Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Waking up,
you start to see
that there’s no need to go back
among the scattered shards,
the steady ebbing of your fluids
and the halted breath
to find and try to rescue
all the fallen parts.

Nothing is broken
and your being
shines as fresh within this day
as it has always shone.
There is no tally
of all those wrongs,
the generations of remorse,
the shame.
It’s all gone
in this, the morning:
Your name is clear,
your loveliness the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 29, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Wow.
    Can't wait to read this to myself as I wake...
    Precious, powerful medicine, thank you. Can feel the glimmer.
