Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Be alert but not afraid:
The wily lies with their insinuations
that try to catch you in the snare
of sorrow, slavery, and tiresome machinations
cannot intrude upon your power

As long as you are clear that you are free
and let no contradiction sit within
then nothing from outside of you can squelch you:
Like sprouts that break the concrete,
you will win

You will stay sovereign
when you know
there’s nothing that can undermine your soul
and since the heart of you is ever whole
no lie of brokenness can take control

Be alert but not afraid
for in the love with which you’re made
you can resist each lie that says
you’re any less than you.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 31, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Special Announcement

My first collection of poems is out and available for purchase online at Amazon and CreateSpace! 

I think you’ll enjoy the collection — the arc of the message through the poems and the startlingly synergistic art from Mellissae Lucia.  We’d love to see this book reach everyone who might find it inspiring.  If you’d be willing to review it on Amazon, that would help us a lot.  Thanks for your support.

And now for tonight’s poem:

Implicate Order

Every hidden thing
will find its way to surface
in the folding and refolding
of the necessary permutations

All the patterns possible in each design
must lay their sequences 
along the dance of time
It isn’t destiny unrolling
in a rigid line
It’s more the complex undulations of a plane
wherein no signal, however small, is lost
Though it may seem confused, distorted, tossed
by all the other waves that intersect
Each thing that is
will have its full effect.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The love that you are

The love that you are
exists independent of anything —
of circumstances, of conditions
of approval, recognition
or of prowess, erudition
or credentials, or permission

The love that you are
floats inside
in silent singing jubilation —
unexpected gratitude
that flows in constant circles
through your being,
bubbles up
like ancient water springs
quenches all your thirst for being seen
and known as worthy

The love that I am
sees this, thanks you —
you and the love that you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 28, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012


How did I get so lucky
as to have these friends?
— These ones that I can sit with
in a late night cafe bar
(jukebox playing loud beside us)
This one who is an angel
This one who is so brave
And I can be here on this rainy night
embraced in brightness 
feeling so at home

How am I so blessed?
— To feel so known and loved
after all these years
To be no longer hiding
No longer silent
in voice or body
No longer separated by those awkward masks
But here and now
to be just me, with them, at last.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 27, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who rules you?

If God is a tyrant
It doesn’t matter who rules you —
which voices, external or internal
bear down on you
bend you to their yoke
You have no hope for freedom anyway
Only the hope of bargaining
for some marginally less paltry
slice of life

But if there is freedom anywhere
If there is fulfillment
If there is any love, any bright joy
Then something must be holding up the ceiling
of the sky
Some law must make provision
for dynamic lift

If God were a tyrant
There would be no point in life at all
But Life rises
and joy is real, and comes unbidden
Flashes of brilliant day
take us by surprise
God is not a tyrant
and you can have
everything you love.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Season of Rainbows

It is a season of rainbows
and sun breaks
So unexpected
against the darkness of the day
So easy to miss
in an instant of tunnel vision
And the bright patches
are too small, too short to bask in
Too wet to plan a picnic
or a bike ride
But in the moment
when their resplendent sheen
breaks across my sight
There is a warmth to it
a depth, a lift
that strikes some inner place
hitherto unnoticed
and lights it up.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Step Two: Overcome Atomization*

Oh comrades!
Look what has been done to us
The “news” reports of crime
the ever-broadcast warnings
so far more frequent 
than the actual events
inculcate, with alarm, their daily message:
“Fear your neighbor
Fear the foreigners — they hate you
Fear the poor — they want your stuff
Fear everything that’s not controlled by Us”

Other voices of “authority” chime in:
“Fear your body
Fear your inner voices
Fear your desires, distrust your heart’s choices
Look to us for your allotted goodness,
the very little you deserve.”

Comrades! Look what these words
have done to us
They’ve taken even this —
The names we had for fellowship
Made them evil

But we can overcome and stand together
Conquer each internal fear
Engage our courage
with small displays of unity
Build up our trust
for each other, for ourselves
and for our goodness
We shall overcome
because we must.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 23, 2012

*From From Dictatorship to Democracy, by Gene Sharp

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My bones

The silent structure of support
makes no bones about its role
Doesn’t speak
Doesn’t have opinions
but stands a steady presence
making room
for currents to course through
Holding up the arcs of strength
Allowing movement

And to feel it in my bones
means to be sure
Not based on whim or mood
or pretense or projection
But on the solid weight of being —
That in me which interacts with gravity —
Its density providing quiet dignity
Competent in service
Standing up
for me.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 21, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Spirit, your eye
knows how to appraise me
You know how
to cradle my head in your hands
and tenderly reset
each strand of hair
each ruffled thought
each foolish misconception

You know how to set me steady
Hold me till my inner balance
finds itself
Send me on my course so gently
I can feel the poise to guide myself

Spirit, your gaze
is so clear
When I see with your eyes
I know that what I see is true:
My love is strong, my joy is pure
I choose your sight
to see through
I choose your sight
to see me through.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 20, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Drawing Lessons

My hand wouldn’t do
what my eyes wanted
But, it protested,
it wasn’t its fault
My eyes had been unclear
My mind’s eye had been ready
to recognize
but not to direct
It wanted my hand
to bring forth beauty
on its own
But it needed more vision.

They stand in need of some negotiation
Some sharing of a step-by-step relation
The hand, the mind, the hand
to share their contributions,
The work to take more than a single iteration
Yes, I see a field of patience is required
to reach the image that my heart desired.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012


This chrysalis
is a holy state —
Intake ceased
Action halted
Identity held suspended

A time for quiet focus of awareness
The necessity for everything
that’s yet unformed
The coalescence
of ideas and elements
The microscopic gravitation
of that which goes together
Furled wings, curled fingertips
Slow emerging clarity

In time you will step forth
Your power rise to meet the new demands
But while you need this firm container
this darkness, this external shielding
It will stay with you

Watch within
You’ll see the signs
And you’ll know when to follow
every finished impulse
into the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 18, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Article of Faith

Maybe faith can move mountains
But only Love can tell
where the mountain needs to go
Only Love can place
each sparrow on its twig
and every bright cascading stream
in its swift channel 
down the mountainside

Faith can grasp
the malleability
of all perception
Stand upon the precipice
of possibility
And can see that anything
can be made to happen
But only love can tap the wisdom
to determine 
what step to take
what hills to move
So let me cultivate my faith
but in the field of love.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Peace Channel

Let me move in the peace channel
Defined and defended by thought
Where no worry can dart in
No recurring pitches
about what is wrong
and how someone else
should fix it
No stress about my best chance
and how I might miss it
No harping on mistakes
and dour predictions

Let the peace channel run strong
in the clarity
of my knowing
Nothing mars the calm song
of my being
or the perfect place
for everyone
to move in broad and tranquil ease
as Mind’s bright conceiving
now and all along
of everything that is.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Our Room

It is a room of lights —
vessels of lights
strings of lights
soft lamps

It is a room of color —
reds, mostly; also gold
and greens and oranges,
blues and purples

It is a room of creativity —
Ideas have been born here,
and children
and gifts and poems
and ardent visions

So we return here
to be inspired
to find direction
and regeneration
To feast our eyes
and rest our minds
reset our souls
before we venture forth again.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mind’s Eye View

In my mind-picture of you
you were painted
with a bright palette —
yellows and oranges and greens —
exuberant color splashing
from your hands
which stretched out open,
the joy of your creating
crackling between your fingers
great spreads of overlapping hues
rising from you
filling up the canvas
and I knew
This is a true picture of you
Something you’ve always been
Something you will again
learn how to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 13, 2012


We moved together like waves
And then
I filled with limpid stillness
Though I could feel
the responsive column
through the depth of it
How any perturbation
would touch all of it

Nothing was moving
It was weightless, blessed
And I held it there
Nestled in your arms
for as long as the moment
of inertia
In the balance
of utter security
In the settled peace
of two.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This kind of thing
(they say)
happens every day
Just not to you —
A detour of life
that topples
all the urgent priorities —
The consequence of dropping them
is still unknown

New landscapes emerge
and the old goals
however dearly you desired to reach them
Must now be reassessed

But none of this is as it seems
and all the things you called your dreams
though now in shards
can never mar
the rising of your being
You’ll take these shambled obstacles
and burn a path
brighter for what you must blaze through
You’ll leave behind 
some of your plans
but you’ll deliver

©Wendy Mulhern
October 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


As it is written
in the core of your being
Clear in the ancient code
there for the reading
All that you are
can truly inform you
why you are here in this life

All that you are
Sure as the solid groove —
that grounded comfort
in which you can know yourself
pure through and through
like the glow of a sunset
Sends its song into your days

No need to think 
that the things you’ve been called—
Novice, empty slate, barely evolved
have any effect 
on the power that moves you
and offers your gift to the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Love, like ocean
has its natural balance
Each patch of water
holds every impulse
of every wave around it
The one that’s rolling toward the shore
The one that’s drawing back across the sand
The one that crashed around the rocks
and is returning
The one that rippled down the sloping land

It moves with every one of them at once
No strife, no strain, no clash of time —
The calm absorbing of each motion passing through,
Steady relaying of each arc of truth

So love accommodates the waves
Waves of feeling, waves of yearning
Waves of hope sent out beyond awareness
Waves of care, outgoing and returning

Love can take no stand, form no opinion
Make no ploy, teach no lesson, put no spin on
Everything’s accounted for, though nothing tallied
Every balance level-true
Each impulse valued
Love needs no decision
as it spaciously makes place
for every true desire
And every grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012


Music brings us together:
The songs we heard then,
when we hear them now,
Suffuse me with the same softness —
The same streaming of our shared current —
Fill me with the hum of that vibration
in which we feel each tuning
of each other’s thoughts

Togetherness is its own music:
Weaving of counterpoint and harmony
The impress of our love upon eternity
And the inclusive hold it has on us.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 8, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

New Truth

Here is the new truth:
Right now, you know
everything you need
to unfold 
in the exquisite presence
of your perfection

You know
as surely as a seed
the subtle gravitations
that form you
at this moment
into what will swell and curl
and brilliantly unfurl
to capture sugar from the sun

You don’t need to learn 
how to do it
Or do it badly for a while
and then get better
It’s not presumptuous
to know that you are perfect now
That your internal guide
unerringly directs you
in the shining grace of being

That every gift you give
has been designed
to bless essentially
And so it will
And all you’re called to be
you will fulfill.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 7, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012


What kind of day can leave me
 at the end
without a single thought?

— A day of traveling —
of packing up and leaving
— car for plane, plane for car,
car for home
A time to wait, then move —
Wait for lines
Wait for land to turn in panorama 
underneath the plane
Wait for our ride, 
wait for traffic . . .

A day in which I thought I glimpsed
the key to everything —
to my whole life
and life for all of us —
the end to all the troubles 
that have haunted us

A moment where it seemed so clear
and yet I had no words
except “of course”
— a thing I’ve seen before
and so can wait
to have come clear again.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012


To Edward

It’s perfect
the way we travel together
Comfort in time, rhythms aligned
Compatible blend
of ease and adventure
Relishing all that we find

It’s perfect
the way we’re evolving together
Questings so similar
Thought currents parallel
Wonderful mixing
of longing and insight
Confluence of spirit and mind

It’s perfect
the way that we now come together
Our movement as one
like chords in a song
Exquisite expression
of tender connection
as bright as our lights ever shined.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 5, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012


You may be daring
and brilliantly alive
But I still can’t watch you go
prance on a precipice

Yes, I’m a little bit wrong here
Yes, I know caution is tippy
And faith in your balance —
My certain conviction 
of your sure perfection —
Serves many times better
to safeguard your person
than all of my worries 
and cries to be careful

I know it’s the same for me —
Times that I know 
that although you can’t stand it
you know you must let me be free

You care that I care
And I feel that way, too
So we come to a balance 
of what we will do
At times for each other
we’ll dial back the daring
And sometimes we’ll deftly belay
And sometimes we’ll hold 
to the faith in our caring
and keep ourselves out of the way. 

©Wendy Mulhern
October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sand scoots down the beach
like birds flocking
Catspaws race along the tidal pools
Waves froth white across the swath of ocean
Wind rules

In the quiet dunes
the wind is lighter
Soft sand settles on my face and chest
Moves in starts and stops
to shift within its ridges
Swiftly filling all our footprints in

Huge rocks may be ruins
of what was once a headland
Now they stand like personalities
Faces, figures, spires and arching structures
Sentinels watching at the edge of sea

The grandeur sets our thoughts
to deep reflection
of purposes established before time
The service we were called to
long before this life began
The call that makes us most alive

Sure as these rocks
and all the life they shelter
Sure as this wind, 
Sure as this tide
What calls us here has called us here forever
Our gifts abide.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 2, 2012