Sunday, August 31, 2014


I never want to think
my time is worth more
than someone else’s,
or that my thoughts are,
or my words
I never want to not have 
time to hear another

In this great work
of waking up
we all must rise together.
All must become awe-striking,
All must be met with wonder,
All be seen.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 31, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Night Daze

Tonight the crickets’ chorus
sets an undulating braid,
The sound of fireworks punches through it —
staccato pops and cracks, keening whistles —
I’m not sure what they’re celebrating.
Tomorrow I go home

I dreamt of writing
in a pre-poem nap
but when I woke up 
it was gone
There’s nothing in my sun-soaked head
but sleep.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 30, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Love is buoyant —
It is not easily repressed
If undertows pull it beneath
turbulent waves,
If it drifts awhile submerged
in turbid green,
Its natural qualities
will still bear it along
until it surfaces,
salty and lusty,
alive and breathing in
the wonder of the power
in which it swims
and in its steadiness
and its continuance
as it proceeds to change
everything it beholds,
transforming it,
infusing it with light.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 28, 2014

photo by Heather Mulhern

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Night Songs

Crickets play the song of stars
their endless, tireless variation
close your eyes
and you still hear them shining

Stars sing in cricket voices
bringing the far away
so gently near
powerful and steadfast
clear as the dark sky
true as the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 27, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Our Father
Source of the sky, of the horizon,
of every tree and all the circling
patterns of connection,
impulse for the life that hums
in every kind of breathing
(When I see myself as
everything I can perceive, conceive,
then, in every pulse
you are the lift
that flies my desire)

Which art in heaven
Whose essence is the kiss
of bliss, the unimagined
rush of every hope fulfilled,
the peace of perfect, whirring

Hallowed be thy name . . .
(It takes a long time
to get through the prayer like this —
most of a bike ride —
even when I’m not distracted.
The streaming landscape helps me —
provides the illustration and the inspiration
on earth as it is in heaven).

©Wendy Mulhern
August 26, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

You Are Here

I see you in the waves —
your little boy laugh
in the small ones at the surface
light green glinting in translucence
catching merrily and falling back
breath held, bright bubbles rising
as he sinks
ecstatic with luckiness
treasure of the caught gift
weighty in his hand

In the large swells
I see your man strength
dark, rolling
rising at the right time
coming up with deep feeling
moving in the logic
of the present need
folding everything
into its potent flow.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 25, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014


The water pitched and danced
before the clacking ferry
which churned through
unaffected by its heaving,
Light withdrew to shine from distant pinpoints,
Waves tended toward black

And when, around the chop
into the harbor
the boat slowed,
my temples pulsed in echo
of the wind’s pounding
and I was suddenly ravenous
and longed for the yellow kitchen
and its round table

Home loomed up
in the comforting darkness
around the lighted dock
Crickets confirmed
I had arrived.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Under the Elm

Look up,
or close your eyes —
it doesn't matter

You can breathe this green
through your lips, through your pores
you can feast on light

You can sleep
or keep on looking
here in the presence of infinity,
here in the closeness
of this embrace.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 22, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Late August

The air was poised
in a feather balance
between warm and cool,
shifting one way or the other
with the sun and breeze

And I had to go out
where it could dance
across my skin
and I could take in all the scents —
dried leaves, ripe blackberries,
sprinkler systems, roses and mimosa —
and the longer shadows
and the exhilaration
of this visibly shorter day.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 21, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Draw a picture for me, I said,
Take me on a mind trip,
tell me how it was for you

He said there wasn’t anything to say,
He grew impatient, for my questions
were so obvious —
Of course he had a backpack,
of course he had no trouble
finding his way

That’s OK. I have my own wilderness.
I have my own T-shirt-with-no-sweatshirt
journey through the mountains
and the cold of night

I have my own clearing
of the shrouded thoughts
I didn’t know I had,
my own exploration

of my power to hold the true sight
of all that brightness
streaming from his being,
all that trippy
flowing of his mind

and all the gifts of rare vision
offered by each singular
reflection of the light.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Yes, we see each other

The signal that I sent across the years
(which, since it met with no response,
I’d left,
continuing to work
because I needed to,
slowly gaining prowess on my own)

Has now come back
at the right time.
Light recognizes light,
Honest dedicated effort
sees the same
And so we start to forge a higher discourse
Where we redeem the purpose of our being

So I say thanks —
Thanks for how you live your life,
thanks for what you see
thanks for the clarity
that frames your thoughts,
thanks for seeing me
Thanks for attention, instead of norms,
Thanks for the dance within the meta-forms.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014


Of course you’re irreplaceable
for infinite Mind is too interested
in every molecule and moment
not to attend especially to each one

No factory assembly here,
no stamping blocks
insuring uniformity —
Each one arises from the need
within itself,
Each grows within the pattern of its being

Each leans into the call 
to fill its place,
to be the perfect answer
to the perfect questions 
reaching out around it

So of course you’re irreplaceable
but more than in that sense —
it’s also true
There’s no one else
with whom I’m me
the way I am with you.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 18, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Can’t live someone else’s life
                                         Spirit, you’ve given me this perfect day

       Mid August, with some leaves already turning
                                You’ve given me these shots of joy

              Red branches in the tops of trees
                        You turn my focus outward

                           Streaks of cloud, streaks of cool
               Give directionality to my light

                          I redefine myself as this flowing

©Wendy Mulhern
August 17, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

After Steeping Myself in the Work of Poets of Renown

Well, I may aspire
to something more exotic,
may wish to drift through mist
and leave behind some trace scent,
not quite definable

May wish to leave you feeling
here was something subtle and profound —
It moved me, though I can’t tell
what it is . . .

But at this time, it seems my pattern
is more earthbound —
My words roll and clatter
along the tracks my thoughts made
in oft repeated play

If I try to make them
say something important
They get much worse.

©Wendy Mulhern 

August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Scope of Us

You and I,
We’re not the tokens
on this game board of dream
that we call life

We’re not the hands
that move the pieces,
We’re not the minds
that move the hands

We are so much more!
We are the whole frame,
the whole sphere,
out to the edge of what we say
our consciousness perceives

We are that presence
and we can govern it —
Not in manipulation 
of all the parts
but in surrendering
to that great harmony
that knows and loves completely,
that moves us all.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 14, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Things go unsaid
in little layers of awkwardness
between the places
where bridges could be stretched
across the chasm of our doubts

Things go unsaid
while we explain —
explain away the need,
in that moment
to be heard and seen
and then it’s gone

And we are left with
all the stories we will forge
of how it didn’t matter anyway
or how it’s better
that we didn’t speak

And so we drift away,
connection lost
in the superficial chatter
that we use to paper over
things that go unsaid.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 13, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


After the rain
while the summer air
still hangs heavy,
some little birds break through its shroud
with happy chattering

A slight aliveness of breeze
brings the scent of
just a little rain —
wet dust, the smell 
at the mouth of garden hoses

The day is still pregnant
and the great unknown
of how the birth will actually occur
stretches its vast belly
over everything.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 12, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hope Sandwich (on desperation toast)

The grid has shaped us broken —
We find our angled edges only fit
with others who are similarly maimed.
We cry out in our pain and our frustration
and find our cries just shape 
more of the same

We try to think of starting over,
Try to see a way 
to pattern something new,
But all our edges dig into the injured soil,
compact it more, erode it, stir up dust

There is a river,
There is another way,
There still are headlands that are wild.
We need to find those headlands 
in our minds —
That’s where we start,
That’s where we stay

It’s not so much a work of starting over
(These trees are here, they’ve grown for years)
So much as moving now
along our truer channels
thus reinforcing all the good that’s here

But now it’s time to cry —
Cry tears, cry out —
anything to be less stuck, less dry.
With all my voice that’s left, this shout
for help. I can’t do this alone.
 . . . And so to wait, until direction comes.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 11, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014

On the McKenzie

Morning sings through the river,
Sun penetrates the moving water,
blessing all the river stones beneath it,
Otter swims upstream, osprey wheels above,
Light dances in the ripples

Sun on cedar evokes its perfume,
on apple trees, incites the juice
to flow into the waiting, glowing orbs,
Insects flit about their constant business
thrumming to the morning’s tune.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 9, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Perspective changes
like molten lava
flowing out of the middle of itself,
entrancing, ever moving

And almost frantically
we throw our stories
on the shapes,
try to define them,
try to find a narrative
that can explain
how we came to feel
so volatile — hot and liquid and
so rapidly falling
to fill the space before us 

till it’s gone
and we feel set in stone,
for a while,
until the winds of story
start to blow upon our forms
and break them down.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 7, 2014