Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Snow gone conclusion


It was a reminder

that February is still winter,
and that our rising plans
need patience built into them,
and that nature's gifts
require our attention:

What looked like moonlight at 3 AM
proved itself a carpet
and a sweet wet falling
of night time snow,
and displayed itself, come morning,
as early brightness, and an invitation
to go out, to take it in, to be directly under
geese, in constant commentary,
emerging low over the woods
and landing in the pond

And hearing blackbirds with their morning exaltations,
and seeing blue stretched out along the white
in what became shadows when the sun emerged

It became a snow gone conclusion,
as is often the case,
augmenting our gratitude
for our brief immersion.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 14, 2023

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