Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Looking Forward

We stand at the brink of August
and consider the color changes —
grass from green to flaxen,
daisy stalks to brown

Sunflowers dominate the garden,
tomatoes coming in,
red tassels forming on the corn,
unknown peppers in dark green

There will be other years
when we can shepherd this,
when we have time and infrastructure
to tend the land —
for now we’ll do the work
to make us ready for it,
so we can read the signs
and understand.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 31, 2019

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


We found songs in the wilderness —
some were left for us
by ones who had traversed the path before —
they told of things
we hoped one day to see

Others rose out of the rock
and the work, and the constant travel,
and the bone pure perception,
in the air, in the stillness,
of the Truth that guided us
along the searing way

We sang songs in the wilderness,
and as the land began to green,
we recognized some things
that we had sung about so often,
only guessing and imagining
how they might be

We sang songs of the wilderness
resting in the promised land, rejoicing in the gardens,
learning the things our songs had named,
also remembering 
how we were inspired
when we were headed here
from far away.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 30, 2019

Monday, July 29, 2019


Come back home, little one —
it isn’t far — it’s right here, in fact —
let your curled up body
feel the comfort of the floor,
the cradling earth beneath,
the sky blanket above

You can come back
into yourself, you can feel
strength flowing to you from within.
You don’t have to put on a perfect face,
don’t have to feign invincibility.
What you are will bring itself full circle,
as you wait for it,
when you’re ready,
you can stand up whole.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 29, 2019

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Your Spirit Today

The trees give shady respite —
I see their gentle breathing
in the rise and fall of limbs —
they are at peace with wind,
with Spirit

You are like that today —
in the calm of your demeanor
I feel the day breathing,
your spirit a balm against the work,
your steady motion
bearing us forward
along the course that we are learning
not to plan so much as ride,
not to engineer so much as live.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 27, 2019

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Crickets Returning

We looked up, delighted to hear
in small strains, the refrain
of crickets returning

Soft, intermittent, rising and falling,
not in the trees where we heard them
in previous years,
not as a constant, a chorus that stretched
through the days and the nights of the summer

But cricket song, still, here in the fields,
slowly increasing to fill up the late afternoon —
a light recompense
for things we have lost,
a reminder that everything changes,
and things that are missing
can also return
to be loved and rejoiced in once more.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 24, 2019

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Place of Adventure

This, right here, is the place of adventure,
here with the hole in the clouds
where blue sky sounds through,
here with the broken bootlace
and the black bugs that ate our greens,
here with the work that needs to be
pried and prised from our powers of invention,
and then, on top of that,
needs to be done

This is the place of adventure
where we plumb the depths
of our understanding, then go deeper,
where we live in the light
as far as we know it
and still keep going

There may be other adventures,
years down the line, lifetimes away,
but this is the path by which we’ll get there,
placing our feet down
in every step of today.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 23, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

Quick Release

Today I see the value of a quick release,
the way I can unhitch myself
from trains of stories, when I feel them
careening towards a cliff,
when my emotions
have set up camp
and prescribed a course of action
that entails me crouching in the mire
of hurt

I asked myself,
which would you rather?
This, or being strong, resilient,
competent, and free?
— That was my quick release —
my choice was clear —
to leave the crouching mire
and center, here.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 22, 2019

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day of Freedom

And now I’ll tell you of the time
when we all took off our crooked glasses
and shook our heads to focus our surprise
and spent some puzzled moments
trying to readjust our eyes
but then admitted
that here and now, as never
in our prior experience,
we could see

— because no longer did we need to fear
what someone else might think of us,
no longer did we need to squint
to weigh each other in the scales,
no longer did we think that judging others
was something we or anyone
was tasked to do

So we were free —
free to move with all the strength
and competence, and sweet compassion
that we always dreamed comprised our being,
free to love, with no fear of rejection,
free to trust our clarity of seeing.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 21, 2019

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Morning Prayer

Let me feel Your presence
like morning dew
that settles in so gently,
occasioning the tiny movements
of my thought, the small adjustments
that let the truth sink in
so I am nourished,
so I am changed

Let me respond
in opening of new blooms,
the possibilities Your truth advances
in places where the untrue myths
have melted off,
the startling expanse
engendered by Your everpresent light

Let me grow into it
in just the pace that You design,
calling me by name,
saying, “you are mine.”

©Wendy Mulhern

July 20, 2019

Friday, July 19, 2019

The True Thing

The true thing
present in this green and golden
afternoon, with events suspended
while time ripens
and firs sing wind songs
while little birds converse

The true thing,
older than all the human stories,
newer than anything we’ve thought before,
is Life’s unfurling of itself
in multiple dimensions,
in ever awe-inducing harmony
for all of us to be.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 19, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life Power

In the dream, the little girl
pulled the shining life jewels
right out of the air,
and when others scrambled for them,
reaching out in desperation
for the ones that pulsed with power,
she seemed surprised. “It’s right here,”
she said. She opened up her hand
and pulled out more

On waking, and in latter days,
I find that what she said is true —
It’s right here — infinity of life power
waiting to be pulled out from the air,
waiting to be lived.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 18, 2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Slow Learner

I am learning
it’s not enough to sit
well beyond the fray,
and see, with eyes amazed
at loftier perspectives,
the inner workings of the human scene

It’s not enough
to see the heartache and the failings,
because, if I can see them,
they are mine —
mine to soothe and smooth,
mine to see whole

If I haven’t seen that yet
then I’ve seen nothing —
there is no wisdom
but the one that heals.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 16, 2019

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Summer Communion

The heat comes on sudden
and the garden
which yesterday looked lush
looks parched,
and our efforts
which yesterday looked ready to fruit
appear to face a desert

But my boots have filled
with daisy petals and grass seed
from my ministrations to the young trees
and there is a deeper communion
that makes me feel
like a watered garden
that does not fear in times of drought
and I will stay here
in this more verdant place
until the world around me
does the same.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 14, 2019

Saturday, July 13, 2019


A lot can ride
on the twinkle of eyes —
the smoothness of days,
the feeling of having done well,
the ease of incitement to laughter

These things testify
to the presence of
that which engenders the twinkle —
the substance it’s made of,
how it appears
out of what you might think of as nowhere,
thus proving as everywhere
what you may never see
but still most certainly need.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 13, 2019

Friday, July 12, 2019

At the Public House

All these people walk through life
slicing their intersections through the day,
each from their center perspective
with their invisible wake

We could make a pattern
like marbling in a scarf,
we could know, or never see
the change we make in passing through

As to the grand plan of things,
the design that we all make together,
collective results of all of our movements —
that is beyond my perception.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 12, 2019

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Using the Devil

I’m finding the devil useful —
someone to blame
for every unkind thought,
for fear, resentment,
and the harsh voices
that want to judge
my every action,
and those of others

I’m finding it useful
to shift the blame
from anyone real
to something that can’t exist,
thereby revealing
how sweet and fresh and beautiful
everything truly is.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 11, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Not on my own

The journey is to great for me —
I am brought, once again,
to my knees,
I have wrung myself out
and hung myself to dry
and will be slowly converted
as with soft wind blowing through,
the song and sun between the trees 

I will be won over
by blessings which must be just here,
though I don’t see them yet,
and will stand forth strong again
after a while,
rested by my ride.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 10, 2019

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Well, here we are.
We seem to have
spiraled down
into this little pool
in which it is not clear
how we’ll ever move again,
how we will get up
and take care of ourselves
and do the work tomorrow calls for

This rain and the warm air
hold us in slow motion
though at this point
we are not moving at all —
tomorrow may bring
a clearer direction
to lift us up out of this stall.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 9, 2019

Monday, July 8, 2019

Today I Offer

Today I offer you the only good that is,
the good that is One, the good that is All

Today I offer you
the good that has no terror in it,
no separation, no conditions —
the good that is right here,
not held at arm’s length
for you to leap for and be laughed at,
the good that you could never fail
to breathe in, to embody

Today I offer you 
the good that has no dark side,
that spreads its loving touch
to every entity — that makes them melt
in love, in joy, in grateful strong surrender,
and no one is a horrible example,
for all are needed in the true design

Today I offer you
the good that changes history,
replacing blame, regret, remorse
with sweet returning green,
with fragrance and with flowering,
the growth circle of being.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 8, 2019

Sunday, July 7, 2019

We Call it Home

We call it home —
many other beings
call it home, too —
we find our place,
we make our peace,
we settle in
and start to know our neighbors

We make it home —
many other beings
make it home, too —
we make our place,
we find our peace,
we all are here
in concert with each other

We find it fine —
many other beings
find it fine, too —
we make our place,
we call our peace,
here in the verb
of work and living
the beaded strand of jeweled days.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 7, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Power Within

The power within
doesn’t need instruction
any more than water does,
welling up and lifting
whatever rides upon it,
flowing out and gathering,
tumbling brightly down

The power within
is not obstructed
by any circumstance or story —
it rises up
and becomes what you are knowing,
it cascades forth,
becoming what you are.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 5, 2019

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


They wake up to fearlessness
amazed by the weight of it,
or is it weightlessness? 
— subtle perfection of balance
allowing their hands
to move with precision
accomplishing everything deftly

They wake up to fearlessness
awed by the sound of it,
or is it silence? — the absence
of voices predicting their downfall,
the chorus of joy at their presence

They wake up to fearlessness
one more time — they imagine
never forgetting again
the full-hearted peace
where no demons can even
occur to them — everything given
to bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 3, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

To Edward

Though I may not know
in the eternal scheme of things
just what you are to me,
I can say
you are more than my calculus problem,
more than my ongoing test,
more than the mirror
it’s taken me too many years
to recognize as such

We hold each other up
in undetected ways —
perhaps we each receive
direction, motivation,
perhaps we are encouraged
and in our different vectors, strengthened
by each other.
I may be vine
to your trellis,
you may be
bird to my tree.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 2, 2019

Monday, July 1, 2019


This can be a space of
leaning into you,
of being quiet,
taking our tone
from the softness of the day,
its cloudiness, mist hanging
in the trees,
evening seeming to come sooner

Feelings can rise like mist
and sit in mind
like low clouds —
we won’t do anything about them
except lean in for comfort,
lean in for support.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 1, 2019