Thursday, June 4, 2020

Of Crayons and Sisterhood

For Jennifer 

Take a periwinkle crayon,
follow it down the whorl of memory
to the shiver of feeling it evoked -
not the easy love of magenta and blue-green,
but a tremulous liking,
flavor and texture
with a sliver of tears, perhaps,
a taste to grow into

Remember magenta berries,
the juicy ones with the pithy crunch
and the flavor unlike most anything -
a little sweet, a little floral,
which we ate, not knowing their name
or if they were edible,
along the high hedged path to Whitney's house

Consider sisterhood -
its bittersweet, its viney tendrils,
multicolored and intimate,
a tie to grow into.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 4, 2020

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