Saturday, August 31, 2019


I give my eyes to Truth.
Truth, train my eyes,
in this and every moment —
let me see straight

Catch me before my eyes
connect the dots in some distorted way,
before they draw conclusions
from some vapid, hapless picture —
help me behold unfolding acts of grace
and hidden harmony,
let them spring up before me,
showing me the universe of good

And if I haven’t seen them yet,
let me hold on, unfazed,
let me hold out for Truth’s appearing
in its own timeless rhythm
throughout my days.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 31, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Afterwards, what I kept pondering
was the jewel in the storm,
the calm that could only be discovered
amid the raging, the peace
the storm brought out
by failing to ruffle it
even in the least

This is a thing to know about,
this is a thing to remember
even in lesser storms,
and when there’s no storm at all.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 29, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


I am an eager student —
I pore over the text
as meaning pours in

Something deep inside
soaks it up, stretches out,
like roots, like leaves, like wings

This is not something
for me to tuck away,
to tell myself I may use later

This is breath, this is sight,
this is the sense of things,
these are my steps along
the present path of what I am.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 27, 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019


You come back from the mountain
and what gets you is the day to day,
the small decisions and the interactions
that have the same ruts they had
when you were here before —
you think everything should be changed
but it isn’t

This is the challenge
greater than the summit —
to integrate the things you saw
into the fabric of every day,
to walk the same paths
but go up higher,
to taste the mountain air
right where you are.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 26, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019


In the evening the wind stills,
and the work, though it continues till dusk,
is quieter — no thrum of generator,
no flap of windblown plastic,
just the intermittent buzz
of the skill saw, and the thunk
of extra rafter tail hitting the dirt

Later, we, too, will be still,
still in the aftermath of work,
still hefting lumber in our dreams.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 25, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

This Morning

This morning it felt like fall —
fog through the valley, lifting into powder blue,
night’s chill and sun’s warmth coexisting,
different smells in dampness and in dry places,
readiness in the air

A flock of goldfinches
were very happy with our sunflowers,
exclaiming and conversing 
as they landed, swaying,
on the flower heads

I woke up knowing
the only thing real
is the goodness of everything.
I saw it everywhere,
seeming to rest on things
but actually
being what they are.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Book

A book is growing in me like a child.
It bumps against my insides
from time to time

I hum to it
when I think to,
I settle into the gait
of its weight

I sense the course of its development,
chapters like ears of corn,
words like the kernels 

Things remain mysterious,
like how it will all come together —
it isn’t mine to pry the answers out

A book is growing in me
like a poem. It will come out
when it’s ready.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I guess I don’t know how
to pull myself together,
have no antidote
for centrifuge

I’m overcome
with feelings of expansion —
want shining love
for all these people,
want to understand
how this present light
fills them all with the overwhelming sense
that who they are
is just perfect
and how they look
is just fine
and what they give
is absolutely needed,
truly seen and gratefully received.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 21, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019


Don’t panic. Don’t sink
from seeing the wind boisterous —
these are just screens before your eyes,
each one of them illusory
as the next

You can walk over these waves —
you don’t have to think
you need to change something
so you’ll be safe

Your security
is in the laws of your being,
the way you’re held beloved
in the Truth that holds everything,
every atom, every star,
in its perfect circle,
in its present grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 19, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Abundance of Years

This time in our lives
joy collects in deep reservoirs
in the slow spaces where time
has made room,
in the lack of will to worry
and the willingness to accept

The widened shapes of our feet
echo a broader knowledge
of what can happen
and how much of that
doesn’t matter at all

Appreciation is a ripe fruit
we can pick without judgment
in the ease of laughter
(less work than fretting)
and the lubrication of many past tears,
in the clarity of coming full
in the abundance of years.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 18, 2019

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Fresh Look

It’s easy enough
in the fray of things
to forget what I’ve been given —
simple companionship 
(the stuff of early dreams
portrayed as heaven)
a path to walk, so many ways
to wake up, to see new dimensions
folding out and multiplying views

Beauty of days, beauty of life,
beauty of others (known or not)
beauty of images which, dove-like,
come to rest with me

It’s easy enough to remember —
to let the blessings 
fall upon my thought like rays, 
to be in awe, to be illumined,
to let that light sustain me
and invoke my praise.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 17, 2019

The Facts of Soul

When I came back today
it was still there, where I saw it
yesterday — the house
in its perfection, all the laws of it
standing, in their interlock,
in their prismatic color,
in the certainty of completion,
every vector blessing

I was glad to see it —
interested that I hadn’t known before
that it was here all the time,
delighted to consider
what it will offer us
and what we will give it
in these Soul ordered days.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 16, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day of Clarity

This is the day of clarity.
This day, in which the words are written,
this one, in which they are read

The vision is not prolonged.
All that I see must come to pass,
or rather, it has come to pass already

There is no waiting
for mortal mind to get it right.
I wait on Truth — which means
make no conclusions
until they coincide
with universal harmony

I’ll wait, even as I see
things falling down, even as
the voices scream that Truth has failed

Truth cannot fail.
It is its nature to be true.
And in this day of clarity
we’ll see it through.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 15, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Rise By Fire

Hold your body to the flame —
you will phoenix-rise again,
this is nothing you can name —
these are your essences made plain

The burning bush is not consumed,
the burning life is fueled by learning,
steady down the steps of days
to your eternity returning

Set your sight on what you are,
glimpsed beneath your deepest hope —
the guiding lights you see afar
are nearer than you’re told

Hold your body to the flame
of all that lights and fuels your being —
this will now define your days,
becoming all you’re seeing.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 14, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

There’s got to be a little poem in here somewhere

…in the heat of the day
and our leisurely pace
and our trek into town to do laundry

Overalls and garbage bags,
air condition, internet,
people we would never see
in any other circumstance

We built a wall today
(well, partially)
and we’ll build more tomorrow.
Young turkeys ran before us down our road
while swallows occupied the evening sky

…a little poem emerging
as the air cools down,
leaving space for words
I couldn’t find before.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 13, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

In the course of things

Turns out it’s good
for wind to blow through the house,
for windows to be open

I freed a hummingbird today
from plastic we had placed to keep out rain —
it fled my hands
and so got further stuck
until I broke the sheet away
and it escaped

The swallows still fly in and out,
but with the windows covered,
they got confused —
one had to make a stop inside,
perched on a rafter
before it could complete its outward swoop

Yes, we’re in a race against the weather,
but the game has its own rules —
apparently, for now, we need to make room
for others to play.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 12, 2019

Sunday, August 11, 2019


We settle ourselves back
into our closer orbit,
we give ourselves permission
for a moment’s rest

It has been work, it has been growth,
it’s been excitement —
we were willing, we were driven,
we pushed ourselves beyond our edge

Now we return —
it may be just a very short pause
before resuming our stalwart pace —
for now we’ll take the time
to be still,
take time to drink
from the pool of grace.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 11, 2019

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Preparation of the Heart

I may bring tears to this process —
it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be here,
doesn’t mean I don’t want to be cleansed

I may bring tears —
it doesn’t mean I’m sad —
they are, I guess, a way that I surrender,
a way that I acknowledge
I can’t do this alone,
nor even know the “this” I should be doing

Prepare my soil —
banish the traffickers of worldly ways,
break up the rocks, dissolve the thorns,
prepare my soul,
and I’ll be here to water your sweet seed.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 10, 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Ridge Line

When we found ourselves walking
along the ridge line of bones,
landscape swept clean,
the symbols of comfort provision
suddenly gone,
what surprised us
was the singing,
the clear searing melodic
bowing across the edge,
core resonant vibration

We had thought
that if we lacked the cushion
we’d be bereft,
but there we were,
strengthened and heartened
by the haunting song
that filled our every step —
teaching ourselves to ourselves,
walking us home.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 9, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019


And if we know
nothing we do
holds any weight,
we won’t try to sit down
on our achievements
and we won’t fall through them
wondering, as we fall
what happened — why
we weren’t supported

If we recognize
we are held up by our breath —
all we take in, all we give out,
all we see as true, and honor —
we will move lightly through the day
unmired by past or future,
nimble in the turnings of the moment.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 8, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

On Love

What we collectively
don’t understand about love
has filled volumes

We keep trying
one person’s map or another,
we feel so sure at times
and then so doubtful,
and much of what we’re sure about 
is false, and as for what we doubt,
who knows if it is true?

And yet we keep on seeking it,
and somewhere deep inside we know
that something in us always loves
and so is always worthy

And any love we know
is real
and it will shine out
through our misconceptions —
every love will purify itself
until, with deep relief, we understand.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 7, 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019


In the wilting heat
the songs that come to me
are ones I’ve sung before
or heard so often forty years ago
that all the notes are etched deep in my mind

The same with words, with poems,
as lines I’ve read and loved come back to me,
along with ones I’ve written,
and the only way to find new words
is to seek shade, and the space it brings,
for leaves, and lines,
to hold themselves full.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 5, 2019

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Bringing Joy

Consider your capacity
to bring joy,
for it is the great gift
you share with every living thing —
it is what rouses you, what feeds you,
what makes you feel alive

There are so many ways,
small and large, that your being does this,
just like these trees,
just like these flowers,
just like these people working,
doing their job well,
just like the swallows that fly chirping
through our open house,
the sheer delight they have in living
lighting us up.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 3, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019


Patience moves through layers like breath,
giving each its needed round,
patience lets the frenzy settle
and begins again

There is time, there is time,
there is time for each idea to form,
to reach its fullness,
to let the circle close

There is a firmness that holds
the wind ruffled page,
that smoothes it out
and lets it turn in turn

So may my hands smooth
the tangled, rumpled tasks
so they can lie flat
along the day.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 2, 2019