Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Still talking to Heather

Here is a thing that is beautiful:
your life, and what it proved,
what it establishes, even now —
that no one ever has to think
their presence is expendable,
their friendship unneeded 
or unwanted

You are here
with your ready hug
and your deep empathy,
and you have showed us
that no one needs to wait to love
and no one has to wait
to be beloved

So we go  back along the weaving of a life,
the places in the past where strands have tangled,
we pick them up and lay them back in place
gently and deftly, as your hands always moved

We set things right
all along the years, 
we feel in doing this
that you are here.

©Wendy Mulhern

August 8, 2018

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