Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mind and Heart

It’s said the mind can’t solve its own snarls —
A pro at spinning yarns, it is too linear
to see beyond the knotted interweavings —
that, though it flows with ease
through many convolutions,
it’s too invested in the string
to let the tangle go.

Have a heart!
It doesn’t really matter
who said what, who did what, and why —
(Wait — that’s still the mind speaking)

The heart says,
Hush —
Your wisdom and your love
are strong enough to ensure
that every actor in this story
get full due,
be wrapped up in the care
compelling them to thrive
as the wonderful creations that they are.

The heart says,
Sink deeper
into these infinite arms
that ever hold you up.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2013

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