Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I had talked myself out of writing stories, though it had been an elemental urge, one of childhood’s strong attractions.  I told myself I didn’t have any, didn’t have a voice. In truth I just didn’t know how to take on the monumental task of crafting fiction.  It was a poem that led me back.

The poem started with two lines that floated into my thought on a bicycle ride.  I worked on it later,  at home, at Carkeek Park, at home again, teasing out the images until a story emerged.  That poem later inspired a companion, and those two poems became the basis for my first attempt at writing a novel.  Though I have much to do to hone that craft, the joy it brings me keeps me at it.  So in a real way, this poem I wrote in the spring of 2009 has been my muse:


She slips between the curtains of the day
To walk the secret landscape wide away
Vistas lift along the rise of hills
Colors shifting on the lake

She slips between the curtains of your mind
Down your enshrouded corridor to find
You waiting by your quiet bulb
Her clasp is cool, her hands are slim

She leads you like a ripple in the wind
Light darts quickly, runs in sparkling lines
While water underneath it moves more slowly
Revealing glinting glimpses of the depth.

You follow, and you don’t know where you’re going
Your solar plexus full of light and air
The view too huge to paint, beyond all knowing
The touch too true to speak, too soft to bear

You feel a stab of desperate dependence
Aware her frame is far too light to lean on
Beyond your overwhelm, you seek transcendence
And something solid to believe on.

Don’t be afraid - she isn’t going to leave you
She’ll shine through you like light through water
You won’t need to live, create without her
She came to you because you thought her.

©Wendy Mulhern

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