Monday, July 31, 2017

“Give me, oh Lord, an understanding heart”

Take me beyond having answers
to the peace that stills the questions,
to the knowing that is the comfort
before which no doubts, no lack, can stand

I don’t expect or desire
to be seen as someone who understands —
I desire instead to see
understanding like dawn
bathing us all.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 31, 2017

Sunday, July 30, 2017

On the sidewalk benches at the local pub

At my first impression she was
fragile as paper, and I wondered
how she could settle in
to any kind of a life
like that, with so little
to be solid in

But then my husband
asked her a question
and we broke through the bubble
to find someone eager to connect
someone we might see again
and wave, and maybe even talk with

And maybe most people
are hard to know deeply
and maybe most of us have
our quirks that make us
hard to live with. But maybe
what matters is less
what we might be, and more
what we might be together.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 30, 2017

Saturday, July 29, 2017


The light keeps brightening
as we remove the layers —
what once was dim and fickle
becomes a stronger flicker,
becomes a steady glow,
becomes a blaze

We will drink this light
like flowing water,
we will be borne
in its currents,
we will rise like bubbles,
all that we thought defined us
fully forgotten
in our daily learning,
in our daily flight.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 29, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017


Today I feel small but mighty —
small as a chink of light
under a door,
small as the time it takes
to catch an eye,
small as a seed, small as an inkling,
mighty as kindness, mighty as truth.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 28, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Life

I want to be satisfied
but not self-satisfied. 
I don’t want to take my life for granted.
I want my life to be a quest,
a quest for more and deeper, truer,
of what is.

I have read, and I believe
there is no room for superstition
in understanding. I will endeavor
to place no weight on life’s events,
leaning instead
on the Spirit that is
the Life of everything.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 26, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Drug of Choice

Every one of them, it was said,
has their drug. Once they taste it,
they’ll go to great extremes
to get their next fix.

They’ll feel the promise of that
rush of aliveness, they’ll crave
the affirmation that seems
so certain to be felt
as they receive, once more,
the dearly sought elixir

Every one of them, it was said,
can be roped in just like that,
can be controlled, can be enslaved . . . 

They didn’t reckon on
the dawning recognition
of the light that saturates everything,
that satisfies everyone’s desire.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 26, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017


Light falls across your face
as trees outside sift sun
through their low branches

Late afternoon finds us here
refreshed, at peace, settled
into what has been revealed today
of steady power, solid strength,

In the end, we can only be
true, we can only emanate
what we really are.
We learn it here, in the centered
witnessing of each other.
We learn it here
in what we see
and what we give.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 24, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

What I Need

There’s no turning back —
all the contexts, after all,
are so quickly forgotten —
those things we thought would be
so worthy to attain
no longer shining with the same allure

It’s not that I mind
the ease in my days,
the gentle cooling
in the summer wind,
the time to breathe in consonance
with bees and flowers

Just that what I’m called to 
is something more
than what I had assumed would be enough –
more than ease and comfort,
more than entertainment,
more than heady thoughts
on how I think and feel —
I need it more than image, 
more than branding, more than tribe —
something that will show me I am real.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 23, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

Today’s Marvels

The first ripe plum
from our tree —
juicy, sweet, tangy, sour,
the birds that flit from fir to cedar
as they darken (birds and trees)
while the sky is still full of light,
summer laughter of children
in the next block,
the scent of buddleia in the evening air

These, and the slow progress
through the tasks,
the tasks of learning,
the tasks of growth.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 21, 2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Summer is kind,
pockets of peace offered
in wind, in the play of light in leaves,
in shade. There is a lightness
that lifts thought like a kite,
dances it against the high currents,
brings new sight

Summer is replete
with memories of freedom
playing like breeze across the mind,
still impelling the thoughtful to dream
of liberty for all mankind.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 20, 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Piano Hands

My hands are slowly learning the terrain,
the steps, the reaches, changing intervals,
the black keys and the white,
which ones are called for in this signature,
coordination of the left and right

I didn’t know they had so much to learn,
I thought that they should know these things,
despaired to find they didn’t. I took a long time
crashing them through songs
thinking they’d never get it right

But they are learning
and I’m learning, too —
patience for things that take time,
willingness to do the work.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 19, 2017

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What the morning told me

You can have
all the freedom, all the blessing,
all the grace you want —
just don’t try to hoard it

You can be
a changer of the world,
whose outlook
transforms the frames you see —
brings them to alignment
with their essential goodness —
just don’t seek to take the credit

You can know the bliss of oneness,
commune with Allness, dance infinity —
you won’t miss
the things that can’t come with you,
wake up — shake off the dream —
you’ll see.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 18, 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017


Silently, because they have been asked,
the members of my body straighten —
they stretch out from where they’ve been crunched,
find new alignment with each other.
They take up the work of support,
they learn to do their part

So I stand taller,
I find bend and balance,
I find length and strength,
and the air 
flows through me
fuller, deeper

I feel this shape
is more me
than I have been before,
which makes me wonder
what decisions
put us in our former shape
and what awakening
awaits us yet.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 17, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

As it Turned Out

We had rehearsed our story
so many times. We had imagined
great cachet in it, in the moment
we could look back, victorious,
and the eager ears that would
take in our tale

Funny to notice
how little difference
it turned out to make,
how all the dramas we narrated
to ourselves, and to imagined others,
seem irrelevant,
caught up, as we are,
in the constant music,
in the enchanting brightness,
ever unfolding,
of here.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 16, 2017

Saturday, July 15, 2017

New Words

A few steps behind us
as we were leaving
we heard the crash and rumble,
structures falling down

Nothing of it touched us, though,
nor did it touch anyone —
I guess we were all leaving
at the same time

I guess we are arriving
at where we need to be,
and we’ll recognize each other here,
see as we have never seen

We’ll need new words for this,
for how we feel
in this place without dust,
as we find ourselves real.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 15, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Nah, I’m not approaching
some kind of threshold —
no door advances towards me,
no conveyer bears me, willy nilly,
towards a place of change

My progress rather
is like the dawn
and the stately procession
of summer clouds

No reckoning, no tally,
just the roll of days
and the smile of light footfall,
barefoot communion,
electrifying praise.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 13, 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Right Here

Join me in the place
where we never have to prove anything,
never have to measure ourselves
against each other,
so filled up, as we’ll be
in the joy of flying,
streaming in infinity,
exultant in the Allness,
too awestruck to compare.

©Wendy Mulhern

July 12, 2017