Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Long Traverse

Regardless of our pushing,
we can’t go any faster
than the flow of things,
the time it takes the old man
to eat supper, the time
before he’s ready 
to go to bed,
the time it takes for thoughts
to fully form,
the time it takes to leave

These are things that may be known
but not by us —
We are required to fill our days
with everything we can —
what we stand for, what we value,
what will move us forward
though we know not where

Surely at some time
we’ll crest the hill
and see the land before us.
We just can’t say when.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 1, 2016

Note to my email readers: I would dearly love to hear your responses, but I don't receive them when you hit "reply" to my email. (notice how it says "donotreply" in the address. That means the emails don't get to me). If you click on the blue title of my poem, it will take you to my website. At the end of the poem is a place for you to reply. I'd really love to hear from you.

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