Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Settling Accounts

Well, in fact,
it’s not possible to waste a day
but if it were,
it might be like this:

too caught up in chores to notice
how blue the sky was, how crisp the air,
how clear the sun . . . 

Since it’s not possible to waste a day,
I’ll cash in the recollection of my moments,
I’ll pull something up from within
that wasn’t even there
(at least, not that I’d noticed)

I’ll remember
the attentiveness and power
invoked by driving
a borrowed stick shift car,
and the sweet search for humbleness
that followed a rejection,
and the glimpse — twice —
that acknowledging the hold on each identity
of the one sovereign, infinite Mind
makes a difference in the thoughts and actions
of individuals and the collective,
and it’s something I can do
today, right now.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 25, 2015

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