Saturday, September 30, 2017

News Flash

We are not passengers —
we are the horse

We are the ones running
and each of us can feel
the surprise touch,
each of us can be awakened
from our sense of waiting
for someone else to do the miracle
so we can cheer

We already are the miracle,
we already are the shining
of Love’s children —
look at us
I mean look at yourself
on the inside

You’ll see it, that chain of light
all laced through you,
the one you fight for every day,
the one you live for

We are the miracle
and nothing stops us
from running through to claim it.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 30, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

Pray for us

Pray for us —
we acknowledge we are lost
and all the tools we normally would use
are overwhelmed
by current inundations

Pray for us —
we don’t believe that any simple help
from people, though their efforts 
may be great,
can reach the need 
we flounder in right now

Pray for us —
if we are to be saved
it has to be by something
that can’t go down with darkness,
something with enough light
to startle us awake from nightmares

Something that knows
the buoyant truth of us
was never buried
and will outshine
all the terror, loss, and pain.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 29, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

“Like a tree planted by the rivers"

Well, who wouldn’t delight
in the law of Life, in the law of light?
Who doesn’t thrill
with the intricacy of every interlocking need,
each interlacing gift?

Who wouldn’t be amazed 
at how perfectly 
all these separate entities
flock and soar together,
turn and breathe as one?

From here comes the courage
to leave behind the old story,
that’s based on conflict
and has to have an enemy
and makes its horrid bargains
and insists on being right

There’s plenty of evidence
for the goodness of everything.
It may not make a good story,
but it makes a good life.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 28, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


(in contemplation of thirty-five years)

These days you and I
move forward in easy step,
our common yoke our common dream
we lean into together

The unutterable magnitude
of our aspiration
leaves us often in silence,
or we talk of tasks and plans
as if those were the sum of our engagement

But our hope, laced far too often
with the fear we will not speak
binds us more deeply
than years, than memories —
in some moments we may fathom
we are closer than as one
our life together
less choice than destiny.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 26, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017


I come again to feel the need
for that gentle lift
along the strings of my being,
straightening essential lines,
untangling the twists
and places things have fallen
topsy turvy

I need to feel the breath of light
that courses through the strings,
that gives them strength and vibrancy
and sets them in alignment

This is the love touch I desire —
the one that knows the order
of all the threads of me,
the one that sees me whole
and sets me there, lit up from within,
clear channeled, free.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Self Shine

One day you find yourself held
in the shine that lets you 
be as you envisioned you could be,
suddenly strong enough to wield
the needed tools, precision locked in,
clarity of mind

In a rush, you are riding a wave —
the power of you, bearing you up,
the surge of joy, to be so carried
as if it were a force outside yourself
delivering this lift

You will seek this shine again.
You will look for places 
where it might happen,
seek out the people
who witnessed it with you,
come back to tasks which,
in doing them, you felt it —
It may not be easy to find,
but knowing it’s there,
you’ll keep looking.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 23, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

To My Former Self

Be forewarned —
the work will change you,
you will not keep the quick 
conclusions, the know-it-all opinions,
the glib solutions
that brought you, eager, to the job

You will use your mind
but not in the way you imagined —
there will be great gaps
in what you understand, 
you will have to start from nothing, 
again and again

Patience will be your best tool,
patience and perseverance
and enough inner silence
to hear what the task suggests

Your body will learn to keep going —
give it permission to work hard
and a way to get warm at day’s end,
it will rise to the occasion, 
and serve you well
and be your friend.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 22, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Work Clothes

I will clothe myself
in honest work, in steady initiative,
I will clothe myself in hopefulness
and in an open mind,
I will wear clarity of thought
so I will see present solutions
to each small challenge
that the work presents

And if this garb
is deemed unworthy,
I will wait to see
what else is needed,
what inner strength, what outer grace,
what patience, what forgiveness,
what place where I can laugh from
and whatever other qualities present themselves to me
to help me get the job done.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


And if it turns out
the rules we’ve been playing by
are not the real ones,
if it turns out
the object of the game
is not what we thought
and all our cheering on
and all our disappointments
all this time
have been askew
from how the actual score was counted

We may find
we still have made
progress we weren’t noticing —
skills attained, if faultily employed,
and gains that came 
from bringing our best efforts
to what we thought, till now,
had been the game

And then we’ll have a new focus,
and then the way we move will change
as we employ a more attuned alignment
and stretch into our fuller range.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Dozing into the arrival

at our land, passing between
cliffs of clouds and blue banked sky,
needed desired rain
and needed desired sun
and the question of which
would attend our arrival

Eyes closed, the landscape still rolled out,
the narration borrowed
from some other world:
“They grasped each other 
by their suppositions,”
I heard, before opening my eyes

The sun shone through the rain,
mist rose up from the road
and blew across. The dream
was also worth watching
after the long trundle,
blurring the question
of where, exactly,
we were arriving.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 18, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Space Between

The breath between the notes of a flute –
a time to consider
the nature of the spaces
where nothing has been said

And if I need a way to know
the purity of tone,
perhaps it lies in this —
not in the mellifluity of words
but in the calmness
and the listening
of the space between.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 17, 2017

Saturday, September 16, 2017


I heard without a doubt
(my Creator told me
clear as the blue shine on the floor
stretching to the boundaries
of all my being)
I heard without a doubt
that at the very bottom of my tears
there was nothing there but goodness

Why then, was I still afraid?
Did I still believe my life rolled out
in some realm other than
the one my Maker owned?
Did I think I might be comforted
but not healed? Saved but left alone?

Surely (my Creator told me
this morning as I watched the tiny
crescent moon start its traverse
across the brightening sky)
Surely you couldn’t think
I’d leave you in a realm I didn’t govern!

Surely you can feel: It’s not
that I deliver you from evil
so much as that my all-present goodness
always governs all events —

Yours, too. Yourself, your family
and every fact unfolding in this day.
And that’s why, in my goodness,
you don’t have to be afraid.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 16, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Faustian Bargain

You need no faustian bargain.
All the gifts you ever have desired
are yours immutably, 
before time, perhaps before embodiment,
in full force still.
You can claim them
without a catch, without a price

They all are yours to give,
and, in giving, yours to bless.
In blessing, you are blessed,
along the circle leading back to your desire,
continuing and ever new,
as it is written,
as it will ever be.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 15, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sense of Self

For awhile, it’s important
to get our stories straight,
to open out the crushed frames
to let the wind and light
flow through our sense of self

Later, as the light grows stronger,
the particular grids of our stories
become less relevant,
overwhelmed, as they are,
by what streams through the spaces
as we shift our sense of self
away from the lines
into the brightness of being.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 13, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Life Essence

You may think
you want to go back
to the old life, the quid pro quo,
your place along the grid
of fear and confidence,
the little pleasures
in what you overcome

But once you’ve grasped the brilliant core,
there’s no hope for it —
that light will burn right through
all the warp and weft 
of what you thought you were

They can’t hold it —
you have to find the structure
made out of the same stuff,
a practice that embraces it
and lets it shine.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 11, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Receive This

You speak of receiving: 
Receive this — you are beloved.
Spirit is not indifferent
to your being. You are as prized
as Spirit is to itself —
breath of being,
delight and excitement
in this present living of you,
exactly you.

Spirit is not indifferent
to that which shines its essence.
It can’t forsake you
anymore than you
could forsake your breath.

©Wendy Mulhern

September 10, 2017