Tuesday, July 31, 2012


In this fractal hall of mirrors
where everything you think
reflects itself on every level
everywhere you look
till thought resembles thing, resembles cause
You need to trust a different sense to guide you:
Close your eyes and pause
until you feel the inner weight and balance
always present, always true
that gives you poise, and finds your center,
sounds the thought-scape through
so you can find out where you really are

This is how you know what are the lies,
what are the laws:
In the grand dynamic that is you
Your deep harmonics clarify the view
And every scene that’s fractured must dissolve
Leaving you resplendent in your love.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sustenance Prayer

Hold my days, Spirit
Hold my days —
I won’t find satisfaction any other way
You are the wind that moves all;
It’s so clear
Nothing else is substance; nothing else
is even here

You are the breath of my desire and its fulfillment
You provide the inner fire 
and the inner stillness,
my going out and coming in,
My home and my adventure
Each thrill, each triumph, every friend
And all I can imagine

It does no good for me to build my dreams
with bricks of circumstances, things and schemes
Which are ephemeral
as ripples intersecting
They flash and disappear, and no projecting
of meaning onto them can make them last
(They only glint in future and in past)
But that which moves in me and gives me life
Sustains me always,
Always makes me thrive.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 30, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Everything about my being
comes from my source
Not from the channels into which I flow
Not from the interactions that engage me
So if I feel splashed, diverted,
sullied or depleted,
I only need to turn
back to where the primal fount
of who I am
springs forth
and bubbles boldly
into being
and courses forward
Strong and pure and clean
Affirming and defining me again.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 28, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

All of us

There is no inner circle
of those who know the secret
There is no outer darkness
worrying the edges of the light
There is no us and them
No “ninety-nine percent,” no “one”
No unconverted, unevolved, benighted:
If anyone’s enlightened,
not one is blighted

Our ears know how to hear the clear tone,
to filter out the static
Our eyes know how to see what’s real
Our hands know how to touch it
And every goodness we can own
must then be owned by everyone
shared by our hearts
which always seek each other.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2012

Without Words

I came to you
in a place without words
in the quantum field
where all my electrons
were kicked into a higher orbit
and the speedy surging of the particles
thrummed against my ears and eyes and skin

So merging at the edges
Centers pressing
We approached ourselves
(the physics-induced distance seeming
ever more unbearable)
We rose in mighty effort
to breach its mounting wave
We crested more than once
and still the buoyant sea remains

And we will learn this new each time —
This being —
Open, without rhyme
or even words —
The primal pulse of life
Asserting its own essence
in our forms.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012


So many things in my garden are bolting
Racing against death
Preparing a dual departure:
Packaging their life into capsules for the future,
Letting their stalks fall back into brown

In the face of my neglect
The plants perform their dramas
Weeds stake out their turf
Flowers stretch and bow extended stems
Bees and rain bestow their ministrations

Some year, I think, my garden may be tended
Each tender plant well fed
with soil amended,
The weeds, with gentle firmness
kept in hand
The flowers celebrated, blooming
lushly, just as planned

But I’m distracted by another realm
Where, like fennel weeds
My dreams extend their gangly fronds
And wave about, seedy and untended
When I visit them, I have no clue
Which ones to pull, which ones to prune
Or what to do to garner greater flourish

So neither garden gets my full attention
And both grow wild, and dry, and spare
But still, in both, the sun-drenched flowers
Summon me, and touch me there.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Daily Bread

If I could give you anything
I’d give you one moment
of knowing
how deeply you are accepted
How perfectly you belong
in this particular place and time
In this singular infinity we call
Here and now

I’d give you the grounded certainty
that you are loved
Seen for what you are
and loved for that 
— all of it —
(What you hoped was normal
What you feared was strange
What you didn’t dare affirm
to be your precious, holy gifts)

Having given that
I’d give you it again
I’d give it to you every day
and every time I saw you
One time of knowing is a touchstone
But knowing all the time 
is daily bread.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 25, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012


A heart that has been touched
will turn
walking back along the path of words —
things said in hope of being heard,
whose impact may have singed another:
“No, that wasn’t what I meant —
I didn’t mean to cause you pain
I only wanted to be seen
Please let me make it right again”

Back along the path
Running now, to close the distance
Running, hoping not to trip
To reach you, and . . . 

What’s needed here 
is not more explanations
Such words, I fear, would only further tangle
Just let me take the time to stop
to witness you
To listen and to hear
Behold you
and really see
Breathe with you 
until you know:
When your heart spoke,
Its language stopped me in my tracks
Made me turn back.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I’ve been keeping a door open all day
Maybe some bugs have come in
But there’s a sweet breeze
and a gentle whistling of the air
and something that turns my feet
subtly sideways towards the opening
and sets my thought softly drifting
towards the outside
A place where currents blend
And fragrances combine
in ways that offer journeys for my mind
And bees do their persistent work
And birds and squirrels offer commentary

I’ve been keeping a door open
to draw me out
And to offer entrances
In the steady breathing
that’s called home.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Asking for Heaven

If it is true
(and it is)
that we can have
all the good we can imagine,
The trick is to imagine it big enough:
To get a glimpse, and cherish
what it feels like
to have a good that covers every need —
That doesn’t end abruptly when the time is up
or care is spent
or we are pulled away to fill our roles
as slaves of guilt
or slaves of debt

And so I treasure each of these
Each hope, each joy
Each hunger, every yearning
For they help me frame the asking
for the promised thing —
That which, when requested,
must be given —
So I won’t settle for a grim security
because I didn’t know
to ask for heaven.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Angel Love

Angels in heaven know how to love
There’s nothing unsatisfying about it
No hints of possible connection
glinting just out of reach
behind a few words
(if you could only get them right)
or a few circumstances
(if only timing would align)

Angels in heaven have no problem
with triangulation, asymmetry
rhythmic incompatibility
And they don’t need to 
negotiate, hypothesize
agonize, analyze

Angels in heaven
are not detached from love
Not walled off from it
by ethereal piety
They embody all of love —
The full-sounding, deep toning
Heart-swelling, zinging, zooming
Pow of it
The joy bubbles and the lasting satisfaction —
The here and now of it

Angels in heaven love you whole
Erase your pain, light up your soul
Don’t take my word that it is so
Love like an angel, and you’ll know.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 19, 2012


You and I
Make an arc of golden light
A hearth, a home
And the warm bright
aura of its circle
Halos each of us
throughout our disparate days

And it is right to understand
that such a glow
will cast its comfort
further than the bounds 
of you and I
It’s fitting that our love
Light up the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Truth shall make you free

Truth won’t let you settle
for a paradigm that sells your soul.
Though you may plead and pray
for what you feel would be
the easy way
(just once to be allowed 
to beat the odds,
to be the one who comes out
on the top)
you will not get it.

Truth delivers you
from the whole paradigm 
of win and lose
of being some unworthy one
Lucky today, but waiting
for inevitable failure —
Don’t despair:
You can let go of all that pain

Truth does have its demand:
You need to know it
Need to let yourself be weaned
from all the lies about your being
Then Truth delivers you
into its essence, where you rise transcendent
Free and whole, divine, beloved, resplendent.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012


It’s good to notice this
It’s good to remember
It’s good to look back in awe
and consider
how this has happened

From fractured trusts
and disappointed hopes
and the attempts to shore them up
by shoving them in boxes
and constricting them, 
depriving them of light

To a calm dawn
of endless possibility
A strong bond
An infinite security
An opening of something so grand
So boundless in its purity
We can’t begin to fathom what it is

Since it happened here
it can happen again
in every sphere
for everyone

The seamless, perfect pattern of our lives
can be revealed
And everything we held as hurt or broken
can be healed
And every promise of sustaining goodness
can come forth
in its effortless unfolding
And be our lives.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 16, 2012 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

River Song

I’ll keep the refrain of the song of the river
           Its rumble and shout as it courses along
   Caressing the rock into smooth, graceful contours
                   High leaping arcs as it thunders on down

             The roil and the roll and the coming together
       Frothy rejoining of channels
Soft curling curve of the eddies returning
      Sloshing back over the rocks

              See how it takes me
                    It captures and fascinates
                            I could behold it forever
            Much later, memory takes it to illustrate
Life-thrumming rhythms within

And I find myself feeling
         we’ve come through a waterfall
             Free falling, crashing, and tumbling out
                  Joy of abandon, then jolt of the reckoning
                         Sinking and wondering:
                              Where are we now?

               Deep in the pool, in the calm underneath
           we remember
       Water is one, and we’ve never been lost or alone
We fall with the force from the source to the ocean
        Far-flung but always at home

     So we rise, so we roll, so we merge
           In the pulsing repeat of the song
      So, smoothly, our courses converge
 In what we have been all along.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 15, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

The key

This could be
the key to the whole world
More than that —
This could be
the key to the whole whorl,
the whole whirl —
the whole moving
harmonic of being —
to flying, to riffing
to breathing, to seeing

The key to the infinite joy
which the teachings
have tried to lay out all along
So what was too high to aspire to —
impossible —
Turns out to be elemental, essential,
that which we simply must be

This is the way we exist in the oneness
The vast fractal matrix for everything, all of us:
Every glory is already here
And our life is now found
as we fling ourselves into it
Finding with joy
Our surrender is met in acceptance
as we’re illumined in multiplication of love

This is the key, 
and to share it, we just have to be it
Daily and constantly
dance this delight, until each one
can feel it and see it.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Waiting for a computer repair at U. Village Mall

Let me invoke the rhythm
that ties us all together
Grasses bending in the breeze
Little birds dipping in and out
All these people walking
alone, and in groups
P’tick of sandals, heel-toe rock of dress shoes
Words and gestures, turns and pauses
Cars creeping through the parking lot
Car doors closing

Let the backbeat in the background
define the orchestration
Let the running water of the fountain
be a unifying patter
Even when we’re not aware of it
We are connected

Though we may feel isolated
by our stories
(who we think we are,
what we think we have to do)
And isolated by the inroads of acceptance
that we haven’t carved
And the separate trajectories
that only randomly have intersected here
Behind our myths and burdens
we are one.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Only Love could solve that problem
And Love has — fully!
We only need to wait to see
what splendid ways
this singular dawn
will rise on our sights
What purples, pinks and oranges —
What luscious shades —
will transfigure these remaining clouds
Will make of them
spectacular offerings
Bright gifts to show us
just how glorious
Love is.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love’s Flavors

These are flavors of love:
Desire, curiosity, compassion
Whatever leads you,
Whatever lights up nodes of interest,
What you follow,
What tenderly unites each need
with that which meets it,
The tears wherewith you nourish
some secret yearning,
And the rushing, billowing joy
that lifts you up
and sends you flying down your path

So many flavors!  
Enough that love
can paint the whole canvas of life
All the textures, all the colors
All the shapes and sizes, all the speeds
Love has enough — 
no other substance is required
to make the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2012

Witnessing You

No, I won’t believe
the lies of pain
the lies of isolation
Your breath comes rushing in
again and again
and each return of it
is a coursing of life, of joy,
of power, of perfection
Each step you take a miracle
of balance and coordination
smooth flowing of the genius
of creation

I won’t believe
in any gaps in my perception
any failure to see
the deep completeness 
that comprises you
Your full connection
to your love
your painless, strong, exultant wholeness
that testifies to ever-present goodness
revealed amazingly
to each of us today.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Evening

Clouds on pilgrimage
seeking the convocation of thunderstorm
drift entranced
kissed in soft pink light
calling forth divinity of sky

They let the current take them
slow and meaningful
toward their unseen goal
Sculpted pink on luminescent blue
transitions into grey on lighter grey
and on into white
against the deepened dark.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Yes! Let’s!

Let’s fill up this room 
with enough of that stuff
that doesn’t need words
to be expressed
So no one can miss it
and everyone here
can drink it up
and be blessed

Let’s fill up these hearts
with enough of this love
that everyone knows how to give it
So nothing they think
that they haven’t yet earned
can render them helpless
to live it

So they can’t go outside of the peace
Since they carry it safely within
So when they go home
they will still feel at one
and continue to multiply bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 8, 2012

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heather’s birthday beach walk

Laughing on the beach
Leaning against a log
Laughing at almost anything
(A couple, comical with their dog)
It really doesn’t matter what
It feels so good to be here

Our daughter, stunning in her colors
and her smile
Our son, subtly connected
Our family, now grown,
no longer needing tight control by parents,
can laugh as equals

Walking down the beach
we stop to play
on a see-saw log
The four of us
enacting our collective balance
(me, weighting and unweighting
making the log tip
feeling the delight of flying
my shadow doing a seagull dance)

Low tide, sea wall
Stone stairs washed to slopes,
engulfed by barnacles
Rare rock crazed with cracks
with crystals growing in them
Seagull cries, and human seagull imitations
Climbing the concrete tower that says “keep out”
Walking together in magical languor
No where we’re needing to be
except here.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Facing the Void

She moves with confidence
She twirls, she beams
But when she turns to face
the empty space again
She loses steam
and rivulets of insecurity
start seeping through the seams
The gaps between perceived reality
and her most treasured dreams
Now seem to yawn
The fabric she has woven with her hopes
now seems to drift in disconnected threads

What builds her up again?
What deep, supporting truth
can she believe?
What calming voice can counteract
the howling judgment
that whistles down the hollows
of her bones?

A pause to gather courage, to rethink
and reassess the evidence
A confidant to give her new perspective
Or some kind of sign
So she will choose to rise again
and meet the challenge one more time
And this time maybe she will power through
face down the void
and forge herself anew.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 6, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beach Walk

Bright morning
Walking on the driftwood
Walking on the sloped beach
whose fist-sized stones
roll sideways under foot
Watching rows and rows of tiny breakers
cresting in and in along the shore
Their quiet slaps then echoed in the distance
with the shift of stones —
rock on rock rocking in receding waves

Standing heron, flying gulls, ducks
bobbing out in lines across the waves
Smell of sand and seaweed, sea
Warming sun
paints with shadows on the sand behind the rocks
Scrish of our footsteps
You and I 
walk together, holding hands
sharing stories of our soul journeys
where we go alone
but come together
vectors and trajectories converging
Throwing off old baggage and untying every tether
Awestruck with hope to see
eternity emerging. 

©Wendy Mulhern
July 5, 2012