Tuesday, May 31, 2016

To the Edge

The heat and the work
burned out all the pettiness —
There was nothing left
for being right or being wrong,
for being better or being worse,
for looking good or foolish.
there was nothing left
for irritation or disappointment,
hardly even anything left for thought

We recovered slowly
as the sun slowly relented,
and the bird song
which had been constant,
we started to notice again,
and gratitude started to flow in,
and affection,
and appreciation
for being in this together
and going out to the very edge
and holding hands
to make sure we would survive.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 31, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016


In time we stopped wishing

we knew someone
who knew the answers,
stopped fearing
we would make terrible, stupid mistakes.
In this place, we are pioneers,
alone in the stature of our own thoughts

As we work
the generous scent of kindness
rises from the land,
blackbirds trill by the pond,
a raven riffs in a nearby forest
while songbirds fill the closer,
lower, places
with their exuberance

What we need to know
will come to us
in the logic of our needs
and in our birthright of belonging.
We find clarity as we listen,
we will fill our place
as surely as all of these.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 30, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Sometimes words are overrated,
sometimes what’s needed
is a closer contact,
the lock of what’s present
between you and me,
side stepping the demand
for coordination
or negotiation

And maybe it’s not time
to be searching for words
as evening settles in steady
and an affectionate cat
pushes and purrs against my lap
while the creek murmurs
and the smell of dinner
wafts from a neighbor’s house

These trees will move in silence
towards darkness,
These cats want to be fed.
Whatever words I may have now
will fall unspoken,
but what’s essential will still be said.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 28, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Where We Live

I love the way our yard is now
with the kiwi vine pushing through the artichoke,
heading up the cherry tree,
with the honeysuckle in full bloom
(rhodies now spent)
and the chickadees flitting back and forth
to their vociferous young

I am happy with the lush greenness
of all the weeds, and the upward insistence
of herbs gone to seed
and the young trees offering young fruits,
feeding us now with hope

I recognize it will be daunting
when we need to bring it all in line,
a task I’ll face next year, perhaps —
for now, for me, it’s fine.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 27, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Maybe the way I seem to need
to be reminded again and again
is not unlike the looping questions
from the old man of the house:

     Where are we?
     How long have I been here?
     When am I going home?

And maybe my Source is just as patient
with the replies, over and over again:

     You are worthy and beloved
     You have always been here
     You are home

And if I soared yesterday
and sink today, even if yesterday, really,
was not that long ago, and I felt sure
I’d never forget it,
I still seem to need reminding:

     You are worthy and beloved
     You have always been here
     You are home.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 25, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Tasks at Hand

If the tasks at hand
seem impossible,
just remember
the voice that tells you so
is not you. It is only
the keeper of boxes, the one
that tries to circumscribe your light,
the one that battles your dissent
with stridency of tone
so you will not keep fighting

The tasks at hand are a gift,
presented to celebrate your capabilities.
You are well able to do them,
and they will show the depth and brilliance
of your being.

The tasks at hand are yours —
Rise up!

©Wendy Mulhern

May 24, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

We Will Laugh

And most importantly,
we will laugh. We will laugh
in the delight of the life window
another’s story provides, we will
laugh in the sweet touch of a compliment,
in the glow of the overflow
of appreciation

We will laugh at lightness, we will laugh
at Taking Ourselves Too Seriously —
not to close anyone out
but to bring them in, to remind them
none of this weighs more
than dandelion fluff, it is all carried
in cushioned tenderness
through the laughing back eddies
of a larger current
which ultimately delivers
that which really matters
to its starting place
in the waiting land.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 23, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Today’s Metaphysics

That which is everywhere
can’t be pushed around,
can’t be forced, can’t be withheld,
can’t be transferred, transmitted or dispensed

That which is everything
can’t be squeezed, or thinned out,
or distorted, can’t be deficient,
can’t be subjugated

That which we are
must exist in the context
of what is everywhere and everything,
forever whole, forever shining bright,
immutable and sovereign as light.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 22, 2016

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just a Story

It’s just a story.
It’s just a story,
and these deep heavings
of vicarious grief
need not possess me
any longer than I choose

It’s a story, and its aftermath
was just a dream, just a dream
accompanied by torments
of the almost sleeper by my side

It all got slept away,
it all got side-stepped
in my midnight insistence
on immunity

So why, in the shadow
of this overcast afternoon,
do I feel the mounting, behind my eyes,
of what would be tears
if they felt sure they had a cause?

Every story must need
to be heard, be felt,
sweep up a community to circle it,
to deliver it down
to where all is resolved
in the peace-deep ever stirring sea.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 21, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I’ve laid my needle down.
From here on out, I will not try
to stitch together separating clouds,
I will not stab
at what I, after all,
have no perspective
to clearly understand

The atmosphere has its own laws —
the vapors move on lines of pressure
I can’t see,
and even clouds with massive gaps between them
are still united in the common sky

As for this poem,
I’m not sure what I even meant,
and so it’s hard to know how it should end.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

At Home

We move in the easy circles
of things we have practiced
without thinking about it,
rounds of companionship and conversation,
movement and sitting still and not talking,
held together in the matrix of the music

It wasn’t always like this,
but maybe now we have learned
enough of our home base,
enough of our center,
that after we disperse,
when we come back,
we’ll find this place again.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 18, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Pause

The afternoon seems quiet.
the sun has slipped away without comment,
the predicted overcast
taking its place silently

The day’s sounds are muted
in the humidity before the cooling.
Birds still sing, and traffic passes,
dogs bark, kids shout

And then the trees begin their comment,
rustle of approaching weather,
and the volume rises.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 17, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Behold the fowls of the air

Let me fly
in the rich provision for my being,
let me take no thought
for what will hold me,
what will glide me
along the subtle billows of the day,
what will deliver me
glowing and fulfilled 
into the calm of evening

Let me take no thought
but let me know it fully,
let my gratitude warble
in a voice much larger than my form
across the land.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 16, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Clearer Sight

When I see you clear, I see
I don’t need to try to change anything,
don’t need to make you see, and then correct
some inner failing. In the light I see 
the shadows drop away, I see
they never had been painted on your being

When I see you clear, your light illumines
doubts within myself, helps them to fade,
so in your light I find my own redemption
as my criticism falls away

And though a rush of voices may rise up
to try to pull my thoughts back to the fray,
my clearer sight will overwhelm their story,
flood out the stridency, let peace prevail.
I lay aside the old urge to be right —
a worn out battle I don’t need to fight.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 15, 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dancing Again

It can be any music.
It hums through me in currents,
exacts its rhythm in whatever wants to move,
asserts its melody, flowing up my arms

Reminding me
what I am made of,
how I am made to be the music,
be the music’s form,
thrummed into full aliveness
in the waves of its chords.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016


This breath will lift you
to the very corners of your being —
nay, for your being is a plane
that extends infinite, far beyond
the page, the canvas

This breath will fill you instantly
although you are infinite —
you will rise at the brim point
of satisfaction, you will fly
in the full power of your wings

For indeed, though your presence
fills the field of all that you can see or know,
you still have locus to express the impulse
of your joy, you still can soar
along the contours of your love.

©Wendy Mulhern

May 13, 2016