there was another way
to think or act

What does it mean,
it’s not too late?
I don’t know what it means
but I am willing to believe,
willing to wait in wonder
to see how this can be true.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 14, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Lines and Spaces

The people of the spaces
got tired of trying
to explain their viewpoint
to the people of the lines

The people of the lines had logic —
they could draw clear arguments,
they said “lines are really all we know,
all we can prove exists"

The people of the spaces
tried to say, “no, no —
the substance is right here,
right in between”
but had no words that carried meaning
for the people of the lines

And so it was that many things
that could be known were hidden,
so it is that many things
could presently spring forth.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 12, 2019

Saturday, May 11, 2019


I consider that each of us
knows what to do,
needs but the silence
of not being told,
needs but the trust
that when given the agency
we will acquit ourselves well

I think of the impulse
of tit for tat,
how it seems so hard
to remember
that only in choosing
to not bat back
have we any real chance 
for release

And so I invite us to pause,
just let go of the need to do anything,
and welcome the touch of the centering stillness
that brings us together again.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 11, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

Conflict Absolution

The answer will come
at right angles to the conflict,
it will not take sides,
it will startle all sides to silence

There is a way out
of what seems most intractable —
it is the knowing
that we aren’t caused by one another
and that our cause will speak within,
to each of us,
and lift us up and show us how to go.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 10, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

In the sun and the wind

After the rolling rhythm of riding,
before my biped gait,
I will bask in the ponderous rhythm of ocean,
the unhurried fall,
the patient wait

I can rest in this,
the time it takes for the flood of the wave,
its choreographed return,
meeting the next wave,
ducking down in,
the pattern repeating
far down the beach

Swallows, too, and gulls, 
add their rhythm,
here in the sun and the wind.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 9, 2019

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Walk in power

Walk in power
for your movement comes
from a force within,
a source that’s infinite

Just like song pours out of birds,
and last night, music flowed as sweetly
from all of those who chose to share,
like dance comes up from music
needing no rehearsal,
you step forth

Your frame does not create your gait,
it only follows —
the poise, the grace, the rhythm
are in Mind.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 8, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

In movement reflect

Reach a certain speed
and the wind will feed you —
headwind, crosswind — no matter —
something in your breath exults,
catches up the movement of the moment,
just as these sparkles
in movement reflect
the stillness that powers us all.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 7, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Dip your toe in color,
let the sensation spread
through your feet and up —
nothing stops the flood of light

No suction is required, no raking,
rubbing or coercing the color in —
it reaches your head and fingertips
in an instant,
you can feel its hum,
you can taste the pinks and purples
on your tongue

You can’t just walk away,
picture snapped — 
you have been changed.
You’ll feel it in your steps
throughout the day.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 5, 2019

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Early May

Night falls as soft as day,
the ending color and stillness
meet the beginning
and you can imagine
walking off into clouds
with the permission of May.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 4, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

Your Goodness

The fact of your goodness
is not in question. It is the frame of it,
the why, I seek to point out.

It is the size of it, the scope,
the way your light holds true and shining
against the backdrop of infinity

It never was defined
by what you’re not,
what you’ve abstained from,
or lucked out of,
it’s not from being on the winning side

Your goodness is pure
and so it can define
for you, and maybe others,
how uplifting and illuminating goodness is.
Through this goodness you can know your source —
it quenches thirst and nourishes, the same.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 3, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cleaning out closets

You can fill your head with
boxes, with sheets and blankets
pulled from shelves, and musty things
that skulked around for years

You can fill your mind with tasks —
they hum along in orderly succession,
they stretch to fill the whole allotted space,
they are important, and they give
a sense of usefulness, efficiency —
they have a certain paper satisfaction

But where is the poem in all this?
Where are the gaps, the permeable surfaces
to put down roots, 
draw up the crosswise meaning?

It’s here, apparently,
though yesterday I couldn’t find it —
after I stopped, I could see it —
the rhythm, the breath of it,
the why.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 2, 2019