Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last night of the year

Soft jewels in the dark
as I gathered rosemary
for root vegetables

I touched their shine
to see if they were water
and felt their smooth leaf

Ah, they are oregano
glowing with perhaps a hint of moisture,
grown up among the fragrant brittle sprigs
catching little pools of moonlight
mute and low

celebrating what I’d hardly seen —
a gift of the moment
offered, on this year’s last night
to me.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 31, 2017

Saturday, December 30, 2017


The magnitude of this redemption
is that it glows through all time
even as dawn
glows through all our space,
even as the radiance of love
makes everything alright,
even our history.

Any fears and sorrows that lurked there
are resolved,
for truth’s appearance
alters the past
as surely as it does the present

As for the future —
what will we know of it?
— when we are so rapt
in the presence 
of unfolding day.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 30, 2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017


They catch you up
in rings of kindness,
they cradle you,
they hold you sacred,
they wish to see you blessed
with everything you need

This gift to you unfolds
as gift to them —
they are caught up
in the light that kindness brings,
they define it with their actions

They summon it
from the ever-presence —
so they become light bearers
and also light.
So you have catalyzed
and so you shall receive.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 28, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


It was, for each of them,
their own moment

but as they turned
they could hear the corroborating roar

as many others
caught up in the singularity
of their own experience

simultaneously turned,
surrendered to the force

of what actually
had been their essence all along

Less a surrender, maybe,
than a standing up,

though both those actions
were clearly present
in their acclamation
of their source and destiny.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 27, 2017

photo by K Norton Photography

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


We go through the times
of these deep colors,
we are soaked through
in these dark tones,
we see the sediment suspended
in slow-moving oceans,
we feel the sifting settling
and its countering stir

There are no lines
to trace around these motions,
there is no story
that we can tell,
there is no waiting
that gains us information —
we find our meaning
in moving ever forward,
chiming our presence
into the days.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 25, 2017

Sunday, December 24, 2017


You may protest
my use of the words “sweet doodeloo”
but I am happy
that you sit with your guitar in hand
and music comes out,
notes coming home
like family,
like lights in the house,
and being together
in the flavor of
one last time
or better
in the flavor of
as it will always be.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 24, 2017

Saturday, December 23, 2017


The fact that we’re here to save the world
doesn’t mean we have to be
serious all the time. There’s room
in the moments between
to be droll

There’s enough power here, after all,
that there’s no need to strain or struggle —
there’s room to be silly and soulful,
there’s plenty of space to laugh.
The world will be fine.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 23, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

Moving my I

I stand
and let the sense of who I am
slide back behind me,
beyond time, beyond
the anchor of my story

It fills in
like a swath of sparkles
on windy water,
lights me from behind
and moves me
(like lifting up, expanding out)
making room for all of us,
making room for peace.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 22, 2017

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Longest Night

We couldn’t believe in darkness
because there is always some light somewhere —
the soft reflection of moonlight,
far stars, and nearer lanterns,
the dream light that dances behind eyes
before and during sleep,
and inevitable morning
that eventually rises
even after the longest night.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 21, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


In our ascent through the passage
there is letting go,
there are changes of shape
that let us pass
where we couldn’t have fit before

There is a stretching and a turning,
each move in its needed place and time
that lets us become something different,
something that’s able to make it through.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 20, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Nobody’s life has meaning
except for the shine,
except for the treasure
inherent in each breath,
each moment,
except for the purpose embodied
in the reasonless love,
the unquenched presence,
the truth that is always here.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 19, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

My Choice

No actually
I’d rather take the time
to be holy. This isn’t something
I do for myself. This is something
I allow, the way the land allows the sun
to warm it, the way the air allows the rain
to wash it clean

A long deep breath,
a pause to close my eyes
and let the fullness sink in.
Yes, this is what I’d rather do,
this is what I choose.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 18, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Riding the Wave

So unfolds this great wonder,
that in surfing the waves
we discover their power
as we discover our own

It unfurls in each moment —
miraculous it feels —
how perfectly the forces come together,
formed and foamed and filled and braided —
what we can do and
what is here most needed

We may feel we only have
a fleeting tolerance
for so much power,
for such exhilaration,
but we will learn
this is the crest of life
and we will ride it
through the whole span of creation.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 17, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017


The day has pressed its paws
into my lap, claws mostly sheathed,
the insistent kneading
accompanied by soft purr

I have offered my attention
but perhaps was more distracted
than I noticed — maybe didn’t give
the approbation it deserved,
maybe didn’t take in, with enough wonder,
the unparalleled glory of its presence.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 16, 2017

Friday, December 15, 2017


Close to the source
of heat and cold,
close to the source of being —
stars at night, pens that don’t write
as temperatures dip below freezing


Whichever direction we stretch
we draw more surely
into the circle of purpose —
we are here to be warm,
we are here to share light
and we are here to be
the great testimony
to joy, and to the insistence of life
on burning ever true,
the flame that glows and grows
and won’t consume.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 15, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Kindness kindles us,
catches us up in the merry
rush of flames
running eagerly down the lines
of what we sensed we might be,
igniting inspiration, engendering
great leaps of joy

Kindness will spread
and in its warmth
each of us will know what we’re here for,
each of us will bring heat.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 14, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Winter on the Land

We learn the worth of warmth —
its animal presence offered as free gift,
exchanged in the close steam of breath,
the animal scent part of the intimacy

We value the small suffusing
of heat from the low sun
pushing through the winter’s chill
(thawing paused for the task of
creating fog, moisture released from frost
drifting between trees)

The last glow offered
before the return to frigid
speaks of winter’s charm,
the color and stillness we can enjoy
when we are warm enough.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 12, 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017


I saw the angel Gabriel today,
bright like fountain water,
clear as the quench of thirst,
soft as redemption

I remembered 
(for Gabriel has come to me before)
how sure it is that afterwards
the promise of the moment
exquisitely unfolds

So, too, this time, in my sweet family,
let it be so —
let that pure presence
permeate us wholly,
let us be filled
and let us be delivered
to our promised native harmony.

©Wendy Mulhern

December 11, 2017