Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Thanks for this

I hold the blessing
in the laugh behind my eyes,
in the warm spots on my cheeks,
and in the warble that burbles
in the place where I might speak

It isn’t mine — it is a gift
passed to me freely, just an hour ago,
not me alone — given to many,
and I imagine
they all took it home

As I assume also it will multiply
as mirrors magnify,
as smiles create a surfeit of good will,
which cascades outward
touching people who
don’t even know each other,
though they’d recognize the kinship
with anyone in whom they saw the light.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 30, 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This Changes Everything

Streams of living waters,
rivers of pure light —
we speak of it in metaphors,
for how else can we convey
the feeling, and the importance of it,
the way we’re borne up
in the swift current,
the way it fills us
and lifts us
and becomes that which we are

And if we thought love
was a distant spark
that might or might not ignite,
if we thought love depended on
finding someone, or being found,
if we thought love was anything less than
the fountain of life itself,
or anywhere less than right here,
this changes everything.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 29, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019


Frost lines the edges of our days,
encasing them with torpor,
lacing us with eagerness for warmth,
of which there is enough, still, in the middles,
for us to work, for us to dream

And in the morning and the evening,
fire is our friend —
it takes the edge off,
fills us with ease again.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 28, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Life, as it turns out,
is not always instructional —
less and less so, in fact, these days

There is a statement
in the curl and color of a fallen leaf,
the reddened stems 
of blackberry and bracken fern

But they don’t seek to teach,
just to be,
just to let the light of this one
moment of afternoon
glow through them,
just to rest in light gravity
against the cool ground,
or to stand still
in the pauses between the wind.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 26, 2019

Friday, October 25, 2019

Then and now

I tell myself, in those days
I didn’t understand much about love,
though I did love
(as now I see we all do)
haplessly, perhaps,
helplessly at times,
with an intensity that could have been a key

I didn’t understand love’s power,
didn’t know to use it
so the ones I loved would feel encouraged,
safe, encircled, ready to go forth
to meet their own exigencies with love

I ask myself, well,
how much more of love
do you know now?
And are you able
to shine the light in such a way
that it illuminates instead of blinding?

And if I am, and when I am,
then all those other times of love
will also be redeemed. 
That is the way of love,
and love will teach me how.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 25, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Your (formerly) resident demons

You’ll hardly recognize your demons
when they’re sitting, clothed,
at their master’s feet

They may be sheepish about
their former torment,
they may want you to understand
they really only meant to help

They wanted you to get to this point
of peace that’s larger
than any field in which you’ve been ashamed,
and any field in which you’ve been afraid —
a peace in which they have no role at all

They never would have let you settle
for a small corner of being OK —
they wanted this huge place for you,
where you can smile, and rest, and breathe.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 23, 2019

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Before the sun set,
the first silvered wisps of fog
began to form low in the valley,
tending slightly upward
as they drifted south

Five minutes later
the valley had begun to fill,
fog rising between trees
setting off the different distances,
the fall colors  looked more red
amid the rising clouds

Meanwhile, behind the hills,
the sun had set
and the sky was turning red,
marbled and magnificent

And I thought: here, just here,
is exactly where I want to be,
above this valley and on this journey,
upward as I’m led, attended by beauty.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 22, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

This Morning

I looked out the window
and thought of how the names
of colors (or lack of names)
affect the way we see,
and prayer and fasting
and what it means to believe

I tended the fire
and drank my tea
and considered what it means
to lose all faith in death,
and what life is
if it’s not temporal

Outside the ravens
were droll and musical,
the cat was eager for my lap,
and if I’m able to cast out demons,
I’m also willing. I take that with me
into my day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 21, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Our enslavement lifts like fog.
Our freedom begins to shine
like fresh-washed air —
Though there may be
many layers till we walk
fully unencumbered,
till we fly
in the manner we’ve always desired,
every little liberation
makes us stand taller,
lets us breathe deeper,
gives us the grace
to love each other
with more generosity and kindness,
shows us that we all are moving
through the same layers of clearing,
our eyelids tingling with the dew of heaven.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 20, 2019

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Truer Story

We are hungry for stories,
for story is the mind’s path,
the promise
that we could wend our way
out of the dullness of where we think we are
to something redemptive, 
something we can almost taste

And we are foiled
by the devil’s practice
of shoving the tails of the stories
into their mouths, of making sure
they only lead us back
to the same place

We are foiled by opposition —
by the assertion
that stories require enemies —
good guys and bad guys,
even if only in our own minds

There is a truer story.
It exists in the place before the impulse,
before the thought. It exists
in searing lifting pure light
of your still unnamed desire,
and if you follow it,
it will lead you home.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 19, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Us in the morning

You: What are you thinking about?
Me: Same thing I always —
You: Oh, God …
Me: That’s exactly right
You: And me, I’m thinking about 
what I always think about, too …
(a pause, we snuggle in)
…the house — how to build it,
what to do next

The wonder of it is
that we can come together,
or almost — good enough
to keep the project going
day after week after year.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Work Progresses

Subtly, the palette changes —
bracken ferns to brown,
grasses back to green,
gold and orange along the river,
water vapor’s silver sheen

We raced the rain
all day yesterday
while the sun slowly made room
for more and more clouds
and the cat hunted happy in the field
and the needed tasks got done

And this morning,
rain holding off for just a while,
you added final touches
so now we can look up
and see the colors
and watch the rain.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 16, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019


It may look like death
when someone breaks through the skin
of the world, of the dream —
they may seem to fall out of it
and others may mourn

It’s only when you look closely
at the hole they made,
when, for a moment,
you see the light streaming in,
you might get the inkling
there’s something beyond this shell,
you might start trying
to learn what it is.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 14, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019


You can find that angels
are walking with you
as your feet step down
the gravel road,
and your heart suddenly fills
with satisfaction
because you’re good at what you’re doing,
because someone made you laugh,
because the air is full of grace

In so many ways
the fundamental fact of goodness
makes itself known to your soul.
You could call them angels
for how they translate truth
into a feeling you so deeply
desire and understand.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 13, 2019

Saturday, October 12, 2019


I say no to this cat
but she proves I’m not serious,
pushing her way nose first
into my lap,
waving her tail in my face 

We compromise —
she gets to stay here
if she sits still,
if she lets me write

As for the mind of cats —
she must think it very strange,
all the little things I find
to busy myself — pointless things,
when I could be affording her a lap,
reveling in mammal warmth,
feeling the sunshine

There is a place
for butterscotch fur
and a tail that waves just so,
and a secret hunting side
to keep sheathed,
except for a touch of needle claws
against my thighs.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 12, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

Tone of Voice

The verdict of defeat
is not the final word,
however hard and flat
the voice intoning it

Nothing said in hard, flat tones
can be the final word,
for truth has joy, and truth
is ever singing

When you hear truth’s voice,
the ringing of it
will make you sit still.
You won’t want to do anything
but listen

When you hear truth’s voice,
all that’s hard and flat in you
will melt —
all that speaks to you in cruel tones,
all that is vindictive and contemptuous
will turn to dust and wash away,
and leave you sparkling clear and true,
toning in the voice that knows your name.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 11, 2019

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Way of Seeing

I start to believe
that this is not a matter of
evolving, not about
some distantly perceived
far off enlightenment

This perception has run
like sheen on fabric
all along the weaving of my life,
in my waking moments, in my memories,
in my hopes, in my assessments of my days

Everything Spirit — the spirit of everything,
everything held in its essence inviolate,
everything formed in the Mind that conceives it,
nothing whose essence can fail 

Yes, this has been a thing I didn’t know,
something whose knowing now saves me from fear
but in its perception, I see that it has to be
something I’ve always known.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 10, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


In my dream I said I was sorry.
You said it was OK,
and your forgiveness
lifted my spirits mightily

This is the case with much that I remember —
I’m sorry for what I didn’t understand,
but forgiven, for I didn’t understand. There is no need
for dwelling in regret —
new perspective brings a brand new page

So in the light of day
as in the dreaming night,
forgiveness wins —
there’s nothing more to pay
except attention to what is given,
the grace to love,
the fresh-washed day to live in.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 9, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I’ve been sleeping for a long time —
sleeping as I walk through my day,
some old tune looping through my mind,
sleeping as I do the needed tasks
without feeling much of anything

I started thinking how it might feel
to be awake to see and notice
the living forces moving through the moments,
the swift imperative impelling every life

The world could open out in color,
the sky would sing, the air would dance,
all things would celebrate each other,
all breath would praise,
and all the earth would laugh

Now when I think of it,
I try to wake myself up,
at least a little,
at least for now.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 8, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019


If I find you before you set foot
in the world, before its quick traction
grabs your steps, flings you
on an unintended path

If I find you in the impulse
of your desire, in your wish
for all the beauty and perfection
in all your interactions

Then I will see you as you are,
and hold, perhaps, a beacon
to help you find your footing
in this day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 6, 2019

Friday, October 4, 2019

Holding down the world

Let’s hold down the whole tarp of the world —
you at your point, me at mine, each of us
scattered like stars, like pin pricks in the fabric

There are enough of us to hold things steady,
to help them settle,
to calm the raging wrinkling crackling rippling,
keep it from being tumbled, over and over,
in the wind, keep it from ripping ragged

We hold it down in peace. We hold it
in unruffled knowing
that everything opposing
just really wants
to curl up and be cuddled,
just wants
acceptance in the Allness,
and the confidence
that there’s no need for fighting anymore

We’ll hold down the world
until it lies still,
until it rests velvet
along the contours of its love.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 4, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Storm Ride

The weather came through fast —
one moment, charming warm sun,
the next, a rolling dark cloud,
a strong cold wind,
rain visible across the valley,
trees on the east hill
making a rushing sound

The task we were doing
in peaceful progression
became urgent, rain rolling down 
the roof we were trying to cover,
ladders getting muddy, footing slippery

I rode the rush of excitement
through the storm,
not minding the wet and the cold
or the need to persist with our task until done,
since we’d be there to see and to feel it.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 3, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

After Work

It’s twilight and the colors fade —
the cat I’m petting
now the same shade
as my hands, my sleeve

She doesn’t like my writing
so she pushes her cold nose
against my hand, my pen, my book.
The visual texture of fur, of firs,
blends into similarity,
I can’t see my words

The turkeys in the trees are quiet now,
I hear crickets, and homebound traffic,
this cat is warm but the air grows colder —
time for a transition.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 2, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Season Turns

I lit a fire this morning,
up before dawn,
before the sun slowly glowed
through the fog

Hot water rippled from the kettle
for my tea, the cabin
filled with warmth by then,
daylight peaking in

Later, for awhile,
the sun warmed everything it touched,
but evening finds us hoarding warmth,
holding close to heat sources,
seeking to absorb enough
to ease us through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 1, 2019