Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Healing the Beast

The beast, wounded,
snarls and snaps.

There is a correlation
between unhappiness
and being mean. The unhappy feel
their meanness is justified —
after all, if they aren’t happy,
why do they owe thoughtfulness
to others?

The beast must be captured
with cords of understanding,
wrapped in kindness
till it can’t lash out. Slowly, then,
we can start to heal those wounds
it has inflicted on itself

It may seem more natural
to try to punish it, for all the damage
of its many incarnations,
but that is what the beast would mandate

Let us then heal
the beast within ourselves,
that our hands may be free
to bind and heal the larger, outer beast.

©Wendy Mulhern

February 1, 2017

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