Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Morning Prayer

Pick me up gently,
set me straight,
remind me where I come from,
where I’m going,
not a robot, banging head
against the wall,
time and again
confounded by a corner

You set my face
towards the wide spaces
where the sun summons
the morning mist
and slowly melts it off,
rolling out brightness,
rolling out blue

And all the angles I was worrying
dissolve — there are no corners here —
just the day,
the love-sourced day.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 30, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017


Our hearts melt,
run out from the crude ore,
pool brightly, like with like

In this response
we know their essence —
this love so quickly moved
to love — this shows their mettle
and purifies their substance —
the more they love,
the greater their radiance.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 29, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

After the End

We move off from the place of focus
like crowds dispersing when the show is done —
our thoughts linger, wander, mill,
look for some remaining meaning

There are things we take with us
like small gifts tucked in pockets
to look at later in a quiet moment

Not sure what to do next
we feel the lightness
and the layered weight
of what we witnessed,
what we learned

All the while our love
moves into the spaces
ready to show us
as we emerge
how to make sense of it all.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 28, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017


It seems right and appropriate
to drop everything for vigil
but on the fifth day
(or the eighth, by some counts)
the waiting seems interminable
and the tasks that wait at home —
cooking beans, paying bills —
seem suddenly attractive
as does, in general,
having something to do
besides waiting

I seem to have forgotten
there is more to it —
holding space,
being doula
for the transfer of the mantle
from father to son,
peace settling on all shoulders . . . 

©Wendy Mulhern

October 27, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Last goodbye before the end

We might have wished our children
no pain, but each emotion is a gift
and the fact that they can feel
is testament to who they are

If they can cry
the garden of their life will bloom,
they will have
bright shining after rain,
they will have
deep canyons where their love
carved out spaces
for winds of compassion 
to sing through

They will have birds nesting
and creeks running,
frogs and fish and mayflies —
they will have true life,
they will know joy.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 26, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Down close to the bone
the things that so distracted us
are gone — the posturing,
the quid pro quo, the stature earned,
the balance due

And the essential fluids —
the love, the tears, the blood connection,
run near the surface. We forget
what we were thinking about,
caught up in the current,
dopplered in the moments
as time stretches out,
the silence at end of day
echoing back,
drawing us 
into its close circle.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 25, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017


As suddenly as the turn of a day
the things we used to see in you
are gone — you are
an egg, an infant,
a night sky,
the things we think of you
no longer filtered
through the lens of our perceptions,
no longer judged
in the tally of the game

In this transparency
we see you pure,
untouched by all we knew of you
and all you knew of you as well —
you roll out of your form like liquid
ready to collect
in a new chalice.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 23, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Wind blows the rain
through the night,
through the trees,
through the memories
of the day’s events
and intermittent ponderings

The night is long,
the times of waking frequent,
bones and thoughts
surface restless between dreams

When I fed the old man
my mouth opened with his,
closed with his around the spoon,
my lips together
as I slipped it from his mouth,
imagining the sustenance,
the lubrication,
his mouth moving like tortoises’
and scallops’

In the sun-washed morning
in the kitchen
you taste the aura of a new day —
you want to wrap us all in it,
you want us to bask in light
and multiply the brightness.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 22, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017


In the turn of time
I come around to notice
how much I am like my husband,
how much he is like my father,
how much all the pointless
moments of annoyance in my past
have been just that

I picture the extraction of honey,
the breaking of the wax capsules,
the sweet liquid
flowing out reluctantly

I am as unsure 
how this is well accomplished
as I am how to release
the bright life light
from the capsules 
of all these constructs

Yet I know
there are ways, both gentle
and heat-filled,
in which this happens,
and even right now my life
with all that is sealed away
and all that’s messy
still drips sweetness.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 21, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017


We wanted to be forgiven.
We wanted this, without even knowing
who, or for what —  some deep shadow
cast within us. Some light
we hoped would shine on all our being,
showing that we were never
what we most feared we were,
and we never needed
to be punished

We have sensed there is such a light
like an orange glow 
in a distant upper window,
a window that turns out to be ours,
a place that turns out to be home.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 19, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


In this place of everybody’s tears,
it feels amiss to have opinions —
better to let the collective pool deepen,
better to hear the cleansing music
of the quiet drops
and let the gathered ocean
sigh and shift, pour in, recede,
find its common rhythm,
sweep us up within its cycling waves,
rock us, rock us, till our sobs subside
till our restive motion
finds its restful ease.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 18, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I got caught like a moth
between the folds of illusion
and the real light, and I thought
I was working the solution
but it was just a dream
running parallel to the truth
but without its power

Let me take the time to wake up.
It won’t seem like the story I’m imagining
but I will be lifted and straightened
from within, I will be infused
with new understanding.
I will not roll down the great conveyor belt
towards death. I will be translated,
I will walk free.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 17, 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017

Mid October

Seamless, memeless,
October slides into its second half,
morning dew replaced by morning fog,
pine needles falling

Strong south wind blows through bright sunlight,
bringing, mid-afternoon, its signature overcast,
chill creeps into the house,
I turn on the heat

 Vigil and comfort by turns
occupy the twilight,
earlier each evening.
What we are made of,
springing ever new,
will bring us through.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 16, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

At One

Underneath the slow drift of thought
(so many horror stories how it got that way)
there lies the urge
wild as water
wild as virgin rivers
to reconcile
to flow together
to abandon all divisive tales
and breathe as one

None of us really wants anymore
to be the winner —
we have started to see
that when one of us loses
so do we all
and we have all lost so much already
that we are really desiring
to come home
to the place we are all washed clean
and we are all sorry 
and we are all forgiven
and we can start anew
to live at one.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 15, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Let me lift this cup of day
to my lips, let me taste
the light, the peppered challenges,
the satori of new illuminations

Let me lift the cup of this day
to my lips, let all the moments
kiss me with their inspiration,
let my thirst be ever quenched,
and my hunger — let it be awakened

Let me hold this cup of day,
this day, up to the light for blessing,
let me drink deeply, water to wine,
and in serving, let me be blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 14, 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Choose to Understand

Funny how we used to think
we had to fight for our perspectives,
had to change the minds of those
who didn’t see as we did

Funny how we didn’t know
each view was like a puzzle piece,
each one required to amplify the whole,
each useless if they all were just the same

Now we feel how rich we are
in opened out dimensions
for every view that’s different from our own
that we, with courage, choose to understand.

©Wendy Mulhern

October 13, 2017