Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I have been on an adventure
Coming back, I could call it
A time of input
Or a time of utter uselessness
(No to do’s accomplished)
I had to take time
To let the impulse dissipate
And return to the world of
All that I’ve earned
And all that I owe
And what I pull daily
Through the hours —
That which I have called reality —
So I regain my steadiness
So become grounded.
But listen!
There is a different world
Or there is more to this one
Than I had imagined
Each day full
Of possible mind-corridors
With their secret bright
Bursts of delight
And sweetness.
I can go there
And bring these fruits back
They can adorn my moments
I need never be prosaic again.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! A stolen day. I plan to steal tomorrow to make origami boats.
