Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Power of Yes

It’s not that I said no, I said
In fact, I said, not yes
Which means, let’s talk
Perhaps we can negotiate.

But now, the power of my yeses
Bold and saucy
Clear-eyed, ready
Blasts out all the second guesses

Yes I will say no
No not as a force so much
As just a simple absence
No room in me for that which isn’t yes
No time for wishy-washiness 

The yes of what I love
will blaze on through;
The present positive
defines what's true.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Here’s a possibility —
A space a box creates
by enclosing it
(corners like elbows 
pushing out to make room)
Here’s a possibility:
We could be free.

Free is something 
I have maybe never been
Though we are told we are
We’re also told there’s no free lunch
So there you go.
We are not free if we are bought
We are not free if we must buy our right to be
with work on tasks we wouldn’t choose
on projects that don’t serve us.

Here is a thought:
If I’m enslaved,
It’s my own mind that chains me
That tells me things must be this way
That I don’t have a choice
That I should never deign to think
that I deserve to choose my work,
To own my gift.

Here’s a possibility:
A whisper in a little box —
The box could grow until
it can contain us all
and we can learn
our freedom.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011


I said, earnest and concerned,
You can’t have a bad good
Or a good bad
For if you did, how could you then 
know anything?
(a conversation I was having in my mind)
The ancient text entreats:
“My son, eat thou honey,
for it is good,”
And elsewhere,
“Butter and honey shall he eat
That he may know to refuse the evil
and choose the good."
See? I said (in my mind)
You have to trust that
you can tell what good is
That you can know it by its fruits
You have to trust that if it’s love
you’ll love to do it
It will feed you, will sustain you
It will feel right.
Your constant vigilance will be for naught
if you imagine arcane texts
and tenuous interpretations
have more weight than your internal compass —
The weight of your joy
The overwhelming vastness
of your need
The unspeakable depth
your love can plumb
(and does so every day)
to meet it.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 28, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Love's Magic

Love’s magic
Frames my sight
Like phosphorescence on eyelashes
Everyone I see
So rendered bright
Every thought of each of them
Is pure delight
There is no outside to love
Once I am in
Enveloped in its iridescent skin
Everyone shines.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Untying Time

We find ourselves as characters
Unfinished, emerging 
as on time’s great loom
we’re woven,
The colors of our purpose and desires
Slow-forming on its tapestry of story
With wefts that wrap and then dip down
And poke up further on between the warps
The things we know, then don’t,
Then know again
The breathless trailing edges
of our hopes . . .

But then
We may view time as our dimension
Something we’ve stretched out
upon a frame
Coordinates established by our mind force
to help us understand our vital being
And maybe time, and time’s whole tapestry
We’ll take up one day, like a mighty cloak
to wrap ourselves
But then to fling away
So we may stride in freedom
since we know
That we endure, outside of time, eternal
And the day
No longer bound 
May then be redefined
And time be understood again
As rhythm
A beat to dance, a riff to sing
A harmony
An endless field and we the masters
Untied from time 
Aloft on Spirit’s wing.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 24, 2011

(Background music: Isaac Shepard, "Thoughtful")

Friday, November 25, 2011


    I won’t dismiss as ego
The need to be received
Wrapped in a soft receiving blanket
Passed from arm to arm, enchanting
Cooed over
And cradled then especially
In loving and protective arms
To look out knowing
You are guarded fiercely
And treasured more than anything before.

Why should we think this need would go away
because our bones have grown
our circles widened out?
This need must grow apace with all our being
To knit us to our tribe
and show us how, in turn, 
we’re made to so receive each other
To welcome, to accept, respect and love
An ancient gift that we must now recover
to reach our peace, our purpose, and our home.
©Wendy Mulhern
     November 25, 2011

(Background music: Isaac Shepard, "Memories Never Fade")

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Steady rain, steady love

    As sure as rain
That falls into the ebbing year
With pools for our reflection
When the ripples clear
As sure as rain
That summons windshield wipers’ thrash
And vigilance in traffic
As the trucks’ sprays blast
The hypnotic, droning rhythm
That propels us on toward night
And the dampening of leaves
Impelled, thus, to their final flight
As sure as rain
This law:
That steady love
Poured out in constant stream
With no concern for consequence, no shame
Or thought what it may seem
Will call the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 23, 2011

Music in background: Sprinkle to Rain by Isaac Shepard

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From a Conversation: Three Points

I realized, he said
I didn’t need to teach her tennis
My job was just to help her
discover her own game.
And so it is, he said,
in all of our endeavors
Integrity within gives us the cue
The harmony of all we are
and our uniqueness through and through
will form the pattern we embody
Impel the grace of everything we do.

Of all the efforts made to teach us —
Goals and rules, and models to compare —
Just one thing will ultimately reach us
Which is to know there’s somebody that cares.

In action lies your mastery
In mastery, you have no need
To justify, defend or vaunt your actions
Your works will speak for you
Through them you will succeed.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


there is a great joy in clarity
like spring water bubbling up
from ancient aquifers
like the distance of stars
in deep, cold night
and the smell of air 
when it has snowed in the mountains
like understanding a connection
forged before the world was born
and rising from a deep sleep of languid dreams
to the strength of all the day’s promises
you are here for this moment
and this moment is here for you.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Once again
My own truth will be my refuge
I can’t speak for another
And the lies of logic
And the lies of story
May wrap themselves around my feet
But I will go inward
Where I can stand without moving
Let the tangles swirl and fall
And I will step free.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

For Love, on her birthday

It is not your path—
the moving corridor
where everyone steps on
and stands with baggage
and waits to be delivered
to the next destination

Your path darts in and out
through many worlds
The doors between them
things you notice:
Doors of willingness
where intention can form a room
Doors of silliness
where the dizzy twirl of the soul
may open something new
Doors of metaphor
where a seed may be itself a door
And this is you
With laughter or with trepidation
facing changes —
Going through, going through.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All these things

All these things
Await the touch of your eyes
Their molecules mirrors
To show you what you are
The soft humility
Which lets you receive
Each stone, each dewdrop
And all the myriad leaves
Which you have said you loved
Cannot be lost to you.
Practice helps
And if you can silence the chatter
It helps.  No worry -
All these things
Still wait for you
No hurry
They have eternity to reciprocate
Your touch.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I passed that point.

Looking back today, I was stunned to see
How I used to hold people
Each one like a book
In which was catalogued
Their character, their strengths and weaknesses
Their relationship to me
A book I could close
And put on a shelf
Where it wouldn’t take up much room.

Now I see each person
As a window to infinity
Opening out to me huge views
In which there’s room
For them to be
And me to see them
And I can’t file them away
They are much too vast
And they make me dance so.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Can't Evict An Idea Whose Time Has Come

“You can’t evict an idea whose time has come.”
                                      -OWS protestors

You can’t evict
An idea whose time has come
I can’t go back to believing
We should never expect
Goodness for its own sake
Goodness without a price tag.

I can’t go back to believing
The highest virtue is
Not making a fuss
Not causing trouble
Moving along with the flow of traffic
In no one’s way . . .

Moving from my own truth
May be messy
May be terrifying
But is exhilarating enough that, no
I won’t go back into my box.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011


far more potent than a simple touch
the energy of eyes and partnered motion
may flow, may swirl,
may come to mean so much
it fills me, moves my spirit
like an ocean
in tidal highs and waves that rush and roar
in rhythmic beats
along the sands and rocks of shore
aligns my pulse, expands my breath
augments my action
ionizes me, incites attraction
so that today, in indoor quiet
cocooned here from the stormy day outside
I’m warmed, beyond the radiator’s heat
by this: a nameless fullness of the heart.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011


Can the world really change?
Can a massive sanity
Descend like mist
Be breathed collectively
Till we regard each other
With dew-touched eyes
And realize
This is what we always knew
And we can have it?
Can courage spread
As chemical reaction
A wave of instant change
So we say no
To all oppression
To everything we’ve always loved?
If a day can be a touchstone
And everyone decides
To come as one
What does it matter
If the calendar has caused it
Or the stars
It is our choice
It is our hearts
That come together
Where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern