Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Opinions II

Opinions are like snapshots
Frozen impressions
Maybe true in their moment
But static —
When you’re holding them
you’re not seeing
the moving truth of now

If you think that you're comprised of your opinions,
Each time you meet someone you’ll  think
for you to get along, your opinions have to match
You’ll pull them out, negotiate
and maybe you’ll be sad
to find that no one there agrees with you

But if instead you know that you’re comprised
of the dynamic interaction
with what comes before your eyes,
with every opportunity to be amazed,
to understand and value things
in your inimitable way
to co-create the truth 
with others who are present
You will find
remarkable confluence 
of a satisfying oneness
and a lovely, bracing playground 
for your mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 4, 2012

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